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Hector and Susan were staring at each other's face inside a discreet room, in a secluded restaurant away from the city. They decided to meet in this place just to make sure Hector's wife won't have a chance to see them together. While Susan was single and free to meet anyone, Hector was a married guy.

A faint smile appeared on Susan's lips. Hector was always been a good looking guy. She sized him up, his body was still lean, not an ounce of belly fat can be seen on his stomach and his face was clean-shaven, which means he took good care of himself. "What are you looking at?"

Hector smiled broadly. "It's nice seeing you again. You look beautiful as always," he commented, there's a glowing admiration in his eyes.

Susan smiled at him sweetly. "Thank you, coming from you, I considered that as a compliment."

Hector feels his heart beating faster while staring at the face of the woman that at one point in time become his lover, he always has a soft spot for Susan in his heart.

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A smile of amusement appeared on Susan's lips, her eyes twinkled. "Don't tell me, you still remember everything, Hector?" she rolled her eyes.

Hector smiled broadly. "Do you still remember the thunderstorm? The lightning and the heavy rain that catapulted you into my arms?" he smiled cheekily.

Susan released a gorgeous smile, blushing crimson red, then she bit her lower lip. "That's all in the past, Hector," she reminded him softly.

Hector nodded his head agreeing to her comment. "So, did your late husband treat you right?" he asked curiously. Way back when they undergo separation, he prayed that God will give Susan a good and loving husband, something that he can never give to her.

"Yes, my late husband treated me like a Queen when he was still alive. Too bad he was taken away from me too soon," Susan replied with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Why don't you marry again?" Hector asked.

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Susan shook her head. "It's not easy finding your soulmate besides I'm too old already for another love story and romance. I want to spend the remaining days of my life here on earth finding the identity of our son. Thankfully, God heard my prayers, you and I crossed paths again. This time I'm hoping you can properly introduce me to our son. If you don't cooperate I will introduce myself to our son," she said, her voice was hard.

Hector winced and breathed deeply. "So, you already know who our son is?" he asked, looking at her face intently.

"It's your eldest son who's name is John, he is our son, right?" Susan said.

Hector can no longer deny the truth. "I see, you are very fast with your investigation. Did your other son already knew about his half brother?"

Susan shook her head. "No, not yet. I will only reveal to him the truth if you finally introduce me to John as his real mother. That will be the right time for my two boys to meet."

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Hector stared into her eyes. "Can you please give me at least five to six months to prepare my wife to the painful truth? She loves John so much and considered him like her son. It would be really hard for her to accept the truth especially that she will know that John was a product of our forbidden relationship a long time ago."

Susan becomes silent for a moment. Because of her strong desire to get to know her son in the soonest time possible, she nearly has forgotten that there was an innocent woman who's heart will bleed severely after learning the truth, and that was Hector's wife. She sighed. Although she wanted to be selfish for her good, she still can't deny that John was born out of sin. She massaged her temple, trying to find a way that could help lessen the pain of everyone involved. The people who will get hurt the most would be Hector's wife and her very own son, John. But she wanted to get closer to John as soon as possible, was she being selfish?

When the truth comes out, it will always be painful on Hector's wife. There is a possibility that their family will be destroyed. Hector and his wife might get separated because of it. Then John who was already suffering because of his missing wife might not be able to handle another shocker in his life. It's a wrong timing indeed! It's better to wait for a few months, maybe time will find a way to set them all free.

Hector saw the myriad of emotions appearing in Susan's face. "Besides, our son John will be touring the country to find his missing wife. He will be gone in a few months, you won't be able to see him unless you will trail him all over the country," he explained. " You just can't go to him directly and reveal the truth in his face, that's not how it should work. The truth must come from my mouth, it will work better that way. He will listen to me but not to you."

Susan was silent again. She does saw the advertisement on TV, magazines, and newspaper about John's missing wife. She wanted to help him find his wife, but she doesn't know where to begin. There's already lots of advertisement in the media about Catherine yet no result, she was confused about what to do, what else she can do to help her son find his wife. In the coming days, she will think of a way to help him in her little way.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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Susan raised her head and noticed Hector was still staring at her face intently. 'What is it, Hector?" she asked.

"Regarding the agreement that we will only reveal the truth to John after six months. Will you agree to it?" Hector said.

Susan sighed. No good will come out if she will rush meeting her son without Hector's cooperation. Things should be done slowly and properly, she does understand where Hector was coming from. "Okay, I understand your point of view, Hector. I agree with it."

Hector breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good!"

They chatted a bit more about their past, the life they were leading after they got separated. Hector narrated merrily to Susan some of John's early achievements in school, how active and naughty he was when he was still a toddler, his adventures in the school and a lot more of his growing up years. Susan loves hearing Hector telling her everything about their son. She got to know a little bit of John's upbringing and she owed it a lot to Hector's wife who raised John as her son.

After consuming their refreshments, they concluded their meeting and went their separate ways.

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