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Caroline bolted out of the toilet's door, she ran towards the entrance of the warehouse but to her dismay there's was a big padlock attached to the door, without the key she can't get out! There's got to be another way out here! She tried to open the door wanting to get out in desperation, it won't budge, panicking, she looked around for another exit, there was none!

Joseph approached Caroline from behind pointing a gun into her head.

"I thought you want to die the painless way?" he said in a cold voice.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Caroline felt the tip of the gun touching the scalp at the back of her head. "Please, let me go! Joseph! I beg you, I promise I won't tell the police. I'm willing to forget what you did to me, I just want to continue living! I'm too young to die," she whimpered, fresh tears were falling down her face.

"Go back inside the room, now!" he barked at her.

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Caroline's trembling feet walked back towards the room, back to her prison wall.

"Sit down on the bed and tie your feet!" he instructed her and threw a rope on her lap.

Caroline obeyed his command. With trembling hands she tied the rope around her feet, she can no longer run again. She has to wait a little bit longer... maybe the police officers are already on the way to rescue her.

Joseph put the gun in the chair and tied Caroline's hands with the extra rope he was holding. Then he also tied her feet securely so that she can't flee again.

"There is no escape Caroline, so give up trying!" he shouted at her. "Unless you can convince me to set you free, I am the only one who can give you your freedom. But since I'm not willing to set you free then don't count on escaping this place alive!" he said with a grim face.

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Caroline lies down on the bed and closed her eyes. She will keep silent for the time being. She doesn't want to anger him any more. He was terrified that he might start hurting her physically and her body might no longer be in good condition for escaping later when another opportunity arises. It's her second day of captivity and on the third day she will be killed by Joseph, she has to hurry up!

Joseph lies down on the bed beside her.

Caroline opened her eyes and looked at him. "After you kill me and then my sister miraculously returned in your brother's arms, would you also kill her?"

"Yes. As long as I live, my brother won't enjoy his life with any woman beside him. I will kill all his woman!" he answered, his eyes flaming with anger was now fixed on her face.

Caroline gasp.

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"Why you have so much hatred for your brother? Why can't you just find any other woman and live your own life? Why you must have to kill again? Dahlia already died because of you, was she not enough for you? Then why you must have to kill me and my sister, how many women do you have to kill before your hatred towards your brother can be appeased?" Caroline asked.

"Just shut up! It's none of your business!" Joseph yelled at her.

"Do you think you can get away and remain unscathed after you kill me? Sooner or later the police will find you and you will be put in jail. With two murder on your hands, you will forever rot in jail all your life. Why don't you do the right thing this time for a change? Surrender to the police, admit that you are the mastermind of Dahlia's murder and then serve your jail sentence after you served your sentence, you can live free again. If you kill me, sooner or later the truth will come out and with two murder in hands, you can never escape the law, justice will prevail! Think about it!" Caroline was motivated to talk, maybe she can drive common sense on Joseph's head, as long he will listen and tolerate her ramblings and won't hurt her physically, then she will continue.

"They won't suspect me," Joseph said.

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Caroline snorted. "That's what you think! By now John already knows that I'm missing. And it won't be hard for him to connect all the dots. The last person that I quarrel with is you and he knows it, they would be investigating you after you killed me," she said.

"That if they can find your body," he smirked. "With no body as evidence you will forever be missing and everybody is a suspect unless the police can find a piece of solid evidence to tie me to your murder then I'm still free to roam the world," Joseph said grinning.

Caroline retreated to silence. She can't win in a verbal sparring match with Joseph, he already made up his mind to kill her after he is tired of her body and no amount of pleading and begging can change his mind.

"You know what, Joseph? If you only did not let anger affect your better judgment, and did not let revenge dictate your soul and make a cold-blooded killer out of yourself, you could have been happy loving another woman a long time ago and probably you already had children right now. But you let anger and hatred consumed your heart instead of forgiveness and letting go, you choose to remain in the painful reminders of your past, that is why you ordered Dahlia's killing. If given another chance, would you still do the same thing? Is Dahlia even worth soiling your hands with her blood?" she pressed on.

Joseph's mouth twitched. Caroline's question was drilling a hole in his mind. He refused to think of the things that could happen if he did not entertain anger and revenge in his mind.

Is Dahlia even worth soiling his hands with her blood?

If given another chance and he will be transported back in time, would he still do the same thing to her? 

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