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A moment later, Joseph returned, he brought some foods with him, he's been gone for about thirty minutes. He put some of the food on the paper plate which consist of rice and fried chicken and placed it within Caroline's reach. She reached for the food feeling so hungry and began eating in silence. Joseph opened the bottled water for her.

Done eating, Joseph put all the trash in the bag and placed it outside the room. He returned inside the room and stared at Caroline's naked body, he was aroused again just by looking at her voluptuous body. For a pretty and willing woman such as Caroline, it would be a total waste to kill her but he couldn't allow her to live long either, she will only become his downfall if he will hesitate to kill her.

"How long do you plan to keep me here?" Caroline asked. She wants to know how much time left before he will end her life. She plans to make a desperate move to escape his clutches. It's either waits to die or die trying to escape, she will die anyway, she has not much choice either. If there's a tiny chance of escape any minute from now she will take it.

"Maximum is three days only, then I will kill you and dispose of your body somewhere. I'm also entertaining the idea of burying your dead body around this area," he spoke casually as if he was just talking about the weather with her, there was no emotion on his face, no pity or empathy whatsoever.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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Caroline calmed her nerves, deep inside she was so terrified, she chokes back her tears. "You don't feel guilty of what you have done to Dahlia or even feel a tiny ounce of remorse of what you are about to do to me?" she asked, her lips were quivering with fear. She was trying to engage him in a conversation hoping he will change his mind.

Joseph shook his head. "Why should I? You and Dahlia's life are mine to take. Let's put it this way, you are one unlucky woman because you crossed path with my brother, if not, then I won't have any problem with you. You just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time," he answered.

Caroline was panicking.

"I promised I will leave Infinity Jade Tower, I will no longer see John ever again. Please let me go!" Caroline was desperate now. The raw fear was leaping from her face. If she only knew that her life would end like this she should have not come to Infinity Jade Tower at all, she would have not met Joseph at all. She was so damn unlucky!

He shook his head vigorously. "No. I won't set you free. Stop trying to convince me, Caroline. Nothing you can say that will change my mind. You are bound to die, it's your destiny to die in my hands. If your sister was not missing right now, she should have been the one I abducted not you. Just that you fill your sister shoes so eagerly and you are after my brother, sooner or later, you two will end up together in each other arms. So it's a good opportunity to hurt my brother two times, he already loses his wife and now his next wife will also be missing. Isn't that double the pain and torture for him at the same time?" he grinned diabolically.

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Joseph exited the room again, a few minutes later he was back and took out the weapons from the backpack. He placed a knife, and a gun on the chair, far from Caroline's reach. "Because you are a good girl and all this time you behaved well. I will reward you by letting you choose which way you want to die. You want to die by the knife or by the gun? Or you can choose the painless way which is suffocated by the pillow. Which way do you like to die, Caroline? Choose one which you think is best for you," he said.

Caroline tears were now falling hard down her face. "I will choose the pillow," she sobbed uncontrollably, finally accepting her doomed fate.

"Smart choice!" he murmured. Joseph put back the weapons inside the backpack and exited the room.

When he returned inside, he hops onto the bed and positioned himself on top of her. "Let's begin again, shall we?"

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Joseph's hands were now roaming all over her body. Caroline closed her eyes, numbing her feelings, fantasizing and imagining John again. Tears rolled down her face. Her life was flashing before her very eyes. She's going to die soon, she needs to think fast and quick on how to escape this place. It looks like Joseph just wants to satisfy his lust on her body but has no plan to untie her. She has to think of other ways to escape. She only has two options now, die painlessly in Joseph's hands or escape!

Lunchtime comes... still there's no opportunity to escape.

They just have a quick lunch break, then Joseph was back again devouring her body nonstop. With the rate he was going, she won't be able to stand up on her own, her body was getting weaker.

Dinner time, Joseph finally wore some clothes on his body, he placed the food in front of her in the bed and she chewed on the foods hungrily with her own hands, she drinks the bottled water. A moment later she demanded to be taken to a bathroom. Joseph allowed her to use the bathroom outside the room. Inside the bathroom, he untied her hands but not her feet, then he left the bathroom so that she can take care of the call of nature. There's nothing inside the toilet that can help her in her escape plan, the door has no lock inside and no window that will lead to outside, she was trapped! She sat down on the toilet bowl and does her thing.

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She gathered all her strength and courage.

Now is the time to escape!

She immediately unties her feet, free at last from the ropes that bind her!

She braced herself, time to run fast away from the place!

She bolted outside the door.

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