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As Joseph's devastated family gathered around his dead body... it's hard to describe thier horrified faces.

They were stunned and shocked!

Hector was trying to shield Clara's eyes from seeing too much blood on the floor. But it's too late because she already had seen so much, she was hysterical and sobbing uncontrollably in her husband's arms wanting to get closer to the dead body of her son.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Hector, let go of me! I want to embrace my son! He is still alive, we will bring him to the hospital!" she struggled to break away from her husband's hold, but his embrace was too tight she can't breakaway.

"Shhh... calm down Clara, our son is already dead," Hector said calmly, he knew the moment he saw Joseph's white face, soulless eyes, and lifeless body, he knew he was already dead. Inside his rib cage, his heart was breaking into a million pieces, for a father to see his son lying dead on the floor was heartbreaking.

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Ramon squatted near the body and put his fingers on Joseph's nose trying to feel if he was still breathing, he shook his head, signaling to the people around him that Joseph was already dead. "Joseph is dead," he declared sadly.

John was rooted to the spot unable to move, the sight of his brother's lifeless body lying in the pool of his own blood was paralyzing and nauseating to watch. He never thought Joseph would commit suicide. He never thought he was actually the one who abducted Caroline, although he already had suspected him a little bit, he was hoping against hope that his brother didn't do it. And now it all comes to this...

Everyone was upset and shaken to their very core!

George who was inspecting the only room in the warehouse found three suicide letters in the room, he gave them to John.

The warehouse that used to be tranquil was now filled with a mother's deafening hysterical sobbing mourning for her beloved son that suddenly passes away.

John starts reading the letters handwritten by Joseph, one for his parents, one for Dahlia's family and one for him. In Joseph's letter to him, his brother asked forgiveness for his bad behavior for being an asshole, for giving him headache all the time and for killing Dahlia, he also thanked his elder brother for being kind and understanding of his crappy mood through the years, he wishes that if he will be born again he still wants John to be his elder brother and do things differently in his next lifetime. He swore that he will be a better brother for him. John can't stop the tears from falling down his face, it's so damn painful!

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As for the letter intended for Dahlia's family, it stated that Joseph admitted his crime of hiring a 'killer for hire' to kill Dahlia and the only way to make amends for his crime is by killing himself, he asked forgiveness from Dahlia's family.

After reading the last letter, John gave it to his parents.

Teary-eyed Hector and Clara read Joseph's letter...


Dearest Mom and Dad,

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Hi Mom and Dad, by the time you read this letter of mine I'm probably dead and my soul already went straight to hell as my punishment for my crime. I'm sorry that I was never the best and good son to you. But for me, you are the best parents in the whole world! Thank you very much for all the support, the love, and care that you had given to me through the years. In spite of my drug addiction problem you guys never fail to support and always there by my side and showed me how much you care and love me. I don't deserve your love and attention, I'm so ashamed of myself. I'm so sorry because I ended my life this way, but it's the only way I know how I can pay for my crime.

I abducted Caroline because of hatred and revenge for my brother, I violated her body, I already apologized to her but I know she can never forgive me. There is a big chance she may get pregnant with my child, please support her financially and emotionally. Please compensate her of the damage I have done to her. If she wanted to abort the baby please support her, but just in case she will allow my child to live in this world then please give my child and Caroline a better life as well. If Caroline will start hating my child, Mom, please adopt the baby for me. I can't blame her because of what I have done to her.

Lastly Mom and Dad, please compensate Dahlia's family with money of any amount in a little way we can help them eased the pain a little bit.

I have to say goodbye now. Thank you very much for bringing me into this world. If I can only turn back time I will live my life differently and aspire to become the better son that you always wanted me to be. Too bad, I only realized too late that I already wasted my life because of my insane hatred towards my brother.

If Caroline will bore my child, please tell my child I love him so much. I may never be able to see my child growing up but If I have live longer and not become a murderer I would have been a better dad.

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I am crying while writing this letter, realizing how I had thrown my life carelessly just because of hatred and revenge. I felt useless and always felt myself a sinner. Sigh, I have wasted my life for nothing. While the world was moving I was stuck in the bitter memory of my past, I didn't grow old because of my selfish reasoning, I am always immature and a big burden to you guys but you never abandoned me, you always show me that I am precious and love, too bad, I don't deserve such unconditional love that I could never repay in my lifetime.

Thank you so much for the love, Mom and dad!

I love you so much!

With much love and respect,



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