She was about to turn around and get back inside the elevator but John was quick enough to see the hesitation in her eyes, so he grabbed her hand and pulled her right inside and closed the door behind them.

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"Don't touch me!" she hissed.

John sighed and let go of her hand he distances himself away from her. She was angry indeed! But she looked more beautiful when she was angry. His eyes soften up.

She ignored his softening feature.

"Catherine, you can now change your clothes in the bedroom, although you look great in your wedding gown, you can't keep wearing it the whole night," he suggested in a gentle tone. He was feeling mushy inside just looking at her, angry or not, just the sight of her makes his heart beats faster.

He was making sense, she agreed and she walked towards the bedroom, she notices that John was following behind her...

"Stop! Don't follow me!" she turned around and glared at him.

John smirked at her and obeyed her orders.

"If you want to talk find me in the kitchen, but if you want some hot loving, remain in the bed and I will come to find you...," he said in a suggestive tone and wink at her. His penetrating gaze bore into hers.

Catherine gulps back her saliva. What? He was trying to seduce her now? As in wielding his charm to make her warm his bed again? Hell no!

She proceeds to enter the bedroom, she closed and locked the door behind her.

John was trying to enter the bedroom but it was already locked inside. Fuck! She really meant it this time, she was angry!

But he still has means and ways how to wipe her anger.

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She entered the bathroom and took a shower to calm and soothe her nerves. She let the shower washed her pain away, as minutes pass by she was enjoying her shower. She took her time rubbing soap all over her body, then she shampooed her hair and stood under the shower to rinse the bubbles away from her body.

Satisfied and feeling better, she exited the bathroom wearing his bathrobe. She went to his closets and find something to wear. There is no other option for her since most of her clothes were in the Infinity Jade Tower. She rummaged through his clothes, she finally settled with a white v-neck shirt, black brief and black cotton short. She discarded the bathrobe and changed into the clothes that she had selected.

Done changing her clothes, she lay down on the bed. She was planning to sleep alone not caring where John would sleep, well there is another vacant room, he can always sleep there. She starts the process of sleeping, she closed her eyes and hugged the pillow to her body. Just when she was about to doze off she heard some knocking on the bedroom's door. It's John!

"Catherine come outside, let's talk!"

She ignored him...he continues knocking at the door.

John was feeling annoyed that she was not listening to his request for a talk, he banged on the door five times, his fingers starts hurting he stopped for a moment.

Silence is back. Catherine continues dozing off but another knocking ensued again...grrr!

How can she get some quality sleep like this?

The knocking stops and silence followed.

But he might do it again, she sighed. She rose to her feet and get out of the room to find him. She found him in the kitchen drinking wine directly from the bottle itself.

He stared into her eyes.

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She sat down on the chair opposite him.

They were throwing daggers into each other's eyes, not exactly the best way to start a good conversation.

"I'm sorry Catherine...," he said.

"Sorry for what? For breaking my heart into pieces and then saying you are just testing my love for you by breaking up with me? And now you want me back? What kind of sick joke you are trying to play John?" her voice was filled with anger.

"I know. I admitted it and realized my mistake right away when you walked out of the door. I apologized and I'm sorry I hurt you, I am also hurting myself. We are both hurting inside, but I won't let hurt destroy us completely that is why I'm asking for your forgiveness. Please give me another chance," his voice was begging. He threw her a puppy dog eyes.

Catherine ignored him, she was eyeing the wine he was drinking. She thinks she needs one right now.

John saw where her eyes landed on the wine he was holding. If he can't subdue her anger may be the wine can, a smile curled up in his lips.

"You want some?" he teased her.

"Don't worry I will give you a light wine. Not this one, it's too strong for you." He stood up and headed to the cupboard where some wine was being kept and stored. He picked one bottle and close back the cupboard. He took a glass and poured some wine into it, he brought the glass in front of her.

She hesitated to drink the wine, she just stared at it.

John was eyeing her, studying her face. She always looks beautiful in his clothes, she always looks good in any clothes that she wears. Right now he wants to hug her.

After a few seconds of staring at the wine of glass, her fingers brought the glass to her mouth, she gulped down the wine in her throat, all of it.

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A satisfying smile curled up in John's face.

"You want more?" he asked. When she didn't answer, he poured another wine into her glass.

This time, she drinks it without hesitation.

He poured wine again on her glass.

And another...

John was now licking his lips watching his prey getting drunk!

"I hate you John!" she suddenly blurted out. "I hate you for hurting me for breaking up with me during the time that I am so down!" she continues.

"I know love, and am deeply sorry I cause you pain, I'm in extreme pain too right now," he said sincerely.

She ignored his confession.

Then Catherine notices something about the temperature in her body, it's rising fast! Feels like its 100 degree Celsius hotter inside the kitchen. She pulled her long wavy brown hair and make a bun out of it on the nape of her neck. She feels a little bit much better. But the heat continues...she wants to take off the shirt she was wearing. Dang! must be the wine that she kept drinking!

John saw her discomfort, he smirked again. He stood up and went to her side at the back of the chair.

"What's wrong, love?" he whispered huskily into her ears, nearly sucking at her earlobes.

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'It's hottttt!" she said.

"Yes. I know how it feels. You want me to help you? I can make you feel better...Catherine."

"Don't touch me!' she hissed at him.

John only smiled sweetly at her. He began running his hands on her shoulders as if massaging her, trying to make her relax.

"Feeling better, Catherine?" he asked.

Catherine shook her head. "No. I'm not feeling better!"

"You want more wine?"


"So what do you want Catherine? Say it!" he encourages her, but she still refused to say what she wants.

"Is it hot, right?" he asked innocently.

"Yes," she nodded in a low voice.

"So, let's take off your shirt," he said. John immediately pulled her shirt out of her body before she can even protest.

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