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Caroline was held captive by her abductors and brought into a warehouse away from the city, hidden by trees and a few kilometers away from the houses. It is a secluded place away from the plain sight of anyone. It's a perfect place to do something sinister and nobody will notice what's going on inside the warehouse.

A lone man waited inside, feeling excited and thrilled about the arrival of the goods he ordered. He can hear the sounds of the car's engine stopping outside the entrance of the warehouse.

They finally arrived!

The man inside was no other than, Joseph, he was smiling triumphantly!

He immediately opened the door of the warehouse.

"We have the goods, Boss!" the leader of the hire for kidnap gang had spoken.

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Joseph smirked. "Bring her in!" he commanded.

The two members of the gang carried an unconscious woman inside, both her hands and feet were tied securely by a rope. Joseph walked towards them and looked at the woman's face, it's indeed Caroline!

His face broke into a devilish smile.

The boys succeeded in abducting Caroline for him!


"Well done, boys! Here's your payment. I will contact you again if I have something for you to do," he gave the leader the envelope which contains the agreed amount for their services.

The leader of the group accepted the payment and counted the money, satisfied that the agreed amount was given to them correctly, he put it in his backpack, the leader nods at Joseph then together with his men they silently left the room.

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Joseph lifted Caroline's body and brought her inside the only room which only contains a double size bed and a chair. He dumped her body on the soft bed and discarded his clothes, then he lies naked beside her, staring at her pretty face.

He remembers too well how she bravely insulted him way back. Now his hands were etching to squeeze the life out of her pretty face but he resisted the urge, not yet, he will have fun with her first then disposed of her body somewhere.

Caroline's eyes slowly opened up adjusting to the bright light inside the room. "W-where am I?" she murmured.

"You are inside my paradise, my dearest Caroline, welcome to my dark twisted world!" Joseph exclaimed a vicious smile appeared on his lips.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Caroline's face registered shock!

"J-Joseph? It's you who abducted me?" she stammered, intense fear gripped her entire body upon discovering that her hands and feet were both tied by a rope, and he was completely naked lying beside her. She knows already what's gonna happen to her if she can't escape away from this place. But if she can't untangle the rope that was tied on her feet and hands she will never be able to escape. "Please, release me, Joseph, I beg you, please let me go," she whimpered in fear.

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Joseph gave her a cold stare. "Where is that fierce woman who insulted me before? Where does she go hiding?" he let out a diabolical laugh, he laughed so hard, tears emerged from his eyes.

Caroline shuts her eyes, trying to stop the intense fear that was slowly paralyzing her body and mind. If she's going to die, she will not go down without a fight. "You're the one who sent me the text message? Where is my sister?"

Joseph lighted a cigarette and blew the smoke on her face. "Hell do I know where is Catherine's right now. She was already missing before I come back from the country. The text message I sent you, I'm just making those things up," he released a wicked smile. "Do you think you are smart? My boys are smarter than you. When you ignored my text message they already had a Plan B. You can never escape from me, once I set my eyes on you, you are done!" He blew more smoke on her pretty face.

Caroline starts coughing but she did not complain. She knew that what will happen to her next might be much more worst than the smoke. "Why are you doing this to me?" she asked, if she's going to die in his hands at least she will know the reason why.

Joseph looked at her face sharply. "I don't want my brother to be happy with any woman. He took Dahlia away from me, then I should do the same revenge on him. I will take away any woman he will love and like so that he will know the degree of pain and suffering that I'd been through when Dahlia left me for him," a flash of fury was dancing in his eyes.

"Y-you killed Dahlia?" she asked in a trembling voice. She knew about John and Dahlia's love story after her missing sister told her about John's tragic past.

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Joseph laughed and pinched her cheeks. Caroline winced.

"Ah about Dahlia, I hired somebody to do the dirty job for me. But this time, I will personally do the dirty job to dispose you of because you pissed me so bad. But let's have some fun first. It would be a waste of your body if I can't have my fun first," he sized her up.

"Y-you are going to k-kill me?" she choked on her question.

"Yes, I will dearest. If I don't kill you, you will be the one person that can send me to jail," he said harshly.

Fresh tears run down her cheeks. "Please don't kill me, Joseph. I will do everything you want me to do, just don't kill me. I will not tell the police that you abducted me. I will keep my silence, please don't kill me," her body was wracked with violent crying, yet her words do not sound convincing to Joseph at all.

Caroline kept sobbing, she was breaking into pieces inside. She once asked what is her purpose in life, now she already got the answer, this is her purpose in life, to die young in the arms of the murderer brother of the man that she loves so much. She remembered how adamantly her sister wanted her out of her and John's life, if only she listen to her once, she might not experience the hell she's going through right now, if she stayed away from John, she won't meet Joseph at all, they will never cross path. It's all her fault.

"I will be back after fifteen minutes, composed yourself, sweetie, I don't like having sexual intercourse with a crying woman. Cooperate with me and I will allow you to live a little bit longer. If you play hard to get, I will end your life tonight. If you can please me, I might be a little merciful to you, just do everything I say and I will give you a painless death, you got me, Caroline?" he spoke menacingly at her. 

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