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John placed the sandal on the floor and took several photos using his phone camera and send it to Minerva.

A few moments later.

"It's confirmed, Sir, I was able to clean that shoes several times 'coz it's one of your wife's favorite footwear, but just to make sure, I will drop by tomorrow so that I can see it with my two eyes," she offered.

"Thank you, Minerva, I will appreciate it very much," John murmured while staring at the sandal.

"See you tomorrow, Sir," said the nurse and ended their conversation at her end.

John returned the sandal inside the green eco bag and put it beside him on the bench. He texted George and Allan to come to the hospital immediately.

Twenty minutes later, both Ramon, Allan and George arrived in the hospital at the same time.

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"Ramon, you can brief George and Allan about grandpa and the boy, because from now on they will be the one to handle grandpa and the boy's condition," John said.

Ramon started narrating to his comrades the story on how he received a text message informing them of the eco bag containing a woman's sandal and the condition that if they will help the old man and the boy the mystery guy will return Catherine's cell phone next. So they located the old man and the boy under the abandoned bridge outside the outskirt of the city and the rest was history.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Boss, grandpa was afflicted with cataract in both his eyes, he has difficulty seeing even during day time. He told me that he was already abandoned by his family in the province so he comes here in the city to beg for food and alms. Then he meets this street kid who he fondly calls his grandson, they develop a close bond towards each other and they'd been living together like real relatives ever since," Ramon explained.

John was listening to Ramon's tale and his mind was already working for a solution to help the old man and the boy for the long term. "George, I want you to accompany the boy here in the hospital every day. Let me know of any bills and expenses, I will take care of it," he said.

"Okay Boss," George replied.

John shifted his attention to Allan. "I want you to checked on the DSWD if they can still accept the boy. Afterward, go to the home for the aged and asked if they can accept another homeless abandoned grandpa under their care. Once the boy is already discharged he needs to be brought into the DSWD center and then I want grandpa to have his cataract removed by cataract surgery. After his recovery, we will send him to the home for the aged. We can't send them back to the streets or else the same problem may occur again. Allan, I will give you the task to convinced grandpa that the boy has a better chance surviving and improving his life if he will be under the care of the DSWD staff and you also need to convince him that it's better to stay in the home for the aged rather than in the harsh conditions of the streets."

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Both Allan and George nodded their head ready to fulfill the task assigned to them.

"Guys, I want you to report to me daily all the developments about grandpa and the boy," John said.

George's brows furrowed. "Boss, why would you go the extra mile to help the homeless man and the boy?" he asked all of a sudden.

"Because they badly needed help and besides it's one of the requirements of the mysterious guy. The next item he will send us will be Catherine's cell phone," explained John.

Ramon cough a little. "This mystery guy is not asking money for himself but willing to help others? Hmm, his personality sounds odd and interesting to me," he commented.

John agreed. "His motive is indeed complicated to guess and understand. But the more he will release Catherine's belongings the more we will understand what his purpose in all this."

They become silent for a few seconds staring at one another.

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"Ramon, bring Allan to grandpa so that they will become acquainted with each other," John commanded. "I will wait for your return and then will go home."

"Okay Boss," Ramon looked at Allan. "Let's go!"

John accompanied George to the office of the boy's doctor. Then he introduced George to the doctor so that from that moment onward he will be the one to handle the boy's medical matters on his behalf.


The following day.

Minerva arrived at John's office at 9:00 in the morning.

John removed the pair of black sandal from the eco bag and handed it to Minerva for inspection.

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The nurse examined the shoes for a few minutes, it indeed belongs to Catherine. "Sir John, I can positively confirm with the best of my knowledge that this pair of shoes truly belong to your missing wife," Minerva said.

John released a deep sigh. He already got her blouse, her jeans, and her shoes back. What he wanted to happen right now was for his wife to return to his side immediately, unfortunately, he has no idea where she was right now.

"Thank you, Minerva. I'm sorry for disturbing you a lot of times," he said.

"No problem, Sir John, I'm willing to extend my help in any way I can to help find Catherine, call me anytime if there's another additional item to identify. I'm going now, Sir, please take care of yourself." Minerva bid farewell to John.

John nods her head, he didn't bother to hide the pain and sadness in his eyes.

Minerva exited the room feeling pity for her former employer.

In the office. John was left alone in the room staring at the pair of sandal in the floor. He let the tears of frustrations and longing for his missing wife fall down his face. Hoping that his tears can wash away the tormenting sorrow he felt inside.

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