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~Quezon City~

The location of the residences belongs to an upper-class village were wealthy people gathered like kindred spirits and construct their homes, either to show off, rubbed their wealth to other wealthy neighbors or simply they just want to be surrounded with an affluent individual like them. The three-story modern house was well equipped with expensive furniture and appliances. The five bedrooms were located on the second floor. An indoor pool was located on the third floor beside the gym room, then there was a theater room as well. On the ground floor a beautiful chandelier hangs in the ceiling, long winding staircase completed the grandeur look of the mansion.

In the pool area of the mansion. A woman wearing a white robe over a black swimsuit was relaxing on the lounge chair beside the pool, she was holding her cellphone, she swipes at her phone and called a number.

The call was answered by the man wearing a black face mask thousand miles away.

"What's up? How are the two ladies doing?" asked the woman, whose left hand was holding a glass filled wine.

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"They are doing fine. The two ladies were loving their little vegetable garden, they were able to harvest vegetables from it," answered the man in a mask.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"That's good, they have something to do with their idle times, they were getting productive as well," the woman murmured.

"Ma'am, how about the pregnant woman? I think she will be giving birth next month. What were you gonna do with her?" the man asked.

The woman sipped her wine first before answering.

"Find a midwife to help her deliver the baby, someone that won't speak to authorities as long we give her a big money. Can you find one? Make sure the midwife knows how to keep a secret. We have come this far, we need to avoid anything that can derail happen my plan along the way," she said.

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The man went silent for a few minutes.

"Yes. I do have a close relative who is a midwife and she lives in our place. I think we can hire her services discreetly, her place is one hour drive from here, it will be handy when Catherine finally goes into labor," he answered.

"That's good. Try to negotiate with your relative and tell her that it's confidential and tell me how much we need to pay her just to keep her mouth shut. If she agreed to deliver the baby, blindfold her as usual when she goes into the hideout, she must have no idea where is the location of that place, understand?" the woman said.

"I understand Ma'am!" the man answered.

"Good!" she said, her eyes fixed on the red liquid in the glass. She planned the abduction to the smallest detail, her men perfectly executed everything under her command, unfortunately, some things were out of her control such as Catherine's pregnancy.

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"Ma'am, after Catherine gives birth to her child, what will we do next? How about the baby? What are we going to do with the baby?" the man asked.

"Hold on a minute," she put the glass of wine in the table and massage her temple.

She stared at the sparkling water in the pool for a few seconds thinking of the best way to deal with the baby.

"I will call you tomorrow, I still need to think and decide on what to do with the baby," she said ending their conversation. She placed the phone on the table and picked up her glass of wine and sips at it again.

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She gulped the remaining wine from the glass and then poured some more. Until now she still can't decide about the baby. When she ordered her men to abduct Catherine, she did not expect the woman to be pregnant. Her pregnancy derailed her plans. But since her plan was already in motion she can no longer give up everything, her captivity spans days, weeks and months, it was supposed to be a simple abduction, the plan was to retain her for three months then released her eventually. But Catherine was pregnant, and she might be the worst person on earth but she's a woman and a mother too. Her conscience can not allow her to hurt an innocent baby.

She does have an idea on what to do with the baby, she was thinking about in the past few months, but her decision changes month after month, as of this moment, it became clearer now as she was getting excited of Catherine's delivery.

If Catherine will deliver a baby boy, she will adopt the baby and raised it as her own, since she already has daughters, she always wanted to have a baby boy, too bad she can no longer get pregnant. Raising the baby boy as her son sounds appealing to her. She was sure he won't object if she will get Catherine's baby. After Catherine gives birth to a boy, she will bring the baby to Hong Kong with her and raised the boy there. She will shower the baby with much love and care. 

But what if Catherine will deliver a baby girl?

Hmm... she will decide later.

As for Catherine's future, it all depends on his decision.

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