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Clara can not bear the loneliness in Mystic Bay Twin Tower alone on her own, so she goes to the Infinity Jade Tower every day to visit her grandson baby James and wait for his husband Hector to finish his office works and then they go home to Mystic Bay Twin Tower to rest for the night there, then the next day go back to Infinity Jade Tower again. It becomes Clara and Hector's daily routine. 

One day, Clara saw Caroline mixing the ingredients of chocolate cake in the kitchen while Anna was taking care of baby James in the living room.

"Wow, so you like baking?" Clara asked.

"Yes, Ma'am," Caroline replied shyly.

"That's good! I also like baking," Clara gushes.

The two women smiled at each other. Soon they find themselves talking about the exciting world of cake baking.

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"From now on call me, Auntie!" Clara smiled warmly at the younger woman. "So what do you like to do next, Caroline?"

Caroline's face glowed. "I want to learn how to make a birthday and wedding cake!" she said, her eyes lit up.

Clara was liking the enthusiasm on Caroline's face. "Well, I can teach you, if you want. I know how to make a yummy birthday and a wedding cake."

"Wow, thank you so much for the offer, Auntie!" Caroline exclaimed. "I'm looking forward in learning from you!" her eyes sparkled.

Clara assisted Caroline in preparing the rest of the chocolate cake ingredients. Then Caroline poured the mixed product in the baking pan and placed it in the oven while waiting for the cake to get cook, they talked about women stuff. They discovered that they have several things in common.

"After lunch, we will go to the mall to buy ingredients for the birthday cake and then we will go shopping as well!" Clara said smiling

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Caroline's face lighted up, she was thrilled. She was glad that John's mother was kind to her and warming up to her. It wiped away the worry in her heart, she was afraid that the older woman would detest her presence in her son's life. But right now, she was feeling enthusiastic that she was welcomed wholeheartedly by John's mother.

Clara and Caroline were preparing the ingredients for the dishes to be cook for lunch. The menu on their list consisted of Pork Hamonado, Chicken Curry and Spicy Grilled Shrimp. After preparing all the ingredients, Clara started cooking the dishes while Caroline was watching how it's done. She wants to learn how to cook delicious dishes so that when John will come back to the Jade Tower she can cook it for him. She's very much excited to cook for her brother-in-law in the future.

Done cooking, they prepared the table. Clara called her husband in the phone informing him that lunch was ready.

A few moments later...

Hector, Clara, and Caroline were already eating the delicious dishes in the dining room.

After lunch, Caroline was getting ready to go shopping with Clara.

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Thirty minutes later, George drove the women into the mall.

Clara and Caroline went into the grocery store first and buy all the ingredients for the cake they will be baking the next day. Clara called George in her phone instructing him to get their purchases and put it into the car.

The ladies continue roaming inside the mall.

They get inside a salon and Clara insisted that they will have a haircut and have hot oil applied on their hair, then they have foot spa as well, Clara paid the bills. Caroline enjoyed bonding with the older woman who treated her like a daughter.

After exiting the women's salon, they went inside a women's boutique and perused the display. Clara bought a summer dress for Caroline complete with shoulder bag and shoes to match. She also bought a short sleeve blouse and loose pants for herself.

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They get in and get out in all the stores they took fancy with.

At last, tired of walking, they went inside a refreshment parlor and ordered a cassava cake, ice cream, and strawberry smoothies.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

While they were eating, Caroline comes to realize that John's mother was kindhearted and accommodating. Her sister is a very lucky woman to have a mother-in-law like Clara. If Catherine was not missing, she should be the one enjoying Clara's company right now. Once again she felt a surge of envy towards her missing sister. She tried to fight that negative emotion from taking a hold on her heart. She just wants to enjoy being the proxy daughter-in-law, once her sister finally comes back she will be gone from the picture and will fade away in the shadow.

But maybe, there still a big chance that her wildest dream will materialize in the future. If her sister can no longer come back to John's side, it will be easy to fit in her sister shoes which she was already been doing silently. John's mother like her and she also like her mother-in-law, why not? She loves the sound of it and the thoughts of calling Clara her 'Mother-In-Law' made her giddy inside just thinking about that remote possibility thrilled her to the bones.

The women finished shopping, they were enjoying each other's company. They go home to Infinity Jade Tower that night with a pleasant smile on their faces. They plan to do more shopping and bonding activity together in the future.

Clara found in Caroline the essence of the daughter that she never had.

While Caroline on her part was already fantasizing of having Clara as her real mother-in-law in the future.

In the days to come their fondness for each other is growing in leaps and bounds.

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