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~Infinity Jade Tower~

Clara placed some sparkling jewelry on Caroline's hands. It's a matching gold necklace and earrings, exquisitely made pieces of beautiful jewelry. "I feel like I want to give it to you, Caroline. You deserved this," she smiled fondly at the younger woman.

Caroline's mouth was agape. She wasn't expecting these kinds of expensive jewelry to be given to her freely by John's mother.

"Do you like it?" asked Clara.

Caroline smiled brightly at the older woman. "Yes! I like it very much, Auntie! But it's so expensive, I can't accept it," she returned the jewelry.

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Clara refused to take it back. "No. It's yours, Caroline. I wanted to give it to you. I'm sure it will look beautiful on you," she said. She put the necklace on the younger woman's neck and attached the earrings on her ears as well. "Now look at yourself in the mirror. See--what I mean?"

Caroline stared at her image in the mirror, she was mesmerized by her looks, her beauty was enhanced by the jewelry that adorned her neck and ears. "It's simply beautiful and stunning!" she murmured, feeling happy for receiving such an expensive gift from the woman that gives her value and importance. "Thank you very much, Auntie!"

"I'm not wrong with my assumption, the jewelry loves you, it complimented your skin well and you looked more beautiful than ever," Clara continues showering praises on Caroline, she goes over the top in praising the younger woman.

Caroline stared at her image, loving what she saw.

"I wonder what will my son, John, think if he will saw you wearing this jewelry. I originally intended to give this jewelry to your missing sister Catherine, but now it seemed she can no longer be found. Sooner or later, you and my son will end up getting married one day, so I will give you my blessing now Caroline. I wholeheartedly accepted you as my next daughter-in-law," declared Clara.

Caroline was stunned and speechless. She wasn't expecting to hear such a declaration from John's mother. OMG! Was her dream slowly unfolding at this very moment? She felt an avalanche of happiness overflowing from her heart.

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"So, tell me honestly, Caroline, do you have feelings for my son?" Clara asked.

Caroline nodded her head. "Yes, I love your son so much, Auntie!" she finally confesses, no longer shy because she felt that John's mother wanted her to be her daughter-in-law.

Clara smiled warmly at her. "That's good. Just give my son enough time, as of now he was still grieving of the disappearance of his wife. One day, he will give up, too tired to find her and he will soon settle back in our midst. Then the only woman he will see is you, he will finally take notice of you, that would be easy considering that you and his missing wife are identical twins. All I'm asking from you is don't rush him, have the patience to wait for the right time. Let time heal his pain first and when he was ready to love again, you will be his first option. Just be there by his side during the time he needed someone to lean on. But just in case Catherine will come back, I expect that you will distance yourself away from the couple. It's for the best. You understand me, Caroline?"

"Yes, Auntie!" Caroline nodded.

Clara beamed. "That's good! Now let's ready to go to the mall. I love going grocery shopping with you. You told me the other day that you will visit your family in Cavite City this weekend on your day off. So, let's go shopping for a gift for your mother, siblings, and your cousin," she said.

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Clara picked up her shoulder bag and held Caroline's hands, they walked heading for the main door.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Caroline was amazed by the degree of kindness Clara showered on her. Sometimes it's too hard to believe, too good to be true. She's now beginning to believe that it's her destiny to be John's next wife in this lifetime. The way her soon to be mother-in-law showered her with genuine affection was beyond extraordinary.

One hour later they finally arrived in the mall.

The women waste no time and entered the women's boutique buying a gift of shoes and shoulder bag for Grace and Thelma. They exited the boutique and headed to the children's clothing section. Inside the store, they bought two pairs of t-shirt and pants for Jacob and two dresses for Lily. They also went inside the bookstore to buy school supplies for the children. They bought something for Anna too, a cute handbag. Then they also went to the infant clothing section and bought five pairs of clothes for baby James. The last store they visited was a men's store, they bought a polo shirt for Hector. Clara paid all the purchases from her debit card.

They were done shopping.

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On that day, George carried a total of 15 shopping bags out of the mall and deposited it into the compartment of the car.

It now becomes a habit and guilty pleasures for the ladies, they would do grocery shopping, then visit a spa salon and pamper themselves. Caroline and Clara formed a tight bond between them.

They enjoyed shopping together.

They enjoyed the spa salon.

They enjoyed baking cake and cooking delicious dishes together.

In Caroline, Clara found a kindred spirit, a friend, a daughter that she never had that's why she adored and doted on the younger woman excessively.

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