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Hector was overjoyed, he's been wanting a child with his wife but they were not blessed with an offspring yet and now his mistress was pregnant with his child, he was very much excited to see his firstborn. Susan was a bit afraid, but Hector's happiness rubbed on her and she's getting excited as well for the arrival of their child.

Her pregnancy goes well and they rented a small room far away from the office, living like a legit couple. During day time they would go to the office and performed their respective jobs and during the night they would go home to their secret paradise.

It was a perfect set up for them, they live together and were so in love with each other, the expectant parents were very much excited for the coming of their baby into their lives. Their days become rosy and colorful.

Nine months later...

Susan gave birth to a bouncy healthy baby boy which they named Raphael. Hector love his son so much. He hired a new male secretary because Susan can no longer report to work cause she had to take care of their newborn son.

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Life goes on for the couple. Hector would go home every night excited to see his son and his lover Susan in their little paradise.

One month after the baby was born, Clara's mother suddenly died. Hector went to Manila and attended his mother-in-law's burial.

Hector and Clara reunited once again as a couple.

After two weeks, Clara and Hector were back in Cebu City. The same set up occurs between them and Clara was always been the unsuspecting wife, but this time Hector was eaten again by his guilt and conscience.

Susan was complaining that Hector no longer goes home to her every night. He explained that his wife already come back and he was having a hard time dividing his time between the two of them.

One night, they had a heated argument.

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"Leave your wife, Hector, dissolve your marriage to her! Please do it for your son, we need you! We deserve more of your time than your wife," Susan begged him.

"I'm sorry, Susan. I still love my wife, I can't continue doing this forever, she doesn't deserve this, I'm feeling so guilty right now," Hector said, his face was contorted with guilt, regret, and shame.

"And how about me? You don't love me?" Susan asked tears were streaming down her face.

"I do love you Susan and you know it, just that I can't love two women at the same time, I will still choose my wife over you," he opted to reveal his final decision to Susan even though he knew the painful truth is too brutal for her. "Let's end our relationship starting from this day onward. You are still young Susan, you can still find the right man that will marry and love you. I can no longer do that because I'm already a married man. Believe me, this decision of mine was entirely based for your good. I want to personally adopt our baby. My wife and I have no child of our own yet. I will continue loving and caring for our baby, while you can live your life brand new as a single woman and ready to love any good man that comes your way. Live well, Susan. Let's stop our relationship while we still can. It's not yet too late to correct our mistakes. Please think about the future of our son, he will have a better future if he is under my care," Hector explained.

Susan spent sleepless nights thinking about Hector's proposal. He no longer visits them during night time, they barely see each other anymore. She realized that maybe it's about time to give up what she and Hector had shared which was so wrong in all aspect.

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After thorough thinking, Susan realized that her son will have a bright future under Hector's care and guidance. She texted Hector and agreed to his proposition. They planned on the date and timing for Susan to leave the infant outside the gate of the rented couple's home.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

It was during the late afternoon, the sun was already starting to fade away, Clara was watering her flower garden when she heard the cries of an infant outside their house and when she opened the gate she found the baby, a healthy bouncing baby boy lying in the bassinet accompanied by a bottled milk beside him. Clara tried to find out who left the baby outside, but she didn't see anyone outside. She immediately scooped the baby in her arms and picked up the bassinet as well. She shouted at her husband excitedly inside the house, Hector comes running to his wife's side and saw her holding his son, finally. Everything goes according to plan.

The moment Clara holds the baby in her arms she falls in love with the infant.

"We will adopt him, Hector. If the baby's mother won't come back after one month to get her son back we will adopt the baby. He looks so cute and so healthy. We will name him John after my late grandfather's name," she murmured and nuzzled the baby's cheek. "What a cute baby you are!" she was enamored and delighted with the baby.

Hector saw how happy Clara was when the baby comes into their lives. He did the right thing. That night while Clara was busy taking care of the baby, he texted Susan informing her that his wife was doting on the baby and everything works according to their plan.

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Within one month, Clara was grown so attached to the baby and she was praying to God every day that the mother of the child would no longer come back to get her baby back.

While Susan was nursing a broken heart, sad and frustrated losing both her lover and her son, she changed her phone number and left Cebu City aboard the passenger ship heading towards Metro Manila to try her luck. While working in Manila as a secretary to a businessman, they fall in love and this time he was single, he married Susan in a solemn church wedding. Susan finally met her happy ending in the arms of the man that loves her unconditionally. They were gifted with one child, a son and his name was Mike.

When Susan's husband died, she managed their confectionery business so well surpassing the expectation of the people around her. Her family business grows in leaps and bound, yet no matter how rich and successful businesswoman she becomes, her heart was still longing for the son that she gives up a long time ago. The richness and glory she was enjoying don't make her life complete, she was longing to see her firstborn and hug him before she will be taken away by her creator away from this world. She wants Mike to know his half brother.

Through the years Hector kept alive a small portion of his heart for Susan, he was not entirely able to forget her.

Similarly, Susan thinks of Hector and their son all the time. Her heart was forever longing for the son that she was not able to nurture and see growing up.

Back in the present times their path finally crossed again. 

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