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She nodded her head slowly, she was already frightened to the bones, her body was trembling hard, she thinks she will pass out the moment Joseph will begin assaulting her body. She never thought that this day will come that she will be abducted by the psycho Joseph, the brother of the man she loves so much. If she will attempt to fight and anger him she was sure her body will be black and blue after he was done with her. Her strength was no match with him.

Joseph exited the room.

Caroline was alone inside, she was frantically thinking of a plan of how to escape him. If she can get him to untie her hand and feet, she has a chance to get away from him. She tried to untie the rope from her feet and hands but she can't, it's too tight, the rope won't even budge even an inch. She tried many times but all her efforts were useless. She finally stops, Joseph will be back soon, she dried her tears with the bed sheet. Then she calmed herself, if she can satisfy Joseph's sexual urges, maybe he will become a bit lenient towards her allowing her a little bit of freedom without the rope.

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She just can't give up her life at the hands of the lunatic Joseph without trying to escape.

A moment later.

The door opened and the naked Joseph entered the room, his eyes were filled with a dark pool of desire. He climbed on the bed and began undressing Caroline without taking off the rope from her hands and feet. When the clothes were already taken away from her body, he began doing the deed. Caroline was silent the whole time, she shuts her eyes tightly and dreamed of John, imagining that it's her beloved John who was touching, fondling and groping her body. She was carried away with her erotic fantasy and imagination that she began moaning in pleasure but she was careful not to moan John's name it might piss his brother the more.

Joseph seemed to be delighted with her positive responses to his touches. He pleasures himself inside her numerous times and she didn't complain or even cry, although her eyes were closed, her face registers that of someone who enjoyed their sexual activity. But he knows better, she was just faking it! He was not stupid to believe that this woman will like his touches. But her acting was impressive it nearly fooled him.

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They both reached orgasm on their first sexual intercourse on that night. Joseph enjoyed it so much, but Caroline was already breaking inside, she just doesn't want to show it on her face. Although she can't stomach his advances she has to continue faking her enthusiasm, she wants Joseph to believe that she enjoyed every minute of what he was doing to her body.

She wants to make him crave more of the sexual enjoyment and satisfaction he can derive from her body so that she can plan her escape well.

Joseph rested for a few minutes.

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Then he shifted again on her naked body and pleasure himself inside her over and over again, each time he was enjoying her body immensely. He wanted her to break down and begged for his mercy but she's not doing any of those things. Instead, she seemed to be flowing seamlessly with his rhythm, and who was he to complain? a willing woman underneath him was a much better bed partner than a crying or hysterical woman that would only destroy his mood.

Caroline moaned much louder this time wanting to let him know that she was a willing participant in their sexual intercourse. It helps that in her mind John was giving her mind-blowing sex, she was able to survive the ordeal without gagging. She just hoped that he will let her rest a bit between the deed because she wanted to puke. She wanted to run inside the bathroom and leather her whole body with soap and scrubs her skin vigorously to wash away Joseph's stinky fluid on her body.

Joseph pleasured himself inside Caroline's accommodating body several times throughout the whole night. He was amused that she never shed a tear or fight him even once. He was not a sadistic type of person during sex, as long the woman cooperates he won't physically harm her. By the looks of things, Caroline learned early not to provoke him.

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It was nearing the break of dawn when Joseph finally gets tired physically and ceased violating Caroline's body.

"Untie me and I can do better to please you," Caroline offered in a low voice even though she already felt sore all over her body.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Joseph stared at her face. "I will think about it. But if I untie you, I'm sure you will find a way to escape, I can't afford that. I'm not that stupid, Caroline, I'm going out to get some food, you can scream all you want inside the room it's soundproof," he said in a hard voice and grinned. He rises from the bed and exited the room.

Caroline released the breath she was holding, she stood up and tried to open the door but it won't move, probably it was locked from the outside. She was on the verge of crying again, she failed to convince Joseph to untie her hands and feet. It would be impossible to run if her feet were tied, it will be difficult to defend herself if her hands were both tied as well. With both hands and feet tied Joseph can easily subdue her. She felt so hopeless right now, so frustrating to wait for her death when she doesn't want to die yet.

She was thinking that by now Clara was already worried about her, they already knew she was missing, they will surely report her disappearance to the police. Maybe the police were now on their way to find and rescue her, she feels a little bit better, she will just hold on a little bit longer. If she will continue cooperating with Joseph he won't physically hurt her. She will just preserve her strength for that one final dash of escape if she sees one.

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