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Two days later.

In a sleepy neighborhood, a thousand miles away from the heart of the city, the lights were still burning brightly inside the house made of wood. The house was situated far from its closest neighbors.

The 24 years old man, has just finished studying and ready to sleep. He was about to turn off the light in the living room when the door suddenly opened. He already knew who the visitor was at 1:00 in the morning.

The man entered the house, he wore a black jacket and a hat over his head, he advances into the living room and dumped his backpack on the sofa. He looks tired from a long journey and his face was unshaven. "Do you still have some food left in there, Arnold?" he asked the younger man.

"Yes. I have some fried fish for my dinner and there's still some leftover, wait, I will prepare the table for you, brother," Arnold replied.

He went to the kitchen and placed some plates, fork, and spoon, put some rice into the plate and served it with the remaining five pieces of fried fish, he put some chili and soy sauce in a small bowl. "Brother, the table is ready!" he shouted.

Rico appeared in the kitchen and sat down on the chair and began eating while his younger brother was looking at him intently.

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"How's your study?" Rico asked.

"I'm doing good, busy studying as always," Arnold replied.

"Keep it up!" said Rico. "No girlfriend yet?" Rico asked again.

Arnold shook his head. "I have no time for ladies, I always study hard!"

"Good boy! I also have no time for ladies, none of us should enter in a relationship with women unless you finish your law degree course, that is what we agreed upon, right?"

Arnold nodded his head. "Yeah right," he responded.

"By the way, how did you dispose of the stuff I left in your hands?"

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"D-did you mean the woman's clothing and personal belongings?"

Rico nodded his head.

"I followed your instruction, I poured gasoline all over it and burned it, nothing was left behind only the ashes," he lied.

"That's good! I will sleep for a few hours then I will leave again before the break of dawn. Here's some money for you," Rico said, he hand over several thousand peso bills to his younger brother. "That's two months worth of tuition for you my dear brother. I never knew a Law degree is so expensive here in our country!"

Arnold rubbed his eyes with his fingers feeling so sleepy. "I can always stop my schooling brother, just tell me if you are already tired sending me to school," he suggested.

Rico shook his head vigorously. "No! Two years left to go and you're done with your schooling. Just hang on there, we can make it. Before father and mother died, they always love to have a son who is a lawyer. Too bad, they died too soon before one of their children become a lawyer. I promised on their grave that I will send you to school and make a lawyer out of you. At least one of us can fulfill that promise, between the two of us you are the smarter one, so you are most suited to become a lawyer," he gazed at his sibling fondly.

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"Don't worry brother, I will study hard so that I can fulfill our parent's wishes," Arnold said.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"That's good! Make our parents proud in heaven. I will rest now and sleep," Rico stood up and left the kitchen to enter the unused vacant bedroom on the right side of the kitchen.

Arnold followed his brother inside the room and whispered something into his ears. "How's the woman?"

Rico faced his brother. "What woman you are talking about?" he said in an audible voice.

Arnold whispered again. "The woman you abducted?"

"Excuse me, I did not abduct that woman, it was my other companion! I'm just hired to watch over the entrance of that house and then instructed by our leader to dispose of her belongings, that's all my involvement in this case. I didn't personally kidnap her!" he vehemently denied in a low voice.

"But my brother, you are still an accessory to kidnapping!" Arnold argued.

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"Shhh! Lower your voice! Let's not argue over this matter. This job comes with high pay and it's enough to pay your entire one-year tuition in law school, so don't complain, and keep your mouth shut, do you understand, brother?" Rico glared at his busybody sibling.

"I do understand, just please tell me, was she still alive and her unborn baby?" Arnold asked.

"Yes, they are still alive. Go now!" he shoved his brother gently out of the room.

"Where did you guys hide the woman?" Arnold asked curiously.

"None of your business!" Rico closed the door on his brother's face and proceed to sleep in the bed. Tomorrow he has to go back to that far away place that he guarded. He closed his eyes and fall asleep soundly after five minutes.

While in the kitchen, after washing the dishes in the sink, Arnold was ready to retire for the night. He went back to the living room to turn off the light. Then his eyes landed on his brother's backpack, out of curiosity he opened it and inside he saw 2 big cans of milk intended for a pregnant woman, then some folate vitamins for an expectant mother!

He shook his head in puzzlement, his brows furrowed together. He closed the backpack, proceed to turn off the light and retired in his room to sleep. 

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