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The elderly woman stared at the blouse. "Is that your missing wife's blouse? Then why she hasn't been found yet?"

"Yes, this is the blouse she wore on the day she disappeared in the market," he answered.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

The woman sighed heavily feeling sympathetic to the grieving husband. "I'm so sorry, hope you will find your wife soon," she said sadly.

"Ma'am, thank you very much for taking the time to text me. It means so much to me, we're going home now, it is indeed my missing wife's clothing and I felt so shaken inside right now," he said, tears were shimmering in his eyes.

"Hope, you will find your missing wife soon," said the woman in a compassionate voice.

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"Were heading out now, Ma'am, please locked your gate," John said.

John and Ramon exited the gate and the woman locked the gate from the inside. They did not leave the place right away, they stayed in front of the gate for a few minutes, they surveyed the whole area, the house was a little bit secluded, separated more or less 100 meters from other houses in that area. Outside the gate, the house was surrounded by some big trees.

Ramon was thinking aloud. "If someone threw that black bag inside the lawn then that person must have done it at night or even during day time, since there was no CCTV camera's around this place, it's impossible to locate and identify the person who left the black bag. That person sure knows where Catherine is," he said.

John was checking out the contents of the black bag, there was another piece of paper, he read the handwritten message...

'If you want more of your wife's belonging don't contact the police or else nothing follows... be obedient and more will come...'

John shuts his eyes in frustrations. Who the hell is this mysterious person? What does he want?

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Ramon inspected the blouse and read the message as well, his eyes narrowed. "Is it kidnap for ransom, Boss?"

John shook his head and sighed deeply. "If it's kidnap for ransom, they should have asked for money on the first few days of Catherine's disappearance, but it's over two months already since the day she vanished. Why it takes them so long to ask for ransom? It could have been much better if it's just a simple kidnap for ransom case I will just give them the money they want and get Catherine back, but I guess it's not. And this blouse? What is this for? What are the games they are trying to play here?" so many questions appeared in his mind yet no clear answer can be found.

Ramon was wracking his brain as well on any possible explanation that he can come up with his mind. "One thing is clear, the person who is responsible on this want only two things, either he or she wants to psychologically torture you or give you hope that your wife still alive, and we are back to the same main question. What is the purpose of this blouse? Is it a prelude to the incoming ransom letter to follow or what?"

John released a deep sigh. After two months he finally got a glimpse of something, a sign, about his missing wife and yet it's too mind-boggling to comprehend. He swipes at his phone and called Minerva.

"Hello Sir," answered Minerva.

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"Where are you now?" John asked.

"I'm processing my papers, Sir," replied Minerva.

"Can you drop by at my office sometime this afternoon just for a few minutes? I just want you to identify something for me," asked John.

"Yes no problem, Sir. I will be finished with my appointment after thirty minutes. I will drop by at your office after this," Minerva said.

"Okay, thank you, Minerva, see you in my office," John said and ended the call. He looked at Ramon. "Let's go back to my office now. I want Minerva to identify this blouse as well," he said.

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They entered the vehicle.

Ramon stared at the pouch bag in John's hands. "Aren't we going to inform Police Investigator Morales about the blouse, Boss?"

John shook his head. "No. The person responsible for this clearly stated that no police intervention or else nothing follows, which means, that mysterious person has all intentions to send me more of Catherine's clothing or belongings, that if am not mistaken with my interpretation of his message. If we got the police involved in this, that person might stop sending me anything, I just want to see where all this will lead to? We are not even sure if that person who got Catherine's clothing also got her, there's a possibility that person found these things being dumped somewhere and then he just contacted us to play a prank on us. We did disclose Catherine's attire on the day she disappeared in all the ads, which means half of the entire population of our country already knew what she wore on the day she vanished."

Ramon agreed. "I guess you had a valid point, Boss. How about we checked the blouse for fingerprint?"

"Chances are the fingerprints in this blouse will be that of Catherine, that woman who found the bag, mine and yours as well and who else? I bet that person who organizes this was using gloves to hold these garments, besides I want to wait for more evidence, the more evidence the better," John replied.

Ramon turns the key to start the engine. They left the place heading back to Infinity Jade Tower.

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