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~Forbes Park~

Ella was in the outdoor pool sporting her two months old baby bump. She was smiling happily upon seeing Danny approaching... holding a food tray filled with slices of watermelon.

"Honey, here's your watermelon," Danny said, he placed the tray in the pool table.

Ella beamed at him. "Rub some sunscreen on my back and my legs, please," she said.

Danny obeyed her request. He rubbed a hefty portion of sunscreen lotion on his woman's back and legs.

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Done with the sunscreen, Ella starts munching on the watermelon. Last week it was ripe mangoes that she craves so much. As she was eating to her heart's content, she noticed that Danny was looking at her intently, his eyes were filled with tenderness.

Ella took one slice of watermelon and put it on Danny's mouth for him to eat. "The watermelon is tasty, have some..."

Danny shook his head. "Nah. It's all yours, eat some more, my love," he observes her face silently. "You happy with us?" he asked all of a sudden.

Ella frowned at his question. "Of course, I'm happy with you, with us. Why are you asking?"

Danny smiled tenderly at his ladylove. "Nothing. I just can't believe that I will have a new family again. I thought I was destined to go through life alone and never fall in love again, but when you came into my life, my life changed for the better. You bring back the sunshine in my life. Please, don't ever change, honey," he said.

Ella smiled sweetly at Danny. She put down the watermelon and cupped Danny's face lovingly. "I will never change, so don't worry, okay?" she planted a wet kiss on his lips.

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Danny hugged Ella tightly. "I love you so much, Ella!"

"I love you too, Danny!" she replied, her voice was overflowing with love for him. Day by day, she was falling madly in love with Danny and she can't wait to walk the aisle and marry him.

They looked into each other's eyes, they were so in love, their surroundings became an endless field of roses, they were excited about their upcoming wedding that will take place a few months from now.

Danny sat on the vacant lounge chair beside his pregnant girlfriend and rubs her back.

"How's the construction? How's it's going?" Ella asked.

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"It's going great, we have enough funding for the building because all business organization in the whole city pledges to donate money for the completion of the project, they wanted to see the building finished one day, monetary donation from ordinary people starts pouring in the bank account opened specifically for the project, then some of the construction company in our cities donated construction materials for the building, the donations were coming in round the clock. When the building will be completed the rest of the funds can also be donated to other cities to help fund their projects in helping to eradicate slums in their area. It will be a domino effect, we just need to complete the first project and show to the people in our country that everything is possible if we start helping each other," Danny explained.

Ella smiled brightly massaging her baby bump, she was feeling proud of Danny because he was very supportive of her dream project.

The construction of the relocation site officially started last two weeks ago and the groundbreaking ceremony was attended by elite businessmen in Makati City, the event was given countrywide media coverage, the first of its kind in the country. The event was also attended by the city's government officials. It was also supported by the President of the country. After the building's completion and the people in the slum area will finally be relocated to their new home, they will be the beneficiaries of the new facilities that were specially made to uplift their way of living. The completion of the project will put Makati City in the spotlight to be the first city in the entire country that successfully eliminated the slum on its area of responsibility. It will become the first city that will set an example on how slum in every city can be eliminated, not because of government funding but because of common people who work together to help their less fortunate brothers and sisters. It's all about giving back, sharing your blessing and working hand in hand towards the common goal that can make a big difference in other people's lives, especially the less fortunate ones.

Ella and Danny become a household name, they were famous for their passionate drive to help the children and their families in the slum area. Many ordinary citizens also express support on the said project donating any amount to the completion of the building.

According to the survey, other cities will also be planning to follow suit in studying how to eradicate slums in their respective areas and help the poor people relocate into a much cleaner, safety, and healthier environment. Addressing such issues in every city is a must for every government officials as well the full support of its citizen, with a combined effort, a milestone can be achieved.

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"Right now, the peoples' attention is geared towards the project, it will be a flagship project that can spell a big difference in how the government and the people view and address the growing slum problem in every city," Danny said. "Don't worry my love, I will take care of the project, all you need to do is take care of our baby, leave the rest to me. I will make sure your dream project will come true, leave it to me, hon," Danny said, looking at his future wife with love shining in his eyes, feeling so proud of her.

Ella rewarded her future husband with a kiss on the lips. "I love you, Danny, thank you so much for believing in my project, it means a lot to me. Right now, I can very well imagine the happiness of the children and their parents after they will be relocated into their new home. It will be a brand new life for them. I want to see the smile of happiness and excitement in their faces, it would be worth the effort. They will have a new outlook in life, they will feel optimistic, blessed and loved and it's something that they don't feel in the slum surrounded by extreme poverty neglected by the government and everyone. A small drop of kindness that those impoverished people receive from kindhearted strangers is already a big miracle for them," she muses.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Danny smiled happily at his woman feeling inspired to do more for her vision for the poor, it's one thing that makes Ella's personality unique, admirable and lovable, she cares for others even if she doesn't have to, she goes the extra mile to make a difference in the lives of those people that aren't related to her.

He caresses Ella's face and planted a kiss on her forehead. "I love you so much, hon!"

"I love you too!" Ella responded.

They shared a passionate kiss.

A moment later, they were already swimming in the pool, laughing and romancing each other, creating beautiful memories together.

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