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~Unknown Location~

Dana was watching the younger woman having a bonding moment with her infant daughter in the veranda. "Hello baby... you're so cute!" she said over Catherine's shoulder.

Catherine raised her head to Dana, looking happy as a bee.

"What name do you want to call her?" Dana asked.

"I want to call her, Angel, my baby angel!" Catherine answered.

Dana looked at the pinkish skin of the baby that glows like pink roses, so beautiful so cute, so adorable, and when the infant opens her eyes you can't help but mesmerized by its charm.

"I already prepared your lunch, Catherine. I will watch over baby Angel. You go now and eat while the vegetable soup is still hot, it will help in your breastfeeding," Dana said.

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Catherine put her little bundle of joy in Dana's arms. "Thank you so much, Dana, for taking good care of me and the baby," she said thoughtfully.

Dana patted the younger woman's shoulder. "Don't mention it, now you go ahead in the kitchen to eat your meal."

Wearing a pleasant smile on her face Catherine entered the house heading for the kitchen.

While in the veranda, Dana was enjoying the infant's irresistible charm, she adored the baby very much. She will enjoy the mother and daughter's presence while it lasted, 'coz tomorrow might be the last time they will see each other.


Evening meal time.

Dana cooked delicious food that night, the guard had given them 1-kilo pork and 1-kilo chicken meat, she was able to make two delicious dishes using the fresh vegetable in the garden as ingredients. The guard's generosity extended as far as giving them one liter of cola complete with ice cubes.

"What's the occasion, Dana?" Catherine asked eyeing the mouthwatering foods in the table while holding baby Angel in her arms.

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"Nothing... it's the leader of the guard's birthday today so he suddenly wants me to cook delicious foods for them. I already give them the rest of the foods and they love it and I left something for us to enjoy the food too, then they also give us a cola! We rarely have the opportunity to eat pork and chicken, all we have is vegetables. Isn't this the perfect evening meal we have for a long time?" Dana smiled broadly.

Catherine grinned feeling enthusiastic to eat pork and chicken again after along time. Dana took baby angel in her arms and sat down on the vacant chair while watching the younger woman enjoying the foods she prepared.

After Catherine finished her dinner, it's now Dana's turn to eat. Fifteen minutes later having done with eating she put all the dishes in the sink for washing then she starts cleaning the table.


At 10:00 in the evening.

Inside the bedroom, Dana and Catherine were already lying in their respective bed ready to sleep.

Dana observed that once Catherine sleeps at 10 she will sleep soundly through the night unless the baby will wake up. She closed her eyes pretending to sleep.

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Two hours later, Dana's eyes opened, she looked at Catherine, the younger woman was already sleeping soundly. She slowly rose to her feet and tiptoed out of the room. She exited the house and went towards the guardhouse to find the leader.

Rico was already waiting for her. They exited the gate and walked towards the nipa hut and sat down on the wooden floor.

Rico took a sachet out from his pocket and gave it to the woman. "Mixed it with Catherine's drinks tomorrow evening, she will be sleeping soundly for the rest of the night," he said. Then he took a brown envelope from his backpack and gave it to Dana. "Here's your payment for your services."

Dana accepted the envelope and took a peek inside, she saw a wad of cash, too many to count. "And what will you do with Catherine?" she asked out of curiosity.

"It's none of your business, you don't have to ask, just get rid of the baby," he responded coldly.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Dana was thinking of the many possibilities on how to get rid of the infant. She can bring the baby to the orphanage, give the baby to a childless couple, left the baby outside the gate of a wealthy couple or take care of the baby herself and raised it as her own, but no matter how tempting it is to take care of baby Angel and raised her as her own she can't, she won't be able to feed, clothe and send the child to school in the long run. The money that was given to her won't last forever and having another extra mouth to feed is already beyond her capabilities. She has to make a painful choice...

Rico studied Dana's face for a few seconds. "One of my men will take you to any destination you want to go. Do you already have a place in mind where you want to go?" he asked.

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"Take me to the city to my favorite park, I have a friend there who is a street vendor. I will stay in her place for the meantime while I have to figure out what is the best option for the baby," Dana said.

"That's good, I will instruct the driver to take you to the park of your choice tomorrow, you will arrive in the city the next morning," Rico said.

Dana wore a grim expression on her face. "How about the baby formula, newborn diaper, the baby bottle, the hot flask for hot water and the backpack I have requested from you?"

Rico stood up and walked to the only room inside the nipa hut, when he returned he brought with him a brown backpack, he handed it to Dana. "Everything you requested is inside, let me know if you still need anything."

Dana inspected the contents of the backpack, the baby bottle, the can of baby formula, the hot flask, and diaper were already inside, there's still enough room for the baby's clothing and a few of her clothes. "This will do," she mumbled. Dana put the envelope inside the pocket.

"Just keep your mouth sealed forever, Dana, everything will be alright. Just pretend that we never meet, and all this never happened, you understand me?" he said.

Dana nodded her head. "Okay, I will go back now inside the house and sleep." She rose to her feet and gave the backpack to Rico.

Dana entered the house and went back inside the room, she looks closely at the younger woman and the baby, they were still sleeping soundly, she climbs into her bed and tries to have a good sleep.

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