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John ignored his brother's sarcasm.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Why are you so selfish and greedy brother? You already have taken Dahlia away from me now that I like something from you, you are not going to give it to me? How selfish can you be?" said Joseph.

John stared at his brother, bewildered. Now they were back to the situation they were nine years ago.

Joseph glared at his brother. "I meet Dahlia first, we were an item but you came into the picture and took her away from me," he continues reminiscing about their past grudge to each other.

"It's not my fault that Dahlia chose me over you, brother," John defended himself.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, because you are the good son and the sober one compared to me? That bitch deserved death because she chose you over me!" a devilish gleam appeared in Joseph's eyes.

John released a deep sigh. They were back the way they were arguing over the past. He thought his brother already forgotten everything, he was wrong. Joseph hated him because of Dahlia. When Dahlia was still alive, he never wanted to come between his brother and her. Joseph courted Dahlia but they were never an item because she had taken a liking on him instead. He tried his best to avoid Dahlia but she pursued him relentlessly and they become lovers resulting in his brother's annoyance and chagrin, their sibling relationship started going sour because of one woman. Until now, even if Dahlia already died and buried fifteen feet under, still his brother can't get over his hatred towards him.

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"You know why your wife got missing?" asked Joseph.

John gave his brother a cold stare. "What does my missing wife got to do with us?"

Joseph grinned from ear to ear. "Because Karma finally caught up with you! How does it feel when you lose someone you love? What you feel right now is what I feel after you and Dahlia entered into a relationship. You two killed me! I plunged deeper into my addiction to drugs because I want to forget the pain of seeing the woman I love going to marry my brother!" he gnashed his teeth in anger.

With a heavy heart, John looked at his brother one last time before leaving the pool area, shaking his head.

John went to the living room, he smiled brightly upon seeing how happy his parents were spending quality time with baby James.

"Where is Joseph?" Clara asked.

"He is in the pool area, Mom, enjoying the city's skyline. We were just having a brotherly conversation," John replied.

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Hector smiled at his grandson. "Baby James, grandpa and grandma will return tomorrow, okay? For now, we have to rest because jet lag is very tiring. See you tomorrow, my little one," he nuzzled the baby's chubby cheeks before returning the infant to Anna.

A smiling Joseph comes into the living room.

"Let's go now, I want to rest and sleep," Hector said.

John and his family left the building and boarded the vehicle going to Mystic Bay Twin Tower.


Inside the two-bedroom condo unit in the Mystic Bay Twin Tower. John helped his parents unpack things and putting their clothes in the closets.

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John looked at his parents. "I'm glad you're finally home now, Mom and Dad!" he hugged them one by one. His heart filled with delight, somehow the sadness and loneliness he felt due to the disappearance of his wife was reduced by the soothing effect of his families loving presence.

"We're glad we are back home too, son!" Clara and Hector responded in unison.

John holds his mother's hand and escorted her towards the door. "I will take you on a short tour inside the condo unit, Mom!" he offered.

Mother and son exited the bedroom while Hector preferred lying down in the bed to rest.


John opened the guestroom and saw Joseph lying in the bed preparing to sleep. They decided not to disturb Joseph.

They went to inspect the kitchen, the dining room, and living room.

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Clara loves the spectacular view of the ocean in the living room. "Wow, what a lovely view!" she murmured.

"This is Catherine's favorite view, Mom," he blurted all of a sudden, sadness was flashing in his eyes.

Clara saw the pain and sorrow in her son's eyes and her heart goes out to him.

They sat down on the sofa facing the ocean.

"How is the progress of the investigation? No positive news yet regarding your missing wife's whereabouts?" Clara asked.

John's shrugged his shoulders in defeat. He failed miserably in finding his wife. He felt so hopeless, useless, frustrated and weary to the bones.

Clara rubbed her son's back wanting to share his burden. She was short of words to say to him that could lessen his pain. "Let's keep praying, my son. God saw your suffering, he will deliver happiness to you soon. Let's just stay positive all the time and believe in his compassion and kindness, okay?" she said cheerfully.

John nodded his head, he still has faith in God, he will keep holding on to his faith that God will take pity on him and return his missing wife to his side, one day.

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