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In the middle of the chaos, John suddenly remembered Caroline. He walked towards the entrance of the warehouse and found her sitting on the grassy ground still in shock. He kneels in front of her and took off his jacket and wrapped it around her trembling body.

"Are you feeling cold, Caroline?" he asked her worriedly.

Caroline shook her head. "I w-wanna go h-home to baby James," she responded in an audible voice.

"Okay, we will go home shortly, but I will call Grace first to inform her that we already found you. She was worried of you," he said patting her shoulder tenderly. He doesn't know yet the extent of psychological damage his brother Joseph had done to Caroline but he was sure it will be traumatic for her sister-in-law, in the coming days her nights will be filled with nightmares. Right now, he was hating his brother for doing something so horrible to Caroline just because he thinks it's one way of hurting him back for taking Dahlia away from him. What his brother failed to see that he'd never forcibly taken Dahlia away from him, she left his side willingly because Dahlia was wise enough to realize that he was a better man compared to his brother during that time. Maybe he just fell madly in love with Dahlia blindly he failed to see that its' already killing his brother inside, thus creating a murderer out of him. Sighing, John put an end reluctantly to his journey to his past and focus his attention on the task at hand.

John called Grace on his phone.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Grace answered the phone right away. "Hello, John..."

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"Grace we already found, Caroline, I'm standing by her side right now, would you like to talk to her?" John said.

"Yes! Please give the phone to my cousin, I want to hear her voice," Grace said.

John gave the phone to Caroline.

"Hello... cousin...are you okay? What happened, why are you missing for several days?" Grace voice was filled with worry.

"I'm okay now, cousin. How is my mother? Did she know that I'm missing?" Caroline asked worriedly.

"No. I didn't tell her yet because I am afraid that if she knows that her daughters were gone missing I am afraid that she can no longer bear the stress and worries and she might have a heart attack, I decided to delay in telling her about your disappearance hoping that you will resurface any time. Thank God, you are back and you are safe. What exactly happened to you?" Grace interrogated her.

Caroline and John's eyes met.

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"I will tell you one day, cousin. I will visit you guys soon. For the time being, just keep this a secret to mother one day I will be the one to tell her about what happened to me. I can assure you that I'm okay, please don't worry about me, cousin," Caroline said.

Grace sighed on the phone. "Okay, I believe you. Visit us soon, Caroline, I want to see you in flesh! That is the only way I can convince myself that you are perfectly alright," she said.

"Yes, cousin, I will, bye!" Caroline said and handed the phone back to John.

Clara exited the warehouse and hugged Caroline. The women were sobbing and comforting each other.

John instructed the women to go inside the vehicle while waiting for the police personnel and ambulance to arrive.

When the police officers finally arrived at the scene, the preliminary investigation took place inside the warehouse, all the evidence were gathered including the suicide letters. The police officers were questioning Caroline and invited her formally in the police station for her statement. When the police investigator questioned her about what exactly happened she told them the truth. Joseph's confession letters gave the police investigator the overall picture of the suicide victim's case and history. There's no foul play and the victim committed suicide to pay his crime to Dahlia based on his letters.

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Caroline cooperated with the police and requested that since the suspect was already dead and she was not gravely harm, she doesn't want her name associated with him on the report to protect the health of her mother.

The police relented due to the reason that the suspect was already dead and the case can not be file anymore.

After the police investigator was done investigating Joseph's body, the deceased was brought into the funeral parlor for embalming and mourning.

Three days later...

Police officers including John and his father went to Dahlia's family and gave them Joseph's confession and the apology letter. Although Dahlia's family was still grieving of the death of their family member a long time ago, they can finally live in peace knowing that the suspect already paid his crime with his own life. John gave Dahlia's parents the envelope containing the cheque amounting to PHP 10 million to compensate for the life of their daughter that has been cut short.

Joseph's friends, family, relatives were notified of his sudden passing. The company's employees visit the funeral to pay their respect.

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The burial took place after five days of mourning. Caroline insisted to accompany Clara in the cemetery. As Caroline was watching Joseph's coffin lowered into the ground, she was thankful that God delivered justice swiftly on her behalf. She was glad that she didn't die on Joseph's hands on that day, instead, it was him that died, what a twist!

Caroline rubbed Clara's back sympathizing with the older woman's agony of losing a son, but due to the circumstances, she can't shed a tear for Joseph who's coffin as of the moment was already laid to his final resting place beneath the ground.

John was watching Caroline's face, observing his sister-in-law's reaction upon witnessing the burial of his brother who was also her r-apist. She was such a brave woman, in spite of what happened to her in the hands of his brother, she still insisted on going to the cemetery to accompany her mother.

He was wondering that if he only knew early that Joseph was the mastermind of Dahlia's death, his brother won't be able to kill himself, instead, he will be paying his crime in jail.

Too late!

Joseph was gone.

John was thinking of the days ahead.

After the burial, he and his parents will be discussing on how to compensate Caroline of the damage his brother has done to her.

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