John arrived at the Marigold Hotel at 1:00 PM in the afternoon.

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Catherine was done with her rounds of delivering essentials to the rooms assigned to her. She entered the Presidential Suite#1 and John was already waiting for her there.

"My wife, nice to see you again!" he jokingly said while grinning.

John hugged his girlfriend tightly.

Catherine smiled and bury her face into her chest.

John saw the flicker of sadness in her eyes. He examined her face.

She tried to hide her worries about her mother. She has no plan to tell him about her mother's recent behavior regarding the throwing of plates into the floor.

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

"I'm fine, nothing is wrong, everything is fine," she grinned at him.

"Okay as you say so," he kissed her forehead.

They sit down beside each other on the sofa.

"So, are you ready to marry this ugly husband of yours tomorrow?"

"Lol, don't say that. You are not ugly, you're the most handsome guy I have ever seen," she giggled.

"You are just humoring me!" said John. He began tickling her sides. Catherine laughed her heart out.

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"Stop it!" she screamed in peals of laughter.

John obeyed her. He finally stops tickling her side.

"Shall we go inside now?" he said in a husky voice.

"W-where?" She pretended not to understand what he meant.

"Let's make love..."

She shook her head. "Nah. Not today John. I have my period," she grinned.

He pouted. "How many days it will last?"

"Two days," she replied, smirking.

John runs his hands through his hair feeling a bit disappointed.

Catherine laughed. "You are so horny!"

"Don't you dare complain, I know you like it as much as I do," he said chuckling.

They grinned at each other.

"So, everything is okay now for our wedding tomorrow?" asked Catherine.

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"Yes, everything is okay at my end. How about your end? How's your mother? She won't attend our wedding?" he asked hoping for the best yet already accepting the worst.

"My Mother and sister won't be there, but am bringing along my younger siblings into the reception."

"Okay, now that's settled," he said.

"I already filed 3 days leave from my work in the hotel, starting tomorrow."

"That's good. You need to rest. You will stay in my flat within 3 days. After that, we will talk about everything regarding our future arrangement. Okay?"

"Okay," she nodded in agreement.

"So what do you want us to do today since we can't do some loving because you have your period? Hmmm, how about we continue watching the horror movie that you didn't continue the other night?"

"No thanks!"

"Aren't you curious what is the ending of that horror movie you watched the other day?"

"I'm curious but I don't wanna see the ending with my own two eyes. So tell me what is the ending?" she asked eagerly.

"Take a guess first, tell me what you think of the ending?" he said.

Catherine pondered for a moment, what could be the possible ending?

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"It's obvious, that guy behind her who was holding an axe will kill the woman," she said confidently with her guess.

John shook his head. "No. You are wrong. He didn't kill the woman, he turned the woman into his wife," he grinned.

"Oh, how romantic!" she muses and rolled her eyes.

"So do you find the ending horrific or satisfactory because the last survivor was not killed. At least there is a lone survivor," he asked.

"The problem is that woman survivor will also kill other people because she will adapt to the ways of his husband as part of the clans of cannibals. I would prefer if she just died together with her friends than survive alone and trapped with the cannibals," she explained.

John smiled at her reasoning. "You could be right. Or maybe she was just playing along and will plan her escape later. Nobody knows what she was thinking during her captivity. There is a part 2 of that horror movie, you want to watch?"

Catherine declined his offer. "No thanks! I don't like gore much," she wrinkled her nose.

"It's weird that we're having a conversation like this, most of the time we just...we..."

"What?" he smirked when she didn't finish her words. "Fuck each other to nine heavens," he casually whispered the words into her ears.

She blushed a bit.

"How did you become so skilled in bed?" she asked all of a sudden.

John stared at her.

"Why---you rather want your husband to be a virgin or well experienced in bed?" he tried to divert her question.

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"How many women you have bedded to date, John?"

"I didn't count all. A hundred women I think." He studied her face wanting to know her reaction.

She grimaced, her mouth twitched as a sign of displeasure.

"Why so many? Are you a sex maniac?" she blurted all of a sudden.

John was silent for a moment. "What do you think?" he asked her back. He was twirling some of her brown locks in his fingers, playing with them.

"Actually, I don't care how many women you had bedded before me. I don't care about your past. But I should be the last woman to warm your bed." She gazed into his eyes.

John draws her into his deep embrace. "Of course you will be the last. I wouldn't touch or love any woman ever again, only you Catherine!" He kissed her forehead.

He loves it that he is the only man in her life, he is her past, her present, and her future. He just feel so damn lucky that he was the one who plucked her innocence, that makes her so pure and a rare treasure to find.

"I love you so much, Catherine. I am looking forward to spend the rest of my life with you. I am very excited to start our on family, raise our children side by side." He claimed her mouth and they shared a passionate kiss, so loving, so tender it filled their heart with contentedness and happiness.

His fingers began cupping her soft bottom and he positioned her into his lap thinking of having some quickie. Then John remembered she was having her period, dang! he smiled.

"I will ravage you after 3 days..." he whispered into her ears huskily, his voice already thick with passion and desire.

"Pervert!" she laughed at him.

"Pervert is much better than frigid!" he murmured.

John tickled her side again, she wriggled out of his reach laughing hard.

Whenever Catherine is around and whenever their bodies touch he always has this uncontrollable need and desire to explore her nakedness and plunged deep inside her. He was like a bee always driven to the irresistible flower that she is, he can't resist her charm and her beauty. She was like a drug to him that is so addicting, he craves her presence day in and day out. Only by owning and having Catherine by his side 24/7 can make him completely happy and satisfied.

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