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"Babe, I just want to ask you something, why are you so persistent in helping those people that were a stranger to you? Can you please make me see the reason why? Can you enlighten me? Because I want to understand your vision so that I can help you in whatever you are planning for them," he said. Since he was marrying Ella, he might as well get to the bottom of her obsession towards the relocation project. He was going to marry a kind, compassionate and driven woman, he just wants to support her all the way.

Ella smiled fondly at Danny. She loves it that he's now willing to explore her world and gladly become part of it.

"I just want to help them, I dunno why. I called it an awakening! I just wake up one day and realized that I wanted to help them badly. You have to go with me, I will show you why. Those children in the slum and their pitiful condition will pull on your heartstrings. Let's go!" she dragged him playfully out of the study room to bring him to the slum.

On their way downstairs, Oscar and Romano looked up to see their children walking down the stairs holding hands, happiness was glowing in their faces.

Oscar smiled. "Where are you going, kids?"

Ella smiled broadly at her father. "We're going on a date to plan our wedding," she giggled when she caught her father raised an eyebrow the moment Danny kissed her forehead.

Romano winked at his son. "Enjoy kids!

Oscar and Romano continue having an engaging conversation in the living room, talking animatedly on how they can take part in the children's incoming wedding.

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~Ninoy Aquino International Airport~

John, Romeo, and Ramon were inside the waiting area to wait for the arrival of John's parents and his brother.

Thirty minutes later...

Hector, Clara, and Joseph entered the arrival area. John waved at them excitedly.

The family was hugging each other, their hearts were filled with gladness

of seeing each other again.

For a while, John felt good upon seeing his family again after a long time of separation. They chatted merrily for a few minutes.

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After all the baggage were placed in the car's compartment, they all boarded the vehicle to leave the airport. The vehicles were moving away from the airport's vicinity, they were heading to Infinity Jade Tower for a sumptuous dinner, then after dinner, the new arrivals will proceed to the Mystic Bay Twin Tower to rest and settle in their new home.

When John's entourage arrived in the Jade Tower, they met Caroline, the spitting image of John's missing wife.

Clara and Hector waste no time in getting acquainted with their grandson. They play with the infant truly enamored with him.

While Caroline was looking at John's parents, Joseph, the brother of John was also openly staring at Caroline.

Their eyes met for a brief second, Caroline dropped her gaze.

John called his family's attention to the dining room to start eating dinner and they specifically requested Caroline to join them.

Anna holds the baby in her arms in the living room.

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Caroline was feeling awkward surrounded by strangers, she was sandwiched between John and his brother Joseph, while Romeo, Clara, and hector were sitting across them.

The family chatted and laughed merrily. They had a lively conversation going on while Caroline kept her mouth shut afraid to say anything stupid in front of John's intimidating family.

One hour later, dinner was finally over to Caroline's relief. The family retired into the living room, while Caroline and Anna were tidying the dining room and washed the dishes.

In the living room, Hector and Clara were enjoying their time bonding with their grandson, they were spellbound by baby James charm. While the sibling, Joseph and John were just contented watching them.

After a while, John stood up and headed to the swimming pool area, his brother followed him.

"How's life abroad, bro?" John asked his brother, they sat on the lounge chair beside the pool.

"Very nice. I like living there, I love the freedom," Joseph replied.

Then the brothers were swallowed by complete silence. They were never close to each other in the first place but they were always civil to each other.

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"You already had a ready-made wife," Joseph commented all of a sudden.

John brows furrowed, puzzled by his sibling's weird remark. "Huh?"

"That Caroline who looks exactly like your missing wife, was she a standby replacement just in case you will never find your missing wife again?" Joseph replied.

John breathed deeply. "I'm not that kind of guy, brother. I would never betray my wife's back with her sister," he denied.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Joseph smirked. "Let see. But she does look like your wife, weren't you even tempted to bed her even once, especially that you're wife was still missing until now?" he asked.

John tried to ignore his brother's malicious stare and innuendo. "No."

A wicked smile appeared on Joseph's face. "So, can I play with your sister-in-law?"

John sighed and throw his brother a dark look. "Don't even try! Find another woman to play with! Just not my wife's sister!" he gritted his teeth. He knew that his brother was a man-whore, he felt protective of Caroline all of a sudden.

Joseph shakes his head in amusement.

"That look you have in your eyes brother, it tells me that you are jealous, are you afraid that I will take away your woman? I mean your sister-in-law? I thought you have no romantic interest towards her?" Joseph pressed his brother's button a bit too far. 

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