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Three Days Later.

That morning the pain on Catherine's back and the pain in the lower part of her abdomen was getting frequent. By afternoon her water already broke, and she will be in labor starting from now.

Dana went to the guards and alerted them that Catherine already broke her water bag, she will be delivering the baby anytime.

At 6:00 in the evening, Catherine's face was already in total pain.

Dana already prepared everything in the bedroom, the water basin, the garments, the towel, and the knife.

At 7:00 in the evening, the leader of the guard entered the house and behind him, a woman in her late thirties was holding a black bag in her right hand.

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"My name is Soledad, I am a midwife, I will help you deliver your baby, Catherine," the woman introduces herself.

The midwife asked for the bedroom, Dana and Catherine brought her into the room.

Soledad began taking out her birthing tools from the bag and putting them in the bed, such as the stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, thermometer, fetoscope, sterile instruments for cutting the umbilical cord and etcetera.

She immediately took Catherine's blood pressure, a few minutes later...

"You're BP is normal," Soledad said.

Catherine's face brightened up a bit. The nervousness she felt earlier suddenly faded away after knowing that the woman is a midwife who can properly assist her in delivering her baby safely. She can now focus on delivering her child without worries.

While she was rubbing her back and her abdomen, Catherine studied the midwife's face, the woman looks kind. She walked to her side and whispered into the woman's ears. "Can you help us to escape after I deliver the baby? As you can see we are held captive here against our will. We are kidnap victims, we will appreciate it very much if you can help us escape or alert the authorities of our location so that they can rescue us," she said.

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The midwife stared at Catherine's face. "I see. Me too, they blindfolded me when they brought me here. To be honest they didn't tell me where was this place. They just told me that a pregnant woman was about to give birth today and my services are needed. Don't worry, after you will give birth and they will send me home I will try to alert the police authorities of your whereabouts. The only problem is that I don't know where is this place. They blindfolded me the moment I entered their vehicle, they explained to me that it's confidential so I don't have to know where I'm going to. But rest assured that I will try my best to describe this place to the police," she explained.

Catherine's tears streamed down her face, at last, there's a tiny chance of them getting rescued soon. It's something that she's looking forward to.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

At 10:00 in the evening, the pain becomes frequent until Catherine lay down in the bed because she can finally feel the baby ready to come out from her tummy. "I think I will deliver the baby at any moment!"

Dana and the midwife readied themselves in assisting the delivery.

"Push, Catherine!" Soledad said.

Dana wiped the sweats appearing on Catherine's forehead. "You can do it, Cat, remember how you give birth to baby James, it works the same, just push harder and the baby will come out."

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Catherine does as she was told. She gathered her strength and push her hardest. "Uhmmmmmph!"

"I can see the baby's head now! Push harder Catherine and it will be over soon! Come on!" Soledad said.

Catherine breathed deeply and push with all her might for one last time.

"The baby is out, I got her! It's a girl!" exclaimed Soledad.

The baby let out a cry signaling to the world that she already arrived.

Dana and Soledad have a wide smile plastered on their faces, it's always amazing to witness a new life born into this world.

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Catherine smiled the most. She was feeling relieved that she delivered the baby safely and no more hard and lengthy labor unlike when she gives birth to baby James.

After cleaning the baby, cutting her umbilical cords and attaching a clamp on it, Soledad placed the infant beside her mother. "Here you are... mother and daughter bonding time!" she muses.

Catherine's watched her baby girl lovingly and adoringly, her hands move to caress its tiny arms and feet, tears shimmered in her eyes. "Welcome to the world, my daughter! I love you so much!" she nuzzled the infant's cheeks.

The infant was sleeping peacefully while her mother was chattering with happiness.

Dana and Soledad cleaned the mess in the room that was created after the birth of the child. They disposed of the trash and make the room cleaner for the mother and the infant's comfort.

Dana went to the kitchen to cook vegetable soup for Catherine.

Soledad stayed in the room watching the mother and daughter having their bonding moment.

Catherine paused caressing her baby, she directed her attention to the midwife with a sad look in her eyes. "Soledad, I begged you, please help us escape!" she cried.

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