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Clara instructed George to accompany Caroline into her home in Cavite City. Caroline refused politely but Clara insisted knowing that the younger woman was bringing some presents with her and it would be cumbersome traveling on a public transposition.

"Thank you, Auntie!" Caroline finally said.

"Don't mention it. So, you will be back here tomorrow night?" asked Clara.

"Yes, Auntie. I will just sleep there for one night. I missed my family so much," Caroline answered.

"Okay, I will send George over to fetch you tomorrow," Clara offered.

"No need Auntie. I can ride the bus on my way here, no need to send George there tomorrow. I will call you when am finally leaving our home," Caroline said.

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Caroline hugged Clara tightly. "Thank you so much for your kindness and the gifts, Auntie, I appreciated it very much."

Clara rubbed the younger woman's back affectionately. "Don't thank me, I'm happy doing it for you my dear child," she replied.

Caroline steps away from Clara's embrace and went to baby James crib and kissed the baby's cheeks. "See you tomorrow baby, James!"

She then bid goodbye to Clara and Anna, then she exited the flat and entered the elevator heading to the parking area where George was waiting for her.

The journey towards Cavite City was pleasant and comfortable. Caroline and George shared a comfortable silence listening to the sweet mellow music coming from the FM radio station inside the vehicle.

One hour and thirty minutes later, they finally arrived at Grace's house.

Grace and Thelma rushed to the door to see the visitor, they were delighted to see Caroline. Thelma and Caroline hugged each other tightly. Thelma's face was already wet with flowing tears. Caroline knew why her mother was crying, it's because her mother missed Catherine so much, and just by looking at her face her mother can see her missing sister as well. Seeing her was like seeing her twin sister, she's the living image of her sister.

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After George finished bringing all the shopping bags into the living room he then bid goodbye to Caroline, she thanked him and bid him farewell as well.

The kids rushed down from the stairs.

"Sister Caroline, did you bring good news? Is sister Catherine back already?" Jacob asked.

"I missed older sister Catherine so much!" Lily said she was on the verge of crying.

Caroline touched Lily's hair sadly. "No kids. Uncle John was still doing his best to find our sister. Let's continue praying for her safe return."

The kids turned their attention to the shopping bags, out of curiosity they began inspecting all the contents.

They shrieked excitedly when they found their respective presents and took them upstairs.

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Caroline picked up the remaining presents and gave them to Grace and her mother. "These gifts are given graciously by John's mother for you guys. She paid for everything during our shopping. John's mother is very nice to me," she said.

Thelma stared at the clothing not excited at all, she has no desire to own anything brand new, all she wanted was for her missing daughter Catherine to be found. "Tell her that I'm grateful for her gifts," she mumbled.

Grace examined the gifts intended for her and she likes what she saw inside the shopping bag. "Wow, John's mother is very thoughtful and generous, please give her my thanks, cousin."

Caroline nodded her head.

That night Caroline and Grace were talking in the living room while Thelma was resting early upstairs with the kids.

"How is my mother, cousin?" Caroline asked.

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Grace sighed. "There's not a day that her eyes will be dry, she cried all the time. Even if her eyes were dry, I know deep inside she was grieving for your missing sister. Once your sister will be found, she will be back to normal. She feels like that 'coz she thinks she felt useless because she can't do anything except to pray," she explained.

Caroline's face turned sad, she might not be the best daughter in the world but she was worried about her mother's health condition. If something happened to her mother, who would take care of her siblings? "Does she still taking her medicine every day?" she asked.

Grace nodded her head. "Yes. I make sure she does, we don't want anything bad to happen to her now that your sister still can't be found. We can't afford another problem on our sleeve," she responded. "By the way, how's John and baby James?"

"Brother John has to travel far and wide all over the country to find my sister, I'm still in charge of taking good care of baby James. It's my only small contribution, that way John can concentrate on finding my sister," Caroline said.

"I'm glad that John's mother was kind to you. If Catherine will finally come back, do you think she and her mother-in-law will like each other?" Grace asked.

Caroline was thinking of that too the other day. But since Clara was generally a kindhearted person she and Catherine will have a nice relationship together just based on what she experienced with the older woman so far. "John's mother is super nice, I'm sure she and Catherine will have a harmonious relationship together as mother and daughter-in-law."

"I'm glad to know that. I just wished that your sister can finally come back to us one of these days. She's been gone for too long, all this waiting is killing us!" Grace said sadly.

"Let's continue praying, cousin," Caroline said and yawned. "Let's sleep now, I'm feeling sleepy," she said.

They rose to their feet and turned off the light in the living room to go upstairs and retire for the night.

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