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Susan entered the women's powder room and retouches her make up that was marred by her tears. She composed her frayed nerves inside one of the cubicles and exited only after feeling better. She walked back to the dining area passing Hector's table, as she passes by, she memorized their faces, especially the two men on Hector's side. If Hector won't allow her to meet her son, she will find the way. She had no plans to destroy his marriage, she just wants to meet her son with Hector, see her son face to face and hear his voice. Maybe one day Hector would cooperate with her and she will be able to hug her son for the very first time. It's every mother's wish.

Susan sat down on the chair, Mike lifted an eyebrow.

"What took you so long in the restroom, Mom?" Mike asked curiously.

Susan sighed. "I met my old classmate in college in the restroom. We have chatted and we're reminiscing about our college life. We got carried away and didn't notice the time. I'm sorry, son," she said.

Mike smiled fondly at his mother. "It's okay, Mom, it's no big deal."

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Susan glanced at the next table. She noticed that Hector already avoided her gaze. She felt sad that he has no plan of introducing her to their son. She can't blame him at all, he was just trying to protect his family fearing that his wife will discover that at some point in time his good husband was having a love affair with his secretary and got her pregnant. Her wife didn't know that the son she was raising as one of her own was the child of his husband to another woman. Hector will suppress the truth from coming out to preserve his family intact.

She will try to uncover the truth about her son without Hector's knowledge. She doesn't want to create a mess or destroy a family, all she wanted was to know the truth. For the meantime, she will focus on finding who among Hector's son was her son. One day, if time allows, she will force Hector to introduce her to their son in a discreet manner without his wife knowing it. She's willing to wait for many years as long she will be acknowledged by her son one day.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Hector and his family started leaving the table, they were going out of the dining area and probably going home. She wanted to trail them from behind but Mike might start asking questions.

She had an idea!

She stood up heading for the restroom again, from there she called his driver and instructed him to find out the vehicle plate number of the car of the four people that would get out of the entrance of the hotel. She describes their clothing and their appearances to the driver, and then she also instructed the driver to trail them wherever they go. She wanted to know Hector's house.

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A moment later, she was back in the table.

Mike was frowning now, finding her mother's actions weird. "Mom, why do you keep going to the restroom? Is your tummy hurting?"

Susan sighed and shook her head. "No, I'm okay, son. Let's go home now," she told him.

Mike finished sipping the remaining brandy in his glass and they left the restaurant. On the ground floor, at the entrance of the hotel, his mother's car can't be found. "Where's your car, Mom?" Mike asked in puzzlement.

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"I have an important errand for my driver," she answered. Why don't you bring me home first then you can join your friends in the resto-bar," said Susan.

"Ok, Mom, I will bring you home, please wait for me here. I just need to get my car from the parking area," Mike responded. He walked towards the parking area. Once he arrives at his car, he inserted the key and slipped into the driver's seat then started the engine, he drove the car towards the entrance of the hotel. Susan entered the vehicle and settled comfortably in the passenger seat, Mike navigated the car into the busy highway, heading for a home.


Inside Susan's spacious room in her palatial mansion.

She hurriedly went to her closets and pulled out her old belongings, she took out the old photos, the colors were already fading. It's the photo of a baby barely two months old, her son with Hector. She stared at it for a long time, her eyes were swimming with tears. God had heard her prayers at last! She was granted the chance to see her 'other son' that she gave up for adoption a long time ago.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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She lies down on the bed and stared lovingly at the photo. She will do the right thing this time, even if Hector won't agree, she will find the opportunity to investigate who among Hector's son was her son.

Susan closed her eyes and starts traveling back to the bitter sweet memories of yesterday that she had shared with Hector in the past.


~Mystic Bay Twin Tower~

Hector was still visibly shaken after seeing Susan for a long time. He did not expect that their path will cross again after a long time. It now dawned on him that it's a bad decision to be back in the country. If Susan persists to get to know her son, it will be big trouble for his family and it's something he can't afford to happen. To his wife's knowledge, the baby that was abandoned in front of the gate of their rented home was a son by somebody unknown to her, but the truth is, that infant was the offspring of her husband and his mistress.

Hector loves his legally wedded wife Clara, yet when Susan came into his life, he finally comes to realize that it's possible to love two women at the same time in this lifetime. Susan had crossed his mind so many times through the years, wondering where life had taken her and now that he finally saw her again, the past has awakened something in him that he already buried deep inside his heart for a very long time.

When the past and the present collide, it feels like yesterday once more. All their sweet and intimate memories come flooding back in his mind, he feels young once again.

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