This is too much for her to handle!

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Catherine prevented the flood of tears from appearing in her eyes. Losing the man she truly loves is more painful than her canceled wedding. She didn't expected it. She was expecting he will be more understanding and considerate this time but she was wrong!

She rose to her feet slowly...

"Fine, if that's what you want then shall be it!" she said, her lips trembling.

She walked towards the door, opening it and closing it behind her without looking back at John's furious face.

John released a deep sigh and shut his eyes. He let her go...

He called Ramon.

"Ramon, bring back Catherine to her home safely in Cavite City."

"Yes, Boss!" answered Ramon.

He ended the call.

John went into the kitchen and opened a bottle of wine and began drinking straight from the bottle, he didn't bother to get a glass.

As he was keenly observing Catherine's face earlier while saying he will break up with her, he didn't see an ounce of pain in her eyes, instead, she just sat in there totally composed, her face devoid of emotion. There was no sign of her breaking down inside. As if their breaking up is just a normal occurrence to her. This is something that is bothering him, if she was like those other women, they would cry, and break down in front of their boyfriend and begged not to make the breakup official.

But she didn't, in fact, she agreed to it without batting an eyelash.

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He was just testing her just to know how much she really loves him and care for him, but he was disappointed and frustrated because he didn't get the emotion he expected that she should display while he brought up the breakup issue between them. What could make him feel better is for her to confess her love for him over and over again, to beg for him not to break up with her. But she just agreed with everything he said without even crying as if he doesn't matter to her at all! Damn!

Maybe she doesn't really love her that much, not the way he loves her. Maybe, he set his expectation too high and ended up disappointed.

If she only cries, beg and told him that she loves him over and over again, he would pick her up and embrace her in his arms. Then all this won't be happening at all. But she didn't!

And that what really kills him inside!

But he was not really serious with everything that he said. He was just testing her for God sake! Maybe he went too far this time!

Why everything is getting painful and terrible between them all of a sudden?

How did they end this way?

He was still feeling angry that his dream wedding turns into a disaster. After doing everything that he can to make the wedding go as smoothly as possible, it ended in ruin!

But what terrifies him the most was the thought of losing her completely! No, he can't lose her! He would die if he loses Catherine! What is the purpose of his living in this world if he can't have the woman he truly loves.

He went to his room in a long stride and picked up his cell phone.

He typed messages rapidly and sent them all to Catherine.


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Catherine was enveloped in silence throughout the ride, Ramon kept sneaking glances at her face at the mirror dash cam. He knew there is something going on with the way she looks, as if her eyes were empty and she moved like a zombie when she entered the car, totally lifeless! He was just waiting for the right time to ask her what is wrong? But he already knew everything is wrong today, the wedding was canceled and the couple was hurting inside.

Catherine stared at her iPhone which was beeping in succession. This mobile device was given to her by John and all she wanted right now is to smash it somewhere! Grrrr!

She saw the messages!

She opened them and read one by one, he rolled her eyes, her mouth twitching in annoyance.

'I'm so sorry Catherine, I didn't mean to hurt you!'

'Am not serious when I say am breaking up with you! I'm just testing you.'

'Please, believe me, I won't breakup with you no matter what, I'll take it back. I am so sorry I screwed things up between us!'

'Please give me another chance!'

'Please come back to me right now! I'm waiting for you right now.'

'I can't live without you by my side!'

'I love you so much!'

'Please forgive me, am just hurting and disappointed that our wedding didn't go as plan! It's so fucking painful for me! Sorry, I behaved badly today, I didn't mean it!'

Catherine was seething with anger. Like hell, you didn't mean it, John! She was furious now.

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Ramon saw the flicker of emotion in her face.

"Are you okay, Catherine?" asked Ramon.

Catherine sighed. "Your boss break up with me today. He and I are no longer in a relationship!" she said.

Then Ramon received a frantic call from John. He quickly attached his headphone in his ears.

"Yes, Boss!"

"Ramon, bring back Catherine to me, right now!" he barked his order.

"But Boss we are already entering the boundary of Cavite City!"

"I don't care! Just bring her back to me, now!" John ended his call abruptly.

Ramon shrugged his shoulders.

"I wanna go home, Ramon!" said Catherine. She knew John was demanding to bring her back. After playing with her emotion today? Heck no! After the wedding was canceled all she needs today is some good loving from him and not the breakup thing which kills her inside! But he screwed up everything between them! He makes things worse than they already are!

"What am gonna do, Catherine?" asked Ramon. He was confused about who's order he will obey?

In the end, he will have to follow and obey the order of the person that employed him.

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"I'm sorry Catherine, I'm just following orders," he said. He made a U-turn and navigated the vehicle swiftly back to Makati City.

She tried to open the car's door to jump outside but it's locked!

"No! Please bring me back to my house, Ramon! Please!" when he didn't budge, she starts crying hard. All the pent up emotion she was trying to suppress inside they came out pouring down from her eyes like heavy torrents of rain flooding her senses. She suddenly feels tired of everything. She wants to lay down in her tiny room back home.

But Ramon muted his ears from her cries. He was just following orders from his boss, there is nothing wrong with what he was doing, but he does feel guilty right now!

"I just want to be alone! I need to be alone!" she shouted at him.

But Ramon turns deaf ears ignoring her pleas.

By the time they reached the MysticBay Twin Tower all her tears were already spent, the handkerchief that Grace had given her was already soaked with her tears.

Ramon parked the car in the basement area. She got out of the car and walked slowly towards the elevator that would take her to the 20th floor.

She will settle the score with John once and for all.

The elevator brought her up into the 20th floor in just a few minutes.

When she was outside John's flat she was hesitating for a moment to input her password and her fingerprints, but she doesn't have to hesitate further, the door opened wide for her...

There he is...

John was looking miserable than ever...his eyes were full of sorrow that mirrored her own.

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