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A moment later, Mike arrived in the hotel, he entered the entrance and scanned for his mother in the lobby. He found her beautiful mother looking forever young busy browsing on her tablet, he sits down on the sofa beside his her and kissed her cheeks. "Happy Birthday, Mom!"

"Thank you, son, that you did not make me wait for a long time. Where have you been all day long?" she asked, examining his face fondly.

"I'm just chatting with some of my classmates in college in a nearby resto-bar, you know, getting together. I left them there just to be with you, mother dear!" Mike said. He and his mother doesn't always go out together. His mother must have been very lonely being a widow for a long time. From now on he will remind himself to have a dinner date or go on a holiday vacation with his mother at least once or twice a month.

"Okay, let's go now to the restaurant," Susan said.

They entered the elevator that would take them to the restaurant on the 20th floor.

A few minutes later, they finally settled into their table comfortably, from they were seated they can see the entire view of the Makati City Skyline. Everywhere you look the colorful display of lights were dazzling and spectacular. It's during night time that the whole city was submerged in magical brightness, simply mesmerizing and amazing, the breathtaking view from above can make anyone speechless.

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"Fantastic view, Mom!" Mike exclaimed.

Susan smiled broadly at her son. "Marvelous indeed!" she agreed.

During the dinner, they will be served with a seven-course meal. Finger foods were being served first, then the soup, and salad next, the main course will follow, then a light food offering, a dessert and then the after drink.

The mother and son were thoroughly enjoying their dinner. Mike was narrating to his mother about some of his funniest escapades during his adventures in his numerous vacation abroad.

The main course was finally served which consist of Teriyaki Salmon Fillet Don, Black Pepper Beef and Spicy Garlic Prawn.

Susan and Mike were eating the sumptuous meal and their conversation was lively, the foods were delicious and tasty. They were sipping the after drink which is the brandy in a wine glass. Out of the corner of her eyes, Susan recognized someone sitting with a group of people on the other table! The more she stared at his face the more she realized who it was, it's no other than Hector! OMG, his face didn't change much through the years! He was still the same good looking guy she falls in love in her early 20's.

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She kept staring at him, finally, their eyes met!

The guy ignored her at first.

Then, later on, he also kept glancing back at her.

"Mom, what are you looking at?" Mike asked.

"Nothing son," Susan answered. Now and then she would glance at the guy's face. She noticed that he stood up heading for the restroom. She rose to her feet as well to follow him. "Son, I will go to the restroom," she said. She walked briskly following Hector to the restroom, her heart was beating fast!

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She found him waiting outside the men's room.

"Hector! It's you! Finally, after a long time, we met each other again!" Susan smiled brightly at the guy that was her first love.

Hector smiled back at Susan. "Nice seeing you again, long time no see! How are you? Are you already married and how many children do you have?" he asked.

"I married once and my husband died. We're only blessed with one child, a son," she replied. "And how about you?"

"You know that I'm already married when we met way back. My wife finally bore me a child, I have my two sons with me, have you seen them?" he said.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Susan saw a woman and two men in the table, probably his wife and his two sons. Her face turned serious. "W-which of them was our s-son?" she whispered.

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"Shhh... lower your voice! I thought you would no longer ask about him. We have an agreement that the moment you give me the child for adoption you will forget that you have a son with me. You already waived your rights on him a long time ago," Hector said.

Tears shone in Susan's eyes. "I know. But I'm getting older now. I want to get to know my son with you. I want to meet him. Hector please, introduce me to him. I beg you!"

Hector sighed. "Susan, I also begged you not to disturb my family's peaceful life. My wife didn't know that we had an affair. She only knew that the baby was left by someone outside our rented marital home, that's all she knows. Our son was showered with love and taken care of by my wife as her son. I don't want to destroy what we have right now. Please, just forget that we meet today," Hector said.

Susan was near to being hysterical. She had waited for this moment for a long time, now that it's finally happening, she's not going to let this golden opportunity pass by. "Please, let's meet some other day, Hector. Please give me your number," she begged him.

Hector has no plan to give Susan his number. "I'm sorry Susan, I have to go back now to the table or else they will wonder what take me so long. Bye Susan," he said sadly.

"Please call me if you have free time, I still want to talk to you about our son, pleaseee," she begged. She immediately placed her calling card in his hand, he slipped it in his trousers pocket.

Hector looked at her one last time with a faint smile on his lips then he turned around and walked briskly towards the dining area, into the arms of his waiting family.

Susan was on the verge of sobbing, some tears already escaped from her eyes. She wanted to meet the son that she had given up a long time ago. It's not too late yet! She wanted to meet him and know him before she will leave this earth. It's been her last wish.

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