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Clara must do her best to convince Caroline to carry on with the pregnancy. She desperately wants her late son's offspring to continue living. The baby is the only good thing that comes out of Joseph's broken life. She doesn't want to lose her grandchild.

She cleared her throat...

"My suggestion for you is that you will give birth to my grandchild so that I can raise the baby myself, that's it if you don't like raising the baby on your own. How about you go with me to the US, Canada or even in Thailand, I have relatives there, you can deliver the baby in one of those countries. You will like the place for sure. It will be a new environment for you and a new adventure to look forward to. Just say yes and I will process our papers immediately so that we can get out of the country as soon as possible," Clara suggested.

"Give me a few minutes, Auntie, I will think carefully of my options," Caroline answered.

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The two women were silent for a while, they were preoccupied with the thoughts running in their mind.

Caroline was weighing her options carefully. John's family offered her PHP 5 million for compensation for the damage Joseph has done to her physically, mentally and psychologically. Just in case she will get pregnant with Joseph's baby they will add another PHP 5 million just for her to deliver the baby safely. She will receive a total of PHP 10 million, she just has to deliver the baby and get the money, then she will be free to do anything with her life, while the baby will be taken care of and raised by Clara. But if she will abort the baby she will only receive PHP 5 million for the damage.

Which is which?

She still has to think carefully about choosing the best option for her, she doesn't want to rush herself, it's gonna be a life-altering decision, she needs more time to process everything with a clear mind.

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"Auntie, can I go to my room now? I will think about it first. I will tell you about my decision tomorrow," she said, she feels a massive headache coming due to her confusion on wanting to choose the best option for her without carrying on with the pregnancy. The 10 million offer was tempting enough, but she can't stomach carrying the baby of her r-apist every day for nine months, she will go crazy if her pregnancy will continue.

Clara nodded her head. "Okay, you can rest now. Please decide responsibly and think carefully for the baby's sake," she said.

Caroline walked towards the bedroom and went inside to decide on an important decision for her future.


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At 7:00 in the evening.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

John and Hector arrived at the flat and asked for Caroline.

They gathered into the living room.

"She was in her room resting, she will give her decision tomorrow," Clara informed them.

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John sat on the sofa opposite his mother. "Mom, do you think she will abort the baby?" he asked.

"Not sure, son. But I'm desperately hoping she will carry on with the pregnancy, we just want to take care of your brother's offspring, that baby will be Joseph's only living legacy. We can't just give up on that baby we have to fight for the fetus's right to live because the baby is part of our family," Clara elaborated.

Hector nodded in agreement. "Yes, we should fight for the baby's right to live. I will talk to Caroline tomorrow to convince her in keeping the baby until she gives birth to it, we won't oblige her to take care of the baby, the only thing she needs to do is deliver the baby and we will take it from there."

John was observing his parent while they were talking about the baby, he can see that they were eager and excited to see Joseph's offspring, they craved for a tiny piece of the son that they recently lose through the baby. Tomorrow he will do everything in his power to convince Caroline so that she will agree in giving birth to the baby. He just wants to make his parents happy and his late brother's offspring to have a chance to live and see the world. He was sure Joseph will be happy watching his only child from heaven being taken care of and loved by his family. As the eldest child who just loses a brother, it's his responsibility to take care of the family of his deceased sibling.

"I offered Caroline to go with me to the US, to Canada or even to Thailand for a change of environment, hoping that she will be enticed by my offer to keep the baby and not think of abortion. She must go to a new place so that she can start forgetting what happened to her, it will make her pregnancy smooth sailing. I want her to see the good side of her pregnancy thus preventing her from dwelling into the negative side of her situation. What do you think guys?" Clara asked the men.

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