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John stared at his best friend and blinked twice. "I was also suspecting my brother way back but he had a strong alibi, he was on a 3 days reunion party with his friends in Batangas when the crime took place. We just don't have evidence. I can't accuse my brother just like that 'coz it would devastate my parents. And what if I'm wrong with my suspicions? It would only destroy my family," he said.

Romeo agreed. "I'm just wondering where's Dahlia's killer right now? It has been almost a decade and it's a cold case already."

He set his mouth in a grim line. "I'm not thinking of Dahlia's case anymore, I can't even solve the kidnapping of my wife," John said forlornly.

After a few minutes of silence, John and Romeo were back in the water to have a friendly swimming contest and later on Joseph joined in the fun as well.

The vacation was so worth it, in a way John was able to unwind a bit and enjoy the nature's scenery surrounded by his family, friends and loved ones. There still plenty of time to explore all the water park's amenities and attraction the next day.

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For the meantime, John has to forget all the things that bothered him and surrender completely to the beauty of the place that surrounded him.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.


~Unknown Location~

Catherine woke up to a beautiful morning, she woke up late again and the sun was already shining brightly outside. Dana's bed was already empty she was probably outside in the kitchen cooking their breakfast as of this moment.

She slowly rose from the bed and gets out of the room going to the kitchen to eat her breakfast. She found Dana cooking a scrambled egg in the frying fan and there's also a sliced bread in the table.

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"Come here preggy lady, sit down, let's eat our breakfast," Dana said.

Catherine sat down on the chair across the table and began munching on the sandwich. After eating the bread she finished her breakfast with a glass of milk.

"How's your sleep?" Dana asked.

"It's fine. I sleep soundly as usual," Catherine answered.

Done eating breakfast, Catherine stood up heading towards the vegetable garden at the back of the house, leaving her companion Dana to do the kitchen chores, Dana would always insist that she will be the one to clean the dishes so she never bothered to perform any chores related to the kitchen.

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Last month, they decided to make a garden outside at the back of the house. Catherine requested to the leader of the masked men for vegetable seedlings to be planted in the garden, she's getting bored out of her mind and she needs something that would occupy her mind. Since the surrounding area of the house was large and vacant, it would be nice to see more green plants, especially vegetables. She did not expect that her request would be granted. After three days, a bag of assorted seeds was given to her by the leader of the men. She then realized that everything she said to the leader was being relayed on to the mastermind of their abduction.

On the second month, the seeds that they planted already grown taller because of the fertile land and it made her feel better. She loves staring at the green plants they were teeming with life which become her means of escape. The eggplants, squash, tomatoes, spinach, cucumbers onions, garlic, grows nicely in the garden, the explosion of greens warms her eyes and heart. They were able to harvest some of the vegetables and cooked them fresh in the kitchen. They also gave some cooked foods for the men who guarded them.

Dana joined her on the garden, she was admiring the garden as well.

They usually water the plants early in the morning and before sunset. Since she always woke up late, Dana would water the plants early in the morning and Catherine would water them before sunset.

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"The vegetable plants were amazing!" Catherine said while she was massaging her eight months old baby bump.

Dana stared at Catherine's protruding tummy. "You're going to give birth next month," she murmured.

"Yes, and I'm going to give birth here?" a frown appeared on Catherine's face.

"That looks like it, but I'm sure they will send someone, a midwife perhaps to help us deliver the baby safely. If worse comes to worst, I will help and assist you in delivering the baby, I've seen many times how my mother deliver babies in our hometown, I am her assistant, so we will do fine even if it's just you and me, we will definitely be able to bring the baby safely out of your womb," Dana said wanting to assure the pregnant woman in front of her that everything will be alright.

Catherine released a deep sigh. "Yeah, right, we can do it," she muttered to herself, trying to convince herself that she will be able to deliver her second baby safely with only Dana's assistance. She had to remind herself that she'd been through one delivery already with her first baby and it's not that hard or scary at all, she will do fine and the baby as well, with those positive thoughts in mind she feels much better and looking forward to the end of her pregnancy.

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