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The week that follows was very hard for Susan and Hector, they just kept glancing each other with sexual tensions brewing around them and their jobs were getting affected little by little.

Susan would come into work wearing sexy clothing that would highlight her voluptuous enticing body. She would wear a skirt that enhances her long perfect legs, she sports red lipstick on her lips that would make him crazy of wanting to touch her again. Their secret glances towards each other made the atmosphere inside the office so thick with sexual tension, so thick that you can even cut a knife through it.

It's just a matter of time...

Hector's hands were aching to touch and hold Susan's body again, to taste the sweetness of her lips and bury his manhood inside her silky vaginal wall over and over again. Great was their sexual longings for each other that one Friday night after finishing all their works, with the door locked inside, Susan come rushing forward into Hectors awaiting arms.

"Susan we shouldn't continue doing this!" he tried to disengage from her desperate embrace but she won't let go.

"One more time please, I'm dying for your touch, Hector!" she murmured and buried her lips into his neck sucking at his skin. Her wandering hands ventured down to the waistband of his trouser, she cupped his now growing manhood, kneading it aggressively wanting to ignite his passion and desire, he was getting aroused and she encourages it, wanting his pulsating hard rod inside her core again, she feels like she was in a desert and the sun was blistering hot and Hector was the water that she desperately needed to subdue the hotness of her body, she was craving for him day and night. She would go crazy if she can't have him, all of him. She discarded her blouse and placed his right hand on her naked breast. She can feel that he was resisting but a moment later he was now pinching and fondling her breast to her absolute delight.

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Hector was groaning, she was getting hot all over him and yet he was holding onto the remaining shred of his sanity forcing his wife's face to appear in his mind but to no avail. Susan's hot soft body was invading his senses, sending his body into a delirious need for a release.

After a few minutes of internal debate, Hector was beginning to lose the war between resisting and giving in to temptation.

The fire of desire was burning hot inside them and it's useless to fight it, Hector now lose the battle and in urgency plunged his hot turgid manhood into Susan's softness, he pounded her core like a hungry beast and she was loving every minute of it, they touch, caresses and groped each other's body in wanton abandon giving them the ultimate feverish pleasure each time they reached orgasm.

They engaged in a wild satisfying sexual intercourse four hours straight.

When they were finally sated and tired they rest for thirty minutes entangled on each other's arms and limbs.

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When 11:00 in the evening comes, it's now time to go home. They went their separate ways and Hector was back in the house that he and Clara rented while Susan was back in her boarding house.

During the weeks that followed every time his wife would visit his office, Hector would send his secretary on an errand outside the office just to make sure the two women would never cross path.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.


One month later...

After a night of passion, while the couple was lying in the bed, Clara informed Hector that she received a call from her family and they told her that her mother suffered stroked recently and was hospitalized for one week. Her mother was now paralyzed and recuperating in their home. She told Hector that she wanted to personally take care of her beloved mother while she was still alive.

Hector can not hold back Clara from returning to Metro Manila, he understood very well that it is the children's duty to take care of their old sick parents, since they have no child of their own yet to worry about after five years of getting married, he finally agreed so that he can also focus on his growing business.

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That week, Hector sends his wife to the airport back to her family in Metro Manila to take care of her paralyzed mother.

In the next months to come, Hector and Susan's illicit affair flourishes without any intervention and interruption due to Clara's absence. They can openly go out in public places like going to the beach, dining somewhere private and visiting the city's hot spots during night time, they refrain from going out together during day time to avoid being openly seen by other people.

They created a happy and satisfying world out of their forbidden love affair. At some point in time, Hector was thinking that if only he met Susan in his life first they would have been a perfect couple. Too bad Susan came into his life when he was already married to his good and faithful wife, Clara.

As days goes by...

Hector was falling in love hard with Susan and she also feels the same way towards him, he was her first love the man she had chosen to take away her innocence. She had willingly surrendered her self to him completely because she loves him so much.


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The office which becomes Susan's and Hector's love nest is the witness of their intensely hot passionate love affair. They would make love in the table, in the chair, inside the bathroom, in the stairs and anywhere inside the office whenever they feel like doing it.

While Clara was taking good care of her paralyzed mother in Manila, her husband was also busy shagging his sexy and pretty secretary without her knowledge.

The forbidden love affair of Hector and Susan blossomed beautifully as days goes, every day was like a bed of roses for them. Susan easily takes over Clara's role in Hector's life. Clara's absence in her husband's life was the catalyst to Hector and Susan's tryst.

For Hector, it feels so right spending his time with Susan, his very accommodating, loving and pretty mistress. They love working in the business together and during night time they were making love all night long.

Then one day while they were having lunch together inside the office, Susan vomited all the foods she had eaten into the toilet bowl.

They stared at each other's eyes for a long time and they already have a suspicion in their mind. They have been making love almost every night without Susan taking any contraceptives to prevent pregnancy. To make sure they were correct in their guesses they bought a pregnancy test kit and on that same day it was confirmed, Susan was pregnant! 

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