The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 492: 492

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John signed deeply. He already expected the worst and now that he was hearing it directly from her mouth he feels a deep sense of loss for the innocent fetus that doesn't deserve to die too soon because of the father's sin!

"Tell me, what can I do to change your mind? I would do anything just keep the baby alive, the fetus has nothing to do with what the father has done to you. Will you please consider it?" John pleaded.

Caroline smiled a little. Now is the time to ask that one thing that she desperately craves about.

"I will keep the baby and deliver it after nine months safely but on five conditions," she said.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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A line appeared between John's brows. "Let me hear your conditions first, go on..."

Caroline breathed deeply. Now that it all comes to this she has to lay her cards very well. For someone like her, the window of opportunity does not open every day, it rarely opens and when it does she wanted to grab the opportunity no matter what awaits her in the future.

"First, I want the 10 million cash transferred in my bank account. Second, I want all my expenses abroad will be shouldered by your company. Third, I want to have my own house and lot and car when I'm back after delivering the baby. Fourth, I will be the guardian of my baby and you will give me money for my living expenses, I want a PHP 100 thousand monthly support. Fifth, if my sister will not come back after five years you are obliged to marry me. That's all," Caroline smiled brightly at John. She realized that being John's wife can entitle her to more than 10 million. She'd better be the second wife, she can't allow John to marry another woman, this way she can take care of baby James and bore more children for John, her future will be secured for life.

John was silent the whole time Caroline was talking animatedly about her demands. While he agreed easily to all her four conditions since she and the baby are entitled to Joseph's inheritance, it's the fifth condition that he doesn't like.

"I agreed to all four conditions, however, it's the fifth condition that is impossible for me to commit, I married your sister and I'm still married to her," he said.

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"That is not a problem brother, John. We will wait for my sister's comeback for five years, after that if she still won't come back then she is already dead. You can marry again. If you don't want to commit to my fifth condition then I will abort the baby immediately," she said threatening him.

John sighed, Caroline's infatuation for him has already run deep.

He still has five years to find his wife though, he believes he can still find Catherine before five years come. Right now, the baby's survival lies solely in his hands, if he won't agree to Caroline's demands the fetus will die and it will be his fault.

"Okay, I agreed to all your demands. Just make sure you take care of the baby, that's all you need to do and I will take care of the rest," John said.

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"Yes, thank you, dear husband," Caroline said sweetly and then she giggled happily liking the words that come out on her mouth.

John groaned and rolled his eyes.

He rose to his feet and left the pool area without looking back at his smiling sister-in-law.

Caroline's smile of happiness and satisfaction was dazzling, it shined so brightly it illuminated the entire pool area.

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Feeling lightheaded, she casually went inside the bathroom to change into her swimsuit. While she was changing her clothes her smile didn't falter. For the first time in her life, she truly feels happy as if she accomplished something so brilliant in her life.

"Good job! Well done, Caroline!" she congratulated herself in the mirror. Not only she will have 10 million cash in her bank account, but she will also be able to travel to an exotic location and practically live there for a few months. Then when she returns in the country, she will live in a brand new house and lot and drive her brand new car, then she will be receiving PHP 100 thousand as monthly living support allowance, she doesn't have to work anymore, she will live like a queen! Then after five years, she will be going to marry the man of her dreams. OMG! my life is perfect! she shrieked in delight.

She feels so happy right now and she can't contain her happiness, she wanted to scream loud. Tears fall from her eyes, they were tears of happiness, she wiped them with her hand.

She exited the bathroom and walked excitedly towards the pool area. A few moments later...She was having so much fun frolicking in the pool, luxuriating in the cool sparkling water, she gazed happily at the glass wall admiring the stunning city's skyline. She felt like the true queen inside her finally arrived! In the years to come, she will live like a queen in John's arms together with their children, such awesome thoughts she had!

She can't wait to be the second wife of John!

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