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Caroline glanced up to the ceiling and rolled her eyes.

"So, what is your plan? How long you are going to stay on my brother's side, siphoning his kindness?" he changed the topic.

"I will stay as long your brother allows me, when he already found my sister I will resign from my job being baby James nanny and find another job," she answered.

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"No need to find another job, I can make you my woman and drape your beautiful neck with jewelry and I will give you a life of luxury," he was trying to impress her.

Caroline laughed this time. "You must be dreaming, Joseph. As far as I know, it's your brother who is the business genius and the brilliant mind behind your family's impressive fortune while your job is to waste the money he earned with his hard work. You really have nothing under your name, you're just a mosquito standing above the cow's back, without your brother you are nothing!" now it's her time to taunt him. Based on the grim reaction of his face upon hearing her statement, she won this round.

She studied his expression for a few seconds and saw dark emotions hovering on the surface of his face.

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Joseph's eyes darken, his eyes were spitting fire of anger towards Caroline. This woman hit the nail to her coffin. He will make sure she will pay big for insulting him. Dahlia also belittles him in the fast and praises his brother's achievements and rubs it on his face, which made him so angry. It's always been his brother who is the best! As long his brother is alive, he will always be nothing compared to him. Women always prefer his brother over him. He will punish any woman whom his brother will end up with as his punishment for him for taking away his beloved Dahlia.

The longer he looked at Caroline the more he wanted to throttle her. He now finds her infuriating.

"We're not done yet, Caroline my dearest. One day, you will beg for my mercy and you will regret everything that you said to me, remember this night! Everything you said to me I will shove it down on your throat a hundred times. You have the nerve to belittle me? When it's your family who is dirt poor who benefited my brother's generosity the most, me, I am a blood relative to my brother while you and your sister, what have you done for my brother? You and your sister are only good in spreading your legs wide for my brother, that's what you are good at! Jeez, my brother must be so dumb to settle with a family of gold-digger sisters! And you're the most shameless of them all, trying to seduce my brother without any feeling of shame and guilt to think that your twin sister was still missing out there! You are a despicable whore!" he shouted angrily at her.

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Oh my!

Joseph blew off his cool!

Caroline's eyes watered and widen with his explosive remarks. But she pressed her mouth shut. The more she will flame his anger the more he won't stop. He just retaliated due to her insult and if she opens her mouth and says something bad to him again, that would only anger him. She decided to keep quiet and hope he will go now and never return. John's brother is a complete psycho. Something is menacing about Joseph's personality. She'd better avoid him, from now on.

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Joseph stood up and smiled with pleasure at Caroline as if the arguments they have earlier didn't even take place. "I will go now. Nice chatting with you. You're fun to talk with my sister-in-law, I truly enjoyed our lively bantering earlier, and such a feisty woman you are! See you soon!" he smirked at her before he exited the main door. Outside the door, Joseph paused for a moment, Caroline is a woman that is worth torturing because she's too arrogant and too proud of herself. He didn't like the way she insulted him as if she was any better to compare to him, he entered the elevator, and a devilish smile appeared on his lips.

Caroline released a sigh of relief. He's gone! Thank God!

According to her observation, John is the good son, Joseph is the wolf in sheep's clothing. The bother's attitudes were so vastly different from each other. Or maybe, she hit Joseph's weakest spot that's why he goes ballistic with his remarks. And he has a point though, she and her sister were dirt poor, without John's financial help her families will nowhere to turn to and forever live in the confinement of poverty.

John was their savior and she was once wanting to make him a sinner by seducing him because of her selfish reasons, she was thoroughly ashamed of her past action. But she's a reformed person now, she might not be able to change her sinful action in the past but in the future, she can make things right.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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