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~Forbes Park~

Oscar was staring at his daughter.

Ella's head was downcast, she was ashamed to see his father's face.

Oscar stood up and glanced outside the window of his study room, the atmosphere outside was very hot while inside his study room it's refreshingly cool.

"You stay with Danny for almost two months, not only you fail to get the land you also become pregnant with his child? What do you think I will feel my daughter?" he said, his face went blank, but not angry though.

Ella's eyes welled up. "Are you angry, Dad... that I got pregnant?"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Oscar faced his daughter. "On the contrary, I'm not. If you are underage and got pregnant I would be very angry, but you are already an adult woman, it's your choice, it's your life. I won't condemn you for your mistake. What I'm asking now is what is your plan with the baby? Raise the baby on your own being a single mom or marry Danny?"

Ella sighed. She lived with Danny in the rest house to get the land yet, in the end, he still won't give it to her. She got upset with him and left him in the rest house last night. He was begging for her to reconsider to continue staying with him, he would be willing to marry her and raised a family with her. She had to admit to herself that she enjoyed his company very much, and their lovemaking was always spectacular. But she was upset with him as well because he still won't give her the land. He accused her once that she only sleeps with him because she wanted him to donate the land to her project. Well, he was partly right, she comes to him for two reasons, she wants him all of him and his land as well, she wants the complete package!

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"Dad, I will raise the baby on my own, but I could not work, would you still willing to take care of me and the baby? There will be another mouth to feed," she said, feeling ashamed.

Oscar smiled fondly at his daughter. "Of course, I'd been taking good care of you and providing everything you need since you were young and now that you are going to become a mother I will continue taking care of you especially my grandchild growing in your womb, we are family and family stick together," he replied.

Ella hugged her father tightly. "Thank you so much, Dad! You're the best father in the world!" she beamed feeling relieved that her father did not condemn her actions.

A gentle knocking on the door can be heard inside.

"Come in," Oscar said.

The housemaid entered the room to inform them that Danny and his father was downstairs, they would like to talk with Ella's father.

"Let them in, I will be waiting for them here," Oscar said.

The housemaid exited the room to bring the visitor to the study room.

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Ella rose to her feet about to go out. "Talk to them, Dad. I will just go upstairs and rest in my room."

Oscar blocked her daughter's path. "Don't run away from the situation. I want you and Danny to have a heart to heart talk. Talk like two mature adults!"

Ella sat back on the sofa.

A moment later, Romano and Danny entered the study room.

Oscar and Romano beamed at each other.

Danny sat beside Ella on the sofa, his eyes were softening with the sight of his ladylove.

Oscar and Romano stared at each other's face communicating silently. They exited the study room to give their children a chance to have a serious talk to each other.

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Ella was quiet, not daring to look at Danny. "Why are you here?"

Danny sighed. "Of course, wherever you are and our baby I will also be there, we are family," he replied softly. He attempted to hold her hand she resisted at first, but eventually, she relented when he become persistent. He brought her hands to his lips.

"Stop running away, okay? I love you and you know it, why can't you give us a chance? Let's get married, I want our baby to grow up in a happy environment surrounded by loving parents," he said, his voice thick with emotion.

Ella bit her lower lip.

"I know that you don't fully love me yet, but whatever small affection you have for me I want to nurture that feeling you have for me. I think it's enough to start a family," Danny said.

She raised her eyes to him, feeling drawn by the sincerity of his voice.

"Close your eyes, babe, I have a surprise for you!" he said.

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Ella hesitated for a minute but she obeyed his command and closed her eyes. She can feel that he put some paper in her hands.

"Open your eyes now," he said.

When she opened her eyes and inspected the documents, it's a land title. "What's this?"

Danny cupped her face lovingly. "The land is my wedding gift to you, the piece of land that brought us together and from then on forward our love story will blossom. The land is yours from now on. You are free to do anything with it," he said.

Ella's face sparkled with a megawatt smile. "Thank you so much, Danny!"

She hugged him tightly.

"So, when are you going to marry me?" he asked eagerly.

"Tomorrow if you want," she said, tears of happiness were streaming down her face.

"We will have a beautiful wedding for sure but not tomorrow, it's too rush. We all have the time in the world to plan our wedding. I want all our family to be there witnessing our beautiful union," Danny said.

Ella nodded her head feeling happy. "I will marry you anytime anywhere," she said sweetly. She was gradually falling in love with Danny and she's not stupid and dumb to prolong their separation. She can have both worlds and she's a lucky woman. Danny is sweet, loving, very romantic and great in bed. What more can she ask for?

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