Friday~~~Wedding day!

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Catherine woke up to a bright new day as usual. Today is the happiest day of her life, she's going to marry John the love of her life!

She glanced at the pink box and the jewelry box and smiled to herself. She exited her room and found her mother cooking their breakfast in the kitchen.

She walked to her side and kissed her mother's cheek with a sunny smile on her face.

"Mother, by 1:30 PM this afternoon John's car will fetch us and bring us into the Hall of Justice In Makati City for my civil wedding. I want you and my siblings to be there, Please---?" she was begging now for her mother's much-needed presence at her wedding.

For her, getting married is a one-time event in a woman's life. She will only be married once, she needs her mother by her side on this very special occasion.

Thelma released a deep sigh. "Catherine, you are adult enough to decide for yourself. If you chose that guy over me then it's up to you. My decision still the same, I won't attend your wedding," she said with sadness in her eyes.

Catherine looked at her mother's pale face, the lines on her forehead and the swollen red eyes. Had she been crying in silence lately? She sighed, she wasted her time talking to her mother, she won't budge.

She walked away from her mother and went back to her room. At 1:00 o'clock this afternoon, Grace will come to do her make up. She has no knowledge about applying make-up on her face, she told her cousin she will just wear lipsticks on her lips and it's enough for her. But her cousin insisted lipstick is not enough, to make the story short she agreed to the make up session just to make Grace happy.

She entered the bathroom to take a bath. Exited twenty minutes later and do some personal grooming inside her room since it's her wedding day, cut her nails, clean her ears and etcetera. She checked her wedding gown and the wedding ring, everything is intact. But there is something missing....where are the shoes? OMG! She has no shoes to match her wedding dress!

How on earth she had forgotten about the shoes?!

She picked up her phone and texted Grace that she has no shoes!

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Grace replied not to fret because she has several shoes that she barely uses because they were made of light colors. She said she will bring them over for her to try if they will fit, if not they will visit the nearest department store to buy a new pair of shoes that will match her wedding gown.

She got a text message from Sandra as well, telling her that she just visited the venue and the winter-land wedding theme decoration was nearly finished.

She smiled from ear to ear feeling happy.

Well...everything seemed perfect! Well not really, but she can't afford to think about her Mother and Caroline at this point in time. She needs to be a bit greedy and selfish for her own happiness.


She rose to her feet and get out of her room. Her mother was already finished cooking their lunch. She helped arrange the plates in the table.

"Mother, there will be a wedding reception later after the wedding ceremony. It would be great if you and the kids can come with me to the reception in Makati City, it would be super fun. I would be really happy," she said.

Thelma looked at her with the same sad withdrawn face. "You can bring the children into the reception I will get them ready, but I will remain here in the house."

The older woman was really hard to sway.

Catherine sighed near tears. Her mother was trying to make her wedding day a disaster. But she won't let her affect her mood.

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"Okay, Mother. I respect your decision."

She started eating her lunch in silence. A few minutes more and Grace will be arriving to do her makeup, she'd better hurry with her eating and not dwell much on the negative side.

Done with eating she brought her plates, fork, and spoon in the sink and washes it clean. She brought her glass into the sink, took her toothbrush, put some toothpaste on it and began brushing her teeth.

Lily and Jacob entered the door and rushed into the table to eat their lunch. Catherine watched her siblings lovingly, then she turned around to finish brushing her teeth.

When she was about to gurgle water, she almost hit the glass full of water with her elbow thankfully she catches the glass before it falls down.

Done with cleaning her teeth, she entered her room and start preparing herself for dressing up.

Fifteen minutes later, Grace burst into the room smiling and excited. She brought with her 3 pairs of low heel ladies shoes with different colors such as pearl, cream, and ivory.

"Wear your wedding dress first, then I will tie your hair up in a bun at the base of your neck. Then we will start applying makeup to your face."

Catherine stripped her clothes and change into the wedding dress.

"Just make my make up simple, cousin."

Grace agreed. "Yes dear. You are already beautiful no need for deep mascara. Just some blush on, eyeliner and some dusting of foundation all over your face then lipstick, let's make it natural as possible."

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Catherine smiled at her cousin. "Thank you for your help, cousin!" she said, grateful for her.

"Don't mention it." Grace starts applying foundation on her cousin's flawless face. Traces the skin above her eyes with the eye shadow. Then apply lipstick on her cousin's lips.

"How is she doing, Grace?"


"My sister, Caroline."

"Hmm, she's doing fine. She mostly keeps to herself. We're not talking, nor she attempted to hold a conversation with my housemaid. Maybe she was still in shock about everything that happens between you and her. Let's give her enough space to heal and recover."

Done and satisfied with Catherine's makeup. She starts braiding the younger woman's long hair in both sides of her face and then made a dramatic gorgeous bun at the back of her head. While allowing some of her tresses to fall below her back. Not satisfied she took the flat iron straightener from her shoulder bag and curled the flowing tresses for a few minutes. Catherine's hair was now cascading gorgeously in waves at her back.

She fished out a jewelry box from her shoulder bag, took out the gold necklace and earrings and attached it on Catherine's ears. Then she put the necklace around her neck.

"My wedding gift to you, cousin!"

"OMG, it's beautiful Grace. I love it very much." Catherine touches the golden necklace and the earrings. They look good in the wedding dress.

Grace surveyed her cousin's face. She smiled and hugged the younger woman. "OMG! You looked so beautiful with just minimal makeup! The most beautiful bride ever!

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Catherine looked at her image in the mirror and she was amused with the transformation. As if she was looking into a strangers face.

Then it's now time for the shoes, Catherine tried all the shoes and she and Grace settled on the ivory colored one-inch heel shoes.

Satisfied with everything, they exited the room.

Thelma just looked at her daughter devoid of emotion.

"Mother we're going now to the Hall of Justice..."

"Auntie, we're going out now," said Grace.

Thelma didn't say anything and just ignored them. Grace shook her head.

Catherine bid goodbye to her mother.

Ramon was already waiting at the entrance of the house. They entered the waiting SUV car.

"Ramon, where is John?" asked Catherine.

"He already went ahead to the Hall of Justice just to make sure that the Judge will show up today on your wedding day," Ramon chuckled.

Both girls smiled at each other.

Catherine was looking at the road ahead, feeling good and happy on her wedding day.

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