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"That's a good offer, wife," Hector agreed.

"I also approved of your offer to Caroline, Mom. A change of environment will speed up the process of forgetting and overcoming Caroline's trauma. I also approved of your choice of places," John added.

"I'm glad that you guys approved of my offer to Caroline, now we're settled," Clara said, she rose to her feet. "It's getting late and I want to rest, we're going back now to Mystic Bay Twin Tower," she said to her son.

"Okay, see you tomorrow, Mom and Dad," John responded.

Hector and Clara walked towards the door and left the place.


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While inside the room.

Caroline can't sleep.

As the night was getting deeper, she must come up with a decision because Joseph's family will be waiting for her decision tomorrow.

Caroline was still confused as ever. If she will keep the baby she will be 10 million richer. She never thought in her wildest dream of owning such a huge amount of money. It blows her mind away. But even with just 5 million, she will still come out a millionaire and no need to keep up with the r-apist baby. She put her hand on her tummy, she was feeling horrified that a baby was growing in her womb right now, the fetus that she did not want in her life was occupying her uterus. It's bad already that she was sexually violated and now she had to remember the way how Joseph forced himself on her every day of her life because of his child that was growing in her tummy. If she will eliminate the baby out of her life, she will be able to fully enjoy the 5 million without the remnants of the worst events in her life.

Pssst! a tiny voiced echoed in her mind.

Don't be stupid and foolish!

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Go for the 10 million!

Go for the 10 million!

Go for the 10 million!

The tiny voice was screaming in her head it's getting louder every second... telling her that she should go for the much higher amount which is the 10 million offer.

And the tiny voice continued creating havoc in her mind...

'Not only you were able to take your hands off from the blood of your child but you also be getting 10 million richer! Then you will also be able to enjoy giving birth to other countries which will take off your mind from your life-altering ordeal which you suffered in the hands of that bastard Joseph. It will only be 9 months of suffering and after that, you will be free to live your life any way you wanted. Think of the money dumbass! The past already happen and you need to focus on your future, no matter how hard you work all your life no one will give you 10 million, you will never get a chance to have 10 million handed to you in cold cash, you will never earn this huge amount in your whole lifetime. You suffered gravely in the hands of Joseph now you are rewarded by a huge amount of money, all your suffering will fade away as soon you will get a hold of that money, your life will forever change! Go for the 10 million! the voice in her mind said over and over again.

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After thorough thinking, she liked the advice of the tiny voice in her mind. She needs to be practical, the deed had been done, now she will go for the money as compensation. Tomorrow she will tell Clara that she agreed to her offer and suggestion. She heard that Thailand got some beautiful scenic spots, she will go there first, and if she is in for the mood, it will be US and Canada next.

Finally, all Caroline's confusion was gone the moment she focused on the money. She will do everything for the money.

She smiled to herself, feeling at peace finally.

She covered her body with the blanket and go to sleep. Inside her subconscious, she can see lots of money floating in the air... she smiled broadly thrilled beyond words... before she drifted into sleep she was thinking of something else aside from the money, she has more condition that needs to be met before she will keep the baby.


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The following day.

After breakfast, Caroline decided to swim in the pool, she was about to change into her swimsuit in the bathroom when John walked inside the pool area.

"Caroline, can I talk with you for a second?" John asked.

She nodded her head and sat down on the lounge chair.

When they were already facing each other John started addressing his concern to her.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Before my parents arrive here today I want to ask you first on what is your decision regarding your pregnancy. Have you already reached a decision? Will you keep the baby or abort it?" John asked.

Caroline pretended to feel sad, her face registered gloominess, wanting to gain John's sympathy.

"I decided to abort the baby. I don't want to raise the r-apist baby in my tummy for nine months," she said without blinking her eyes, she stared coldly in his eyes.

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