The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 498: 498

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The next day.

The sun already appears on the horizon and Dana woke up in the morning feeling sluggish. She was not able to sleep well last night. A lot of things were bothering her. She still can't decide on what to do with the baby, no used torturing herself, she will decide later when she already arrived in the city. New surroundings can help her reached a good decision faster. She looked to her side... Catherine and the infant were still sleeping. She folded her blanket and placed it above her pillow and left the room heading for the kitchen to boil water.

The day went by as usual in the house.

Catherine spends the whole day taking good care of her baby.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Dana cleaned the house, water the vegetable garden, cooked meals, took charge of the baby every time Catherine is taking a bath or eating meals.


Evening comes.

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Dinner time.

Dana prepared the table for supper, she fried salted fish and tomatoes for dinner, she also made pumpkin soup with cabbage, then there's also cold cola in the pitcher courtesy of Rico.

She walked towards the room and called Catherine. "Dinner is ready, Cat!"

Catherine opened the door and placed baby Angel in Dana's arms.

They went to the dining table in the kitchen and Catherine starts devouring her meal with great appetite while Dana was watching her face intently.

After drinking two glasses of cold refreshing cola, Catherine stood up and took the baby from Dana's arms. "Thank you so much for the tasty dinner, Dana! You're simply the best, you can make any simple dishes so delicious!" she was full of praises for the older woman not knowing that tonight will be the last night she will see her. "It's now your turn to eat supper, give me baby Angel," she said.

Dana placed the infant in Catherine's arms.

Catherine walked towards the bedroom since it's now time to breastfeed the baby.

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Dana sat down on the chair and starts putting foods on her plate and munched the food slowly inside her mouth taking her time.

A moment later, done eating, she began putting the dishes into the sink and start cleaning the table and washing the dishes. Done with her chores in the kitchen, she went inside the room to check on Catherine.

As expected, when she entered the room, the younger woman was sleeping soundly including the infant.

She briskly exited the house and took her backpack from Rico. She went back inside the room, she folded her clothes and the infant's clothes and put them into the backpack, she went to the kitchen and emptied the contents of the thermos into the hot flask.

She went back into the room and change her clothes. After double-checking the contents of her backpack making sure that everything she needs was already inside the bag, she's ready to go, she lifted the backpack into her shoulder then wrapped the infant in the white cotton cloth and carry her in her arms.

She released a deep sigh and stared at Catherine's sleeping form one last time with sadness in her eyes. With a heavy heart, she left the room and exited the house.

Outside the gate, the vehicle was already waiting for Dana.

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Rico glanced at Dana, "Everything is ready, are you sure you did not leave anything important behind?" he asked.

"I already got everything in my backpack," she answered.

Rico opened the passenger's door and Dana went inside, he closed the door and instructed the driver to give him a call if they already arrived in the city.

The driver nodded his head and started the engine, the vehicle was moving forward away from the place, a few minutes later, it completely disappeared from Rico's sight.

He walked to the other waiting vehicle and examined the inside. He instructed the two men to come with him.

They entered the house and went into the room.

"Bring the woman inside the vehicle, be careful, make sure she will not get any bruises anywhere on her skin," Rico commanded.

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One of the men who got a bulky body easily lifted Catherine's sleeping form and carry her in his arms like a sleeping child.

Rico and the other men grinned and gave a thumbs-up sign on one another.

After Catherine was settled comfortably inside the van, Rico walked to the remaining guard which is his namesake.

He left some instructions...

"Rico bro, padlocked the door of the house and also the gate before you left the place. Bring the key with you, I will contact you when I will get the key from you. Here are your salary and the bonus included," he put the enveloped on the guy's hands. "You may leave this place after you finished cleaning up everything inside the house, make sure no evidence can be seen anywhere, burn the clothes, the pillow, and the blanket, just make sure, nothing is left behind, okay?"

"Got it, Boss!" Rico answered excitedly, he feels happy that he can finally go home to his brother the next day.

Rico went inside the house and inspected everything one last time, satisfied with his inspection, he left the house and boarded the vehicle together with his men. They will be heading to another location which is Madam's private place located one hour from the city, they will arrive there in the morning.

He closed his eyes to get some nap time.

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