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~Infinity Jade Tower~

Joseph entered the main door of his brother's dwelling.

"Hi Caroline," he greeted the woman.

Caroline raised her head and returned the visitors greeting. "Hi, Sir Joseph!" she responded and returned her attention to the baby.

Joseph was watching Caroline while she was feeding baby James with the bottled baby milk. She was quiet and shy. He's been visiting this place five days already, he finds her beauty captivating. Too bad, she won't even look at his face for even a few seconds.

"Do you have a romantic relationship with my brother?" he asked directly.

Caroline's forehead creased. "Huh?" she glanced at him.

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He was staring at her maliciously. "Don't deny it, while my brother's wife was missing you two were already romantically or shall we say sexually attracted to each other? Am I right?"

Caroline's face went crimson red. "No! We don't have that kind of relationship!" she vehemently denied.

Joseph smirked. "But you like my brother, eh? It's all over your face, dear Caroline," he said, with all the intention to taunt and provoke her to confess her inner feelings.

"It's none of your business whom I like!" Caroline retorted back.

Joseph smiled with satisfaction gleaming in his eyes. "Have you two guys have sex together? How many times per week since your sister's disappearance?"

Caroline was furious. "Stop accusing me and your brother of something that we never do!" she was glaring at him.

Joseph only smiled broadly at her. "But if your sister can no longer be found and my brother will ask you to marry him, would you be willing to marry him?" he was studying her reaction to his question. Then Caroline's face began to soften a bit, aha, this girl had a romantic fantasy on my brother! he said to himself.

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When Caroline discovered that he was watching her face intently, the expression on her face automatically turned into annoyance. "You're crazy!" she told him.

Joseph roared in laughter. "You never knew the extent of my craziness! I can even eat you alive!" he joked.

Caroline breathed deeply. John has a crazy brother and right now he was trying to provoke her mercilessly. The best thing to do is completely ignore him, if she ignores him then he might get bored and stop playing with her emotion.

Joseph was silent for a moment studying Caroline's face.

"Kidding aside, you have no desire to shag my brother?" he asked.

She throws daggers at him. "I tried but I failed, your brother is very loyal to my sister! So, enough of this topic! I'm done fantasizing about your brother, so please stop accusing me!" she released a deep sigh. All of a sudden, she felt sad because she carelessly revealed something private to him.

And it's what Joseph has been waiting for, her confession. "Now, you're talking! It is surprising to me that my brother refused your advances? Really? You looked exactly like your sister because you were identical twins. If I were him, I won't refuse your offer. If he can no longer find his missing wife then he can always have you as his wife's replacement and damn you are even willing! My brother is indeed dumb! How can't he even see your true worth and potential?"

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Caroline looked at Joseph with a perplexed look. "Stop harassing me, Joseph!" she kept glaring at him.

Joseph widened his eyes. "Huh? I'm not harassing you, am complimenting you. It used to be Sir Joseph and now, you just called me, Joseph? How convenient, eh?"

"You don't deserve to be called, Sir!" Caroline said.

Joseph laughed feeling amused. "Whatever! So, why don't we go out together? You and I, we will paint the town red. If my brother refused your generous offer, I will not do that to you, I won't humiliate you. I will make you my one and only Queen, will you consider my offer?" he said winking at her.

Caroline stared angrily at him. "Even if the world ends I will never go out with you! Character-wise, you will never be a match to your brother!"

Man! that was an insult that Joseph doesn't tolerate well! His eyes reduced to a narrow slit, anger evaporating from his eyes, then slowly his face return to its playful state. He won't lose control in front of this trashy woman. On the other hand, it would be nice if he can make Caroline like him. The agony of his brother would be so great upon seeing him enjoying a steamy and romantic relationship with his missing wife's look-alike that he rejected, while his brother will forever mourn of his wife's disappearance, in the end he 'Joseph the great' will end up with the sister who was the exact replica of his brother's wife and it will be John's agony every time he saw his sibling happy with her wife's spitting image!

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It's your lose brother and it's my gain, I will never allow you to be happy with any woman! he said to himself.

Joseph edges closer to Caroline, almost invading her space.

"Stay away from me!" she shouted at him. She stood up abruptly and sat on the other side of the sofa.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

He smiled diabolically at her. "Don't play too hard to get, sooner or later you will end up in my arms whether you like it or not," he winked at her.

"Never! Over my dead body!" she snaps angrily at him.

Joseph grinned from ear to ear thoroughly enjoying her discomfort. "Why not? You are single and I'm single. What is there not to like about me? I'm rich and handsome as well. It's your great fortune that you caught my fancy, I could give you everything if you are willing to be my woman," he said confidently.

Caroline snorted. "You like stroking your ego, eh?"

Joseph laughed again. "I'm not stroking my ego, I'm just telling you the truth."

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