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The midwife released a deep sigh, her face was troubled as well. She recognized Catherine's face as the missing wife of a businessman shown regularly in the ads of TV stations, newspapers and radios stations. She never expected that she will come face to face with the missing woman herself. She wanted to help her but she was hesitating.

"I see what can I do, Catherine. But please don't be upset if I can't do anything to help you, I'm also taken here blindfolded. When they brought me here I traveled though sees and mountains and from what I have observed this place is situated in a very remote place. I think we journeyed a total of 3 days just to get here. I have no idea where we are and what is the name of this place," Soledad answered.

Catherine tears were flowing freely from her eyes, she desperately wanted to go home now with her newborn.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

The midwife started gathering all her things and putting them back in the bag. She was leaving anytime soon.

With a deep sigh, she looked at Catherine one final time. "You take care of yourself and the baby," she said and left the room with Catherine's pitiful sobbing following her every step out of the house.

Soledad was escorted by the leader of the guard outside the gate.

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"How are they doing?" he asked.

"The mother and the infant is doing fine, the baby is healthy," she answered.

"Is it a girl or a boy?"

"It's a healthy bouncing baby girl," she replied.

"Hmm...Good job, cousin! I will send my men to deliver you home safely," he said. He placed an envelope on the woman's palm, inside was the payment for her services in the child birthing. "Remember carefully, not a word about this to your family or anyone. Keep this secret until you die or else I will lose my high paying job, my siblings need money so I have no choice but to resort to this kind of job," he said.

Soledad nodded her head. Her cousin was a breadwinner of five siblings, his father died when he was still 15 years old, his mother was paralyzed with stroke. As the eldest, she had witnessed how her cousin does all kinds of jobs just to keep his family afloat. His siblings were going to school in public schools, they have no idea what their eldest brother do for a living. If she goes to the police and his cousin will be caught, what will happen to the children? Although she wanted to help Catherine what about her cousin's mother and five siblings who depended on him solely for a living? She was torn between doing the right thing and not doing anything and pretend that what happened tonight was just a dream.

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"Okay, I promised that I will keep my mouth sealed forever, cousin," Soledad said.

"Thank you cousin," the guy said.

"Rico, how long are you planning to do this kind of stuff, kidnapping people?" she asked.

The guy in the mask shook his head. "I don't normally do this kind of stuff. I'm just a mere bodyguard, I think this will be the first and the last," he said hoping that it will be the last. He was working for 'Madam' for five years already and this is the first time his lady Boss pull this kind of stunt, kidnapping someone and he was her most trusted servant, so out of necessity and dedication to his job he followed everything that was being ordered to him even though it's against his conscience, since the bonus money he got for this special task was bigger than his regular salary then he just shut his mouth and performed the job efficiently. He needed the money because his siblings were growing fast and soon enough he needs much bigger income to sustain their needs.

"Time is up, you go now, cousin. Remember your promise," he said.

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Two of the guards blindfolded the midwife and she was taken inside the van to be sent home, the engine roared, the vehicle was slowly moving away from the place.

After the van was already out of his sight. Rico swipes at his phone and placed a call to Madam.

"What is it, Rico?" asked the woman's voice on the other line.

"Catherine already delivered her baby one hour ago," he said.

"Finally! So how are they doing? Is it a boy or a girl?" she asked excitedly.

"It's a healthy bouncing baby girl, Madam," he answered.

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"Oh, I was expecting a boy... never mind," she sounded disappointed.

"What are we going to do with the baby?" Rico asked.

There was a paused for a moment.

"Get rid of Dana and the baby after two weeks. You know already what to do. Let Catherine enjoy her baby for a while. I'm planning to relocate Catherine somewhere. Wait for further instruction from me," she said.

"Okay, Madam," Rico replied.

The line went dead.

Rico put his phone back into the pocket of his cargo pants. He lighted a cigarette and put it in his mouth, he blew a cloud of smoke in the air. He was visualizing in his mind what will be the next steps he needs to do after two weeks, there should never be any mistake or else it will be his downfall and with six hungry mouths to feed he has to make sure his plans are without loopholes.

He dropped the cigarette butt on the ground and pounded it with the sole of his shoes, time to sleep.

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