The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 482: 482

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Joseph poised the pillow above her head ready to smother her. "Give me one good reason why I should not kill you?" he asked her one last time.

"B- because I might be carrying your child, our child!" she shouted at him, it may sound stupid but it's the last thing that comes up in her mind to reason with him.

Joseph froze. His eyebrows furrowed together, frowning. "And why would you'd get pregnant with my child?"

Caroline glared at him.

"You dumbass! How many times did you empty your seeds inside me? You r-aped me for 3 days nonstop without using a condom and tell me if it's not possible? You might kill other people but I believe that you won't have the courage to kill your child!"

Joseph's eyes widen.


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He chuckled at first and then his loud laughter vibrated around the room. Caroline's claim is got to be the most absurd statement he ever heard in his whole life. But what if it's going to be true? a tiny voice appeared in his mind all of a sudden asking him the same question. There is a big possibility that he will get her pregnant only if he will allow her to continue living. If he will kill her as he originally planned the baby will also die with her. Then he completely turned silent.

"And what if I am correct, Joseph? Would you not be curious about how your child would look like? Won't you give the child a chance to live and see you? Aren't you excited to see your offspring?" she continue talking because she saw confusion in his eyes as if he was hesitating...

Joseph's eyes turned into a slit. "And if you indeed get pregnant with our child, I'm sure you will abort the child because you hated me so much, you can't bear a child with your r-apist!" Joseph said.

"No. You are wrong! I won't abort your baby, our baby. The baby is innocent, if I will give birth to our baby, I will bring the infant to the prison so that you can see our child. All you need to do is served your jail time for killing Dahlia, then after you served your term and get out of the prison I will make sure our baby acknowledge you as his or her father, that's a promised! Just please don't kill me and our child! Please, I beg you!" she cried and whimpered endlessly, her chest was breaking inside, feeling terrified of her impending demise. She knows that she was talking nonsense about the pregnancy but it's the only last thing she can think of that might change Joseph's decision, her time was running out, she was desperate!

Joseph turned around and left the room.

Two hours later, he reappeared in the room. He brought a padlock with him and a key, then he placed those items on Caroline's palm and began untying the roof from her hands and feet.

Caroline's heart was beating faster, hope was rapidly growing in her heart and mind as every rope that binds her was already taken away from her hands and feet.

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"A-are you going to set me f-free?" she asked bewildered by his action at the same time hopeful.

Joseph runs his fingers down her face. "I'm so sorry for abducting you and r-aping you, Caroline. I know you might not be able to forgive me for the things that I put you through, but right now I'm regretting all of it. If indeed you will become pregnant with our baby and you decided that you can't take care of the child, can you please give the baby to my mother?" he said, his face glistened with tears.

Caroline stared at Joseph's face for a long time, she saw regret, sadness, shame, guilt and a touch of empathy flashing in his eyes. She succeeded in planting the seeds of reason in his mind at last!

OMG! she still can't believe that he will set her free!

Then a black shadow appeared in his eyes.

"Go now! Before I changed my mind, I already contacted my parents and told them the exact address here, they will fetch you anytime soon. When you are outside, padlocked the door and no matter what you hear inside don't open the door. I don't want you to see my blood spilled on the floor. Go now!" he shouted at her.

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Caroline bolted outside the room and she was running as fast as she can towards the entrance of the warehouse, towards her freedom. When she was already outside the warehouse she followed Joseph's instruction and padlocked the door outside, she held the key in her palm tightly. She sat down on the grassy ground her body trembling, she tried to steady her shaking hands, trying to calm her fraying nerves. She still can't believe that she was free at last!

A few moments later, she heard the sound of a gunshot inside the warehouse, followed by two more and then total silence ensued.

Tears run down her face.

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Two hours later...

Two vehicles screeched in front of the warehouse.

John, Hector, Clara, Ramon, and George exited the car in a hurry.

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Clara ran towards Caroline and hugged the disastrous looking woman. "Are you okay, Caroline?"

Caroline nodded her head.

"W-where is my son? Where is Joseph?" Clara asked in a trembling voice.

Caroline opened her palm and gave the key to Clara. "Joseph said that after I heard a gunshot I will not open the door because I will see his blood spilled on the floor," she said in a low voice.

The moment Clara heard Caroline's statement she went white, blood drained out of her face. Then she let out a blood curling scream. "My son! My son!"

John snatched the key from his mother's hands and inserted it on the padlock. Once the door was finally opened they all rushed inside except Caroline who remained seated on the grassy ground.

Caroline heard Clara's loud sobbing and heartbreaking scream outside the entrance of the warehouse.

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