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Inside John's office.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Ramon, Romeo, George, Allan, and John, are inside the room, their eyes were glued to the black blouse while Minerva was inspecting the garment inside and out.

"Yes, it's her blouse!" With a serious face, Minerva confirmed the blouse as the one worn by Catherine, it's the blouse that she saw her wearing on the day she disappeared.

The men looked at each other, they got all kinds of question swirling in their mind and they were making speculations in their mind yet hesitant to say anything.


They got her blouse but where is the owner?

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Minerva was visibly shaken, she was able to touch the missing woman's clothing, it felt so surreal! She sat down on the sofa and continues staring at the black garment. What had happened to Catherine all these times? Why her clothes got separated from her body? A horrifying thought crossed her mind, could it be that she was already dead? Oh God! Hope she's wrong, poor Catherine!

Everyone in the room was silent for a while.

Minerva couldn't take it anymore, she gets up and bid goodbye to the men because she needs to go home. "I'm going home now, Sir. Call me anytime if something comes up again," she said.

"Okay, thanks for coming, Minerva," John said.

Still trembling, Minerva exited the office leaving the men to sort things out on their own. The only thing she can do right now is to continue praying for Catherine's safe return.


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That night, John decided to have an impromptu drinking session with his boys in the swimming pool area to know their different analysis and opinions regarding the sudden appearance of Catherine's blouse.

"Okay guys, should we bring the blouse to the police station for safekeeping as evidence?" John asked.

"No, not yet. Based on the handwritten message if the police will get involved in this matter then that person will stop sending more evidence. I believe that the mysterious person can give us more clue on what happened to Catherine if we encourage him or her to continue with his mind games," Romeo gave his opinion.

John was satisfied that his buddy has the same opinion as him.

"Maybe the mystery person will send another evidence on the same house, Boss? I could watch that said house for the meantime," offered Allan.

John nods his head. "Maybe... possible."

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"But if I am that mysterious person, I won't drop another evidence on the same place, chances are there will be someone who will watch over on that house, it's common sense," George interjected.

"If we could catch that person we will be closer to solving Catherine's sudden disappearance," Romeo commented.

"I will no longer feel surprised if there's a ransom note to follow," Ramon added.

John sighed. "I would prepare that they would go-ahead for the ransom thing quickly and not torture me any longer. I would pay them any amount as long I can see back my wife and my unborn child, alive," he said.

Romeo sipped whiskey from his glass. "Hmm, let's go to the next question, when will that mysterious person drop another evidence and where?"

John breathed deeply scratching his head. "That is one million dollar question that has no answer yet. We have no idea who that person is, and we have no clue where he is right now and what is his motive in doing this? If money is not his motivation, then what is it?"

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The men continue drinking whiskey and exchanging ideas and opinions about the sudden mysterious appearance of Catherine's blouse, they discussed absurd ideas, theories, and weird possibilities until midnight and soon after, they dispersed to retire for the night.


Inside the guest room.

Caroline was still wide awake, staring at the new nanny of baby James, she was sleeping soundly beside her in the bed.

Her name is Anna and she was 25 years old and already bore a child at the age of 20, the one who takes care of her 5 years old daughter was her mother-in-law in the province.

There's not much to train the new nanny with because Anna was already a mother, an expert on how to take care of a young infant.

Two weeks from now she will be going back to Cavite City and stay with her mother and younger sibling in her cousin's Grace house. Looking back, she realized how crazy and shameless she acted in these fast few days. Good thing, John was still treating her nicely just like a sister. And she kept her promised to him, she no longer wears sexy clothing, she only wears conservative clothing all the time and seducing her brother-in-law was no longer in her vocabulary. She will try to do the right thing in her remaining days in the Infinity Jade Tower.

Before she will finally leave John's residence, she will beg him to keep everything a secret between them. She doesn't want her mother and her cousin Grace to know about how shameless and slutty her attitude was towards John while working as baby James nanny. She used to think that it would be easy to seduce John because she and her sister were so much alike physically, too bad John's infinite love and devotion to his missing wife was exceptional and solid that even if she offered herself to him several times he still won't budge and that made her admired her brother-in-law the more.

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