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~Infinity Jade Tower~

John and his father were inside the office for the last-minute briefing. John and Ramon will be going to Cebu City tomorrow for two main purposes, finding Catherine and to visit two of their hotels there and then proceed to other cities in the country.

John realized that finding Catherine in Metro Manila and other neighboring places was futile. So he had to go further away, maybe there's a fresh lead somewhere waiting for him.

Hector was sitting comfortably on the swivel chair listening to his son's instruction.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Dad, all you need to do is check all the documents and signed them if you are not sure of something you can call me and just ask me anything, okay?" John said.

Hector nodded his head. "I got it, son. Don't worry, I can manage and handle anything, besides Romeo is here to assist me."

John looked at his father. "Dad, everything you need is inside the drawers in my office table including the new laptop that I bought for you," he said.

Hector reached for the laptop and put in the table and power it on. "Awesome! Anything else, son?" he asked.

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John smiled at his father. "I think I'm done, I already showed and teach you everything, Dad. But if you still have any question, tell me while am still here."

Hector shook his head. "I have no more question. Don't worry I understood everything that you instructed me. Rest assured, I will take good care of everything here while you were away."

"Thank you, Dad," John said.

Hector turn off the laptop and put it back in the drawer. "Son, I have to go out for a few hours. I need to meet a very good friend of mine, we have not seen each other for a long time."

"Okay Dad," John accompanied his father outside his office to the elevator.

John went back to his office and saw Romeo already waiting there.

"Where's Sir Hector?" Romeo asked.

"He goes out to meet a friend, he will start his office work tomorrow," John answered. He sat down on his swivel chair.

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Romeo sighed while looking at his friend.

"I wish you, good luck bro! Hope your journey all over the country can bring some good news about your missing wife," Romeo uttered the word with a serious face. He took pity on his best friend's relentless effort doing anything and everything just to find his missing wife, yet there is no guarantee.

John's face was clouded with sadness and uncertainty. He knew deep inside that going to other cities all over the country to find Catherine can not guarantee him any positive result but at least he will try his best, there's no harm in trying. "Pray for me," he said.

"I will, bro!" Romeo patted his friend's sagging shoulder out of sympathy before going out of the office.

John stared at the Makati Skyline, an extreme feeling of emptiness hit him hard. The endless waiting, finding and thinking of his missing wife's whereabouts was making him a wretched man inside.

He immersed himself in the heavy silence surrounding him, soaking his soul to the very core.

A few moments later, he was done with his solitude.

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He has to keep moving.

He will go upstairs and spends the rest of his time bonding with baby James. He won't be able to see his son for a few weeks or even months if his journey began, finding his missing wife is a lifelong goal and he has no plan to stop.

He stood up and exited his office and entered the elevator heading towards the 15th floor.

When John saw that baby James was still sleeping, he conducted a meeting with Caroline and Anna in the living room.

John started speaking to them regarding the changes in the house.

"From now on, I will have my mother in charge here. She will be giving you a weekly allowance for the foods and grocery, and baby James milk and other needs. Caroline, you will accompany my mother doing grocery shopping once a week or you can do it alone. You have to make a list of everything that is needed in the house. As usual, you two will have an alternate day off once a week, so you guys will have to sort it out upon yourselves. Your salary every fifteen days will be given by my mother starting this month. Any problem you encounter here you can ask her. You got me, ladies?"

The two women nodded.

John continues talking...

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"Don't worry, my mother is not strict, she can be the nicest person you will ever know. You can talk to her anything and she will listen. Just give her the same respect that you two had given me and there will be no problem. Please continue taking good care of my son, even when I'm already living far away devoting my time to find my missing wife I'm still counting on your devotion to your jobs. Just continue doing your best in the house, I would appreciate it very much."

"Any questions?" he asked them directly.

"Nothing, Sir," Anna replied.

John took one last look at Caroline's downcast eyes and left the living room to start packing his things in the master's bedroom.

Caroline was silent the whole time John was talking. She was getting upset and sad that John was going away, although she understood that he was trying his best to find her sister, still, she would be missing him badly. She was used to his presence, she will feel lonely if she can't see him every day.

Bedtime comes, Caroline was not able to sleep early, she was silently crying, she wanted to shed her tears but she was afraid Anna will ask her what is the problem why she's crying. She doesn't want John to go away but there's nothing she can do to prevent him from leaving. On that night, she cried herself to sleep.

That night Caroline dreamed that she was staring at her sister's dead body inside the coffin. Catherine's dead body was washed ashore and according to the autopsy, she died of drowning along with the baby inside her tummy. As John's family and her own family gathered around the casket, she saw how distraught John's face was, he was beyond devastated to see his beloved missing wife dead. Then years rolled by and baby James was growing fast and now going to school. She and John grew closer together, until one day, John put a ring on her finger and proposed marriage to her. To her delight and happiness, she answered 'YES' right away. A grand wedding in the church took place after five years of Catherine's passing. Caroline was so happy because John was finally able to learn to love her back, their happy and loving union blessed them with three healthy children.

In her dream, Caroline finally got her happy ending with the man she secretly loves and adored.


The next day, John together with Ramon arrived in Cebu City, they coordinated with the police authority regarding Catherine's disappearance and began combing the city and neighboring places to find his missing wife. They stayed in one of the two hotels that John's family-owned.

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