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~Unknown Location~

Catherine was watching the vegetable garden, loving the luscious greenery in front of her. It's been her comfort, watching the green leafy plants soothes her weary mind. As her vision was glued to the vegetable garden her hands were also massaging her bulging stomach. She will be giving birth next month and in spite of her captivity, it's something that she was looking forward to.

Dana sad beside her on the wooden bench. "Your tummy is really big now. I think you will give birth on the second or third week next month, just my rough estimate."

Catherine's face turned sad. She was wishing that her husband John would be there to witness her giving birth to their second child. But the situation was different this time, she was abducted and she has no idea what are the kidnapper's plan for her and the baby. What do they want from her? How many times she tried to talk to the leader of the men that guarded her and Dana, she was trying to ask for information who is the mastermind of her kidnapping, yet, the leader ignored her all the time.

Already at her wit's end, the only thing that prevented her from going crazy was her unborn baby in her womb. Her baby was giving her strength and hope to continue believing that someday she can escape this place and returned to her family.

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She misses her husband and baby James so much. She used to cry every day due to sadness and loneliness, but later on, she realized that no matter how hard she cries her abductors won't set her free, one day she just stopped crying and numbed herself, she hides the pain inside and face the uncertainty of her daily life with a brave face.

Dana smiled at the pregnant woman in front of her. "If one day, they will set us free, what would you like to do first after you obtain your freedom?"

Catherine smiled a bit, her eyes twinkled. "I will lock myself in the bedroom with my two babies and my husband for three days straight! I just want to see them every minute and every second to compensate for the time and days that I haven't seen them. Right now, I just want to see them again. God, I missed my son's chubby cheeks and my husband's voice and his laughter. Then I will visit my mother, my cousin and my siblings. I would do anything to see them again," she exclaimed.

Dana looked at Catherine with sadness in her eyes. "Me too, I want to see my family again. It's been too long already. I want to go home. I miss the outside world! I miss doing the things that I can do outside," she said her eyes gleaming.

Catherine patted Dana's shoulder. "Let's keep praying that God will hear our prayers and will send an angel from above to free us from captivity," she said. She wanted to talk with the mastermind of her kidnapping so that she will know why she was kidnapped. Her kidnapping was kind of strange, many things don't add up, it puzzled her and sometimes she got a terrible headache just thinking about who could be the culprit behind her kidnapping.

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Dana nods her head in agreement. "Yes. When everything fails, God is our only hope," she replied.

Catherine stared at the growing sweet potato and the snow cabbage plant. Dana followed her gaze.

"You want to have a sweet potato for dinner?" Dana asked.

Catherine nodded her head and smile, "Yes! I also want cabbage mixed with sardines, I love the way you cooked a yummy soup out of those ingredients the other day," she said.

"No problem, I will cook them again for our dinner tonight," Dana said, she walked towards the crop and uprooted the cabbage and five medium sweet potatoes from the ground, then she also picked some onion, garlic, and tomatoes as ingredients for the tasty soup that she will be making tonight.

Dana turned around and entered the house to start cooking dinner in the kitchen.

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Catherine remained in the garden, she starts watering the vegetable plants, it becomes her daily habit before the sun sets at night. The onion, garlic, and tomatoes that Dana had planted were growing fast. Seeing these vegetable plants growing nicely in the fertile land gives her a little bit of joy and accomplishment, a beacon of light against her forced captivity.

That night, Dana and Catherine were eating together in the dining table, enjoying the fresh, nutritious and delicious organic dishes that were harvested from their vegetable garden.

After dinner, there's still lots of soup and rice left, Dana gave the remaining foods to the guards and they accepted the dishes enthusiastically.

When bedtime comes, Catherine spent the night tossing in bed, she can't sleep. She will give birth soon and she has no idea what will happen next? What are they going to do with her? What are they going to do to her baby? She has lots of questions bothering her mind it made her restless. She would like to believe that maybe her abductors will free her after she gives birth to her baby. Why are they not asking for ransom yet? Is it possible that the kidnappers already ask for ransom but John was not able to give the money? She knows her husband would do anything in his power to get her back since he knew he was pregnant.

But why she was still in captivity?

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Why she was not freed yet?

Unless the kidnappers don't need the money and she was kidnapped for a different purpose and reason. If that is the case then what is the purpose of her kidnapping?

She was getting frustrated and feeling angry, her kidnapping doesn't make sense to her. She doesn't even have an enemy that would take revenge on her.

Dana was watching Catherine out of the corner of her eyes. "Catherine you should go to sleep early, please, think about the health of the baby," she reminded the pregnant woman.

"I can't sleep, Dana. My head hurts thinking so much. I want to know who is the mastermind of my kidnapping," Catherine said.

Dana sighed and closed her eyes, she wrapped the blanket around her body and went to sleep.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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