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Caroline spends the whole day with her family, talking, reconnecting and bonding with them, she's been living away from them, yet no matter how hard she tried to cheer them up still the atmosphere in the house was melancholy, maybe because there's one family member that is still missing and it's like a heavy blanket that hangs in the air and it's bothering their consciousness. 

It's one situation in life that there's nothing she can do about it and she was pretty much useless when it comes to finding her sister.

It was already evening around 6:00 when Caroline bid farewell to her cousin and family, she was feeling excited to go back to the Infinity Jade Tower to see baby James again.

She catches a jeepney heading for the bus terminal.

Inside the moving bus, her phone beep, she received a text message. She fished out her phone from her shoulder bag.

When she read the text message, a chill run down her spine, her hands were shaking, she reads the message five times.

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'Pssst... hey Caroline, wanna see your missing sister? Catherine is dying to see you. If you want to see her again drop by on the public plaza in the next town, I will pick you up there and take you to her. No police please, and tell no one if you want to see your sister alive again! I'm watching you!'


Caroline breathed deeply. What she's going to do? Will she believe the text message? What if it's just a hoax? What if somebody was just playing a joke on her. Why does this person even have her phone number and know her name and her sister's name?

She looked over her shoulder at the passengers' faces inside the moving vehicle, could it be that the person who texted her was inside the bus at this very moment? She can't find anyone behaving strangely that can warrant her suspicion. Everyone in the bus was not even looking at her, they were busy scrolling and scanning on their phones. Maybe one of them texted her, it will be hard to find out who among the sea of strangers.

She's starting to feel afraid. The text message was creepy.

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She decided to ignore the message. She put her phone back inside her shoulder bag and tried to shut off her eyes. A few minutes later, she opened her eyes and fixed her vision outside the bus. She noticed that the bus was now entering the next town and soon they will be passing on the public plaza that was mentioned specifically by the text sender.

When the bus goes past by the plaza she tried to scan the whole area it was not that exactly dark but it looks a bit deserted as of the moment because it just finished raining in the area.

The bus was moving away from the plaza, heading to the next town.

A moment later, a passenger wearing a baseball hat get out of the bus in the middle of nowhere, the surrounding area was covered with darkness, a few lights flickered coming from the houses in the far distance.

But he left something behind...

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And that something triggered the curiosity of his seatmate, he opened the bag curiously, the moment he saw wires and a phone with flashing number on it, he was scared to death. "Somebody left a bomb inside the bus!" he shouted at the top of his lungs scaring everyone in the process.

The driver stopped the vehicle at once and the door opened, pandemonium broke out! Everyone wanted to get out of the bus first, there was shoving here and there, they all just want to get out of the bus at once!

Soon, the passengers were scattered everywhere, running away outside the bus in all direction fearing for their lives, loud screaming can be heard from their mouth interrupting the silence of the night, some were hurt, some were on the edge of getting a heart attack, they were all scared of death!

Everyone was shaken and trembling.

Caroline was also running away from the bus afraid it will explode and she will be hit by the flying debris, that's what she always saw in the movies, this time the horror is real. Her heart was beating erratically between her rib cage, her shoes pounding heavily on the cemented pavement.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

That's when she noticed someone was also running behind her. The darkness of the surrounding prevented her from seeing his face. His hands suddenly reached for her arms to stop her from running, "Get off me!" she tried to get away from his hold but he was much stronger than her.

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"Shut up!" a male voice whispered in her ears.

Before she can even protest further, her face was instantly covered by a piece of garment that smells horrible like a chemical or something and it knocks her consciousness away. She passed out in the arms of the man holding her.

A moment later, a black transit van arrived and park nearby. Two more men emerged from the vehicle and they deposited the unconscious woman in the back seat of the vehicle and the car was speeding away from the area.

Back on the bus...

Nothing explodes.

One hour after the pandemonium the police personnel arrives, the bomb disposal squad brought a snipping dog inside the bus. A moment later the dog comes out of the bus with the black bag between his teeth. Three men wearing a bomb protective suit holding a five-meter metal stick began dissecting the contents of the bag, what they saw was just random wires entangled on one another and a phone that was no longer activated, either the battery died or it's just a toy phone.

No explosion happened on that night, but the horrific event alone scares the hell out of everyone who happened to be inside that bus during the time the pandemonium broke out.

It was just a hoax. 

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