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Three Months have passed after Catherine's disappearance.


Under the discarded bridge, an old man in his late 60's who had a cataract in both eyes was holding his ten years old grandson suffering an illness of vomiting, with no money to pay for the doctor and hospital he can only depend on some herbal medicine growing around the area.

Diarrhea and vomiting reduced his ten years old grandson to bones. But as he'd seen the life starting to fade away from the boy's eyes, a mysterious stranger wearing a black sweatshirt with a hood covering his head and dark sunglasses hiding his eyes, come to him.

"Old man, help will come in a few minutes, just hold on. Now, I want you to do something for me. When those men arrive, give them this green eco bag here, it's a woman's shoes if they will ask who gives you the item just answer them that you have not seen my face clearly, just tell them that somebody drops it in front of you and that person was gone in an instant. Those men will bring you and your grandson to the hospital. Did you understand me?" asked the mysterious man.

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The old man nods his head, he will do anything and everything being asked from him as long any form of help will arrive, with the painful misery he was facing right now, only a miracle from God can save his grandson from dying.

The mysterious man left.

The old man held on to the green eco bag tightly as if it's their only lifeline.

Thirty minutes later.

A vehicle arrived near the dry riverbank, the old man squinted his eyes having a hard time seeing the car due to his defective vision. The silhouette of two men went down and walked towards him.

"Hello Grandpa, do you have something for us, a green eco bag?" John asked.

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"Yes!" the old man replied and eagerly thrust the bag to the men.

"What happened to the boy, Grandpa?" asked Ramon in a worried tone, he looked at the boy's almost lifeless body, very pale and barely breathing.

"His vomiting and having bouts of diarrhea in the last few days, I have no money to pay for the doctor and hospital, I'm afraid my grandson will die today," said the old man in a broken voice, tears shimmering in his eyes.

John looked at the boy's pitiful condition. "Probably it's food poisoning. Ramon, bring the boy to the vehicle right away, we will bring him to the nearest hospital!" he said.

Ramon scooped the boy's body and hurriedly carried him in his arms towards the vehicle.

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"Grandpa, don't worry we will bring the boy to the hospital to save his life. We will return later to give you good news, okay?" John said.

The old man nodded his head smiling brightly. "Thank you very much!"

John extracted some bills from his wallet and gave it to the old man, he went back to the vehicle and they left the place immediately, going to the nearest hospital.

When they arrived at the nearest hospital the boy was given medical attention right away and admitted into the emergency room. The boy lost a lot of fluid in his body due to vomiting and diarrhea and had not eaten properly for a few days, if they come a few minutes late the boy's life could not be saved, according to the attending physician who conducted extensive physical medical check up on the boy.

John and Ramon sat down in the bench outside the emergency room. John was holding the woman's black sandal in his hand, he had to admit to himself that he was not much familiar with Catherine's shoes 'coz she has several pairs already and he wasn't sure if this shoe belongs to her although he'd seen her wearing shoes like the one he was holding in her hand right now, but there's only one person who can identify if the shoes indeed belong to his missing wife.

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Minerva has positively identified Catherine's black blouse and skinny jeans, he was sure she can also identify Catherine's footwear on the day she disappeared.

John looked at his driver. "Ramon, go back to grandpa first, tell him that his grandson was already admitted to the hospital and he's already out of danger and recuperating. Asked for the doctor's permission if you can take a single photo inside the ER, so that the old man can stop worrying and see his grandson being taken good care inside the hospital, tell him that as soon the boy is declared safe and cured by his doctor and ready to go home we will return the boy to him," John conveyed his instruction.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Okay, Boss, I will go now, anything else?" Ramon asked.

"On your way, buy grandpa some food and tell him not to worry about his grandson because he was being taken care of by the doctors, I will shoulder all the hospital bills," John added.

Ramon nodded and left the hospital.

John called Minerva on his phone. "Minerva, if you have free time, can you please drop by at my office tomorrow morning or afternoon which is convenient for you. I have a woman's black sandal shoes here that could belong to Catherine's," John said.

"No problem Sir, I will come to your office tomorrow morning because I still have some documents to process in the afternoon. Can you please take a photo of the sandal and sent it to me right now, I want to see it," Minerva requested.

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