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Two weeks later...

John was talking to Allan and George in his office.

"Allan, how was the task I assigned to you? What did you find about Mike?" John asked.

"Boss, I don't think Mike has any connection with Catherine's disappearance. This guy visits gay bars most of the time, trust me he is gay with a handsome face. Then he likes to go on vacation anywhere in the country, if he was the one responsible for Catherine's disappearance, his actions simply don't add up," Allan replied.

John turns his head to George. "How about you? What have you found about Ella?"

George shook his head. "Negative Boss, Ella was currently vacationing with a guy in a rest house in Tagaytay. Based on my analysis, Ella has no connection to Catherine's disappearance."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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John was looking at his bodyguards with a grim expression on his face. "Then let's eliminate Mike and Ella on our suspects' list. From now on stop following them. Let's focus on finding the identity of the mysterious sender of Catherine's blouse. I want you guys to think of many ways how we can capture this person. The sooner we can capture this person the better," he said.

A few minutes later, John dismissed his bodyguards.

He opened his laptop and checked his parent's messages in the messenger.

Hector, John's father come online, they talked using video call.

"Son, what is the update regarding your missing wife? Any positive developments?" asked Hector.

John shook his head sadly. "Negative, Dad," he answered.

"Be strong, son. All these shall pass, you will see your wife soon, let's just continue praying and hoping for her safe comeback," Hector said.

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"I hope so, Dad," John said. "Where is, Mother?" he asked.

"She is doing grocery, she will come home later. By the way, we finally decided to go home anytime these days, we will surprise you, we will only call you on the day of our departure here. See you soon, son," Hector shared the good news to his son.

A bright smile appeared on John's face. He was looking forward to seeing his family again and feel their presence and love, that would be comforting to his grieving heart. "I'm looking forward to seeing you guys, I will ready the place for your coming, you will be staying in Mystic Bay Twin Tower, I remembered mom told me once that she loves to stay in that place facing the ocean," he said.

"That's good, son," Hector said enthusiastically.

"How's the progress of brother Joseph's rehabilitation, Dad?" asked John.

"He was doing good, for once we can really say that he won't relapse again," his dad proudly said.

John and his father were having a pleasant conversation in the next few hours, when Clara John's mother arrives from grocery shopping she joined in their lively conversation.

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That night...

John and Caroline were facing each other in the living room. Tomorrow is Caroline's last day in John's residence.

She fixed her eyes on the floor while John was looking at her downcast face.

Caroline raised her eyes to him pleading for the last time. "Brother John, can you please don't tell my mother and my cousin that I'm behaving badly around you? Can you please keep it a secret just between you and me? I'm really ashamed of what I have done to you. Please, I begged you," she said while tears start forming in her eyes and fell down on her face. She squeezed her eyes shut to stop the tears from falling.

John released a deep sigh. In the last few weeks, Caroline had been true to her promise and he feels sorry for her, being that she was Catherine's blood relative.

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"Okay, I will tell no one about what have you done. As long as you continue behaving, there will never be any problem between us. I will allow you to stay here with us, but the moment I already found your sister you have to go away, she doesn't want you here living with us," John said.

Caroline's eyes brightened. "Y-you mean to say that I no longer have to go away tomorrow, brother John?" she asked again for confirmation, she feels like she just misunderstood his words.

John nodded his head. He realized that it will be a heavy blow on Grace and Thelma's part if he will fire Caroline, it doesn't feel right somehow, one more thing if they knew of Caroline's previous bad intention towards him the more they will be sad and bothered, Catherine's sudden disappearance was already a heavy blow to her family and then Caroline added to the drama, it's too much already, he will just downplay everything, as long Caroline will keep her promise to him then he can tolerate her presence. But if she acted again, that will be the time he has no compassion left for her anymore and fires her.

Caroline was crying with happiness. "Thank you so much, Brother John for giving me another chance!" she smiled brightly at him.

"So, how is Anna? How's her performance in the house and especially around with baby James?" John asked.

"She's doing well. She's an excellent nanny to baby James. With her around, you will feel confident that nothing will go wrong when it comes to baby James's safety. She does all the household chores without complaint, she's a hard worker. I like her," Caroline said.

"That's good. Nice to know that you two get along well together. I'm going to my bedroom now and sleep, you should sleep as well," he said.

John left the living room and entered the master's bedroom to retire for the night. Inside his room, while lying in the bed he wasn't able to sleep right away because he kept staring at Catherine's black blouse which he put in a wooden box. He put the wooden box on the floor and stared at the black garment for a long time until he falls as asleep. 

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