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Caroline's questions continue swirling in Joseph's mind, getting louder, poking at his conscience. And for the first time in his life, he began to question his motives when he ordered Dahlia's killing a decade ago. If he can turn back time, would he still order her killing? Way back, his mind was filled with hatred and vengeance to the two people who make his life miserable. His heart was clamoring for vengeance towards the two people that betrayed him. And now the cycle is happening again, he was about to kill another woman and it's again related to Dahlia, how many times he had to kill just because of her hatred for Dahlia for abandoning him? Why does he let a dead woman continue torturing his mind making a cold-blooded killer out of him?

He hated Dahlia, he hated his brother with every fiber of his being because they fall in love with each other and they make a fool out of him, it's painful to see them dating happily while he was swimming in his misery abandoned by the woman he loves and betrayed by his brother. That was all too much to bear for his fragile heart, until one day, he snapped!

He wants Dahlia dead and he wants to enjoy watching his brother suffer in misery just like him. That was when the obsession started, he wants to kill every woman that was associated with his brother, he can't allow his brother to be happy while he was still suffering alone on his own.

Is Dahlia even worth it soiling your hands with her blood?

If given another chance, would you still do the same thing?

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Caroline's question was now creating confusion in his mind. For the first time in his life, Joseph was ready to acknowledge that Dahlia is not worth it. And he was a stupid fool to even let his anger towards Dahlia destroy his self-worth. But it's too late now, he can't order the time to go back in the past so that he can do the right thing. What is done is already done. He can't turn his back on what he was currently doing, he can't stop, he had to continue one last time.

Joseph stared at Caroline's tear stricken face. "Shhh, stop crying. Don't worry, on the third day, you will not die alone. I decided that after I smothered you with the pillow, I will commit suicide and pull the trigger on my head, we will die on the same day and our soul will go up in heaven together, you will go to heaven and I will go to hell," he smiled a little bit.

Caroline was shocked by his statement. "Please don't kill me, go ahead you can kill yourself if you want but please spare me from death, let me out of this place!" she pleaded.

Joseph chuckled. "No. I don't want to die alone. Misery loves company," he grinned upon seeing the horror on her face. "But I have to thank you for opening my eyes, I finally realized what a fool I've been for harboring hatred and revenge on my brother for too long. But it's too late now, I can't change what already happens. Besides, I'm doing my brother a favor, I will get rid of myself and get rid of you since we are the parasites in my brothers happy ending with his wife. If we continue to live, we might end up destroying their happy ending. Why don't we just disappear from the face of the earth together so that they all can live in peace?" he said, smiling in amusement.

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"You're crazy! I don't want to die yet! You can die alone if you want!" she screamed.

Joseph laughed heartily. "And if I will let you live, what will you do? You will still go on fantasizing after my brother? he asked.

Caroline shook her head. "Staying by your brother's side is no longer appealing to me after what I've been through. I will go back to my family and stay with them," she decided.

Joseph smirked. "Really? What change your mind, Caroline?"

"I'm afraid that the longer I stay beside your brother I might turn into a monster like you," Caroline said.

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"You are a smart woman, Caroline. The more I know you the more I am getting impressed by your brilliance!" he chuckled.

He twirled his fingers around the strand of her hair, as he continues watching her pretty face his eyes suddenly turn liquid with desire. "Come on, let's make some hot loving while we are still alive, we will enjoy each others body all night long 'coz tomorrow we will leave this world behind," he murmured while he buried his face on her neck.

Caroline winced, he was still determined on killing her tomorrow, this won't do! She needs to think of a way to convince him to set her free. While Joseph's hands were busy roaming all over her body and pleasuring himself inside her, her mind was already panicking. 'God, please help me, let me live, please save me!' she prayed to God over and over again.

Joseph was luxuriating and pleasuring himself on Caroline's body all night long. On the break of dawn, he finally stopped and left the room.

After five hours, he returned inside the room, he brought cooked foods with him, they began eating breakfast in silence. While they were eating, Joseph kept staring at Caroline's face.

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Done eating breakfast, Joseph brought all the trash with him outside the room.

Two hours later, he returned inside the room. 

"Lie down on the bed properly, Caroline, now is the time to kill you," he said softly, his face was devoid of emotion. Before pity can flourish in his mind, he must hurry up in killing her.

He picked up the pillow...

Caroline screamed hysterically, "No! Please don't kill me, Joseph! I'm not ready to die yet! Please I begged you," she whimpered, fat tears were streaming down her face.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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