He reached for her hand and forced her to grip his hard arousal. "Pleasure me Catherine, please...I will give you the key later," he said.

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No choice, she began stroking her stiff rod, up and down, massaging it, kneading it, while he was panting and groaning in pleasure. A few seconds later, his body shuddered with a climax under her touch.

Satisfied and happy with her hand job, he draws her to him and hugged her tight. "I love you so much, Catherine!" he murmured into her ears.

"Let me pleasure you," he said.

"No. I'm not in the mood today. Just give me the key and I'll be gone in an instant," said Catherine.

He didn't listened to her. Instead, he shifted on top of her and wrapped her legs around his hips. His stiff rod was poking at her panties. He rammed his rod hard on her core, eliciting a moan from Catherine. She felt that her panties would tear apart in the middle with his constant banging. She wrapped her hands on his back.

'Ahhhhhh...." her moaning was getting louder.

"Love it Catherine?" he whispered into her ear.

"Yesss..." her lips quivered in ecstasy.

"Tell me if you want your panties down now..."

"Yess...panties...down...yessss!" she mumbled in a low voice thick with passion.

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He gets rid of her panties and claimed her mouth as he plunged right into her moist core, repeatedly.

"Aaaahhhhh!" she moaned, her fingernails were digging into his back, he keeps banging her, she was now getting closer to her orgasm their saliva was dripping from their joined mouth.

Their breathing speeds up and their heart rate increases, signaling of a coming heart-shattering orgasm. A few minutes more and they were done, the exhilarating ride and the adrenaline rush was now turning into a slow descent back into reality.

Her body was being imprisoned in his muscled arms. She realized that John will always hold power over her physical body. The moment they touch each other, the fire of desire will burn and consumed them bright, it always devours them and it won't fade away until they give in to it completely~body and soul.

She looked into his eyes. "How about we have a cool off period?"

John stared at her ridiculous suggestion. "Hell no!"

"Come on, let's do it, just for 3 months."

"And what will happen next?"

"Well be back together, and get married again," she said.

" What is the purpose of that? I don't get it!" his voice hard.

"You know, think things over between us. Let see if we are really meant for each other, we will know after three months of separation," she said.

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John shrugged his shoulder. "You don't love me anymore, Catherine?" he asked sadly.

"Don't be silly, John. I love you so much! I would be willing to spend eternity with you."

"Then why the hell we will have a temporary cool off if we love each other? You're talking nonsense! I won't agree to it!" he said adamantly.

Catherine exhaled deeply.

"I have issues with my mother, I need to focus on her well being first," she said.

"You can do it without breaking up with me!" he said.

"I'm not breaking up with you, John!"

"It's the same, cool off and break up is the same!" he insisted. "You're breaking up with me, Catherine?" he eyed her coldly. His heart was beating fast.

"No! I didn't mean it that way!" she groaned exasperatedly, he was not cooperating.

John was afraid that if he won't give in to her demands she might really run away from him for good, and he knew that there are several men out there who would willingly take his place in her life, particularly Jerome and that Mike and God knows who else are waiting in line to take his woman away. For the first time in his life, he wanted to cry in front of Catherine, to beg to her not to hurt him like this, it's so damn painful! He felt like she was slipping slowly away from his grasp. If only the wedding had push through things wouldn't end this way...he released a deep sigh.

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"How badly you needed his cool off?" he examined her pretty face.

"Very badly, John."

"What are you planning to do?"

"I need to find ways how to make my mother agree to our wedding without harming her health in the process. She doesn't like you, but she likes Jerome for me. I have to find ways how to change her mind and it's very hard. I dunno yet how things would unfold but I might be able to find a way how to break their bond," she said.

"What I am afraid of is that you might fall in love with Jerome in the process and you will forget me entirely," he said.

"Nah. Don't say that. My heart knows what it wants. It only wants you!" she planted a kiss on his lips.

John smiled a bittersweet smile. "Sometimes I wonder if you really love me, Catherine..."

"I do love you so much, John. I might not be expressive enough but I love you in my own ways. Just trust me on this!" she said pleadingly.

After much deliberation, he finally decided to concede. "What will be the arrangement?"

"We won't have contact and won't see each other for three months."

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"Hell no! I won't accept that. I will die if I can't see and touch you, Catherine! You damn know it!" he broke into a barrage of protest.

She buried her face in his chest. "We will see each other once a month."

"No! Once a month is not good enough for me," he opposed.

She sighed again. "How about once a week? Will it be good enough for you?"

"Yes. I think once a week is much better than nothing, and after 3 months, we will finally get married again? Even if your mother will land in the hospital on the day of our wedding you will still marry me?"

"Yes. Promised!"

"One more thing Catherine! If you plan to go out with that Jerome guy, no holding hands, no kissing and no making out and no physical contact between you two. Remember, I had eyes following you. If you do something that will anger me, I will reduce that suitor of yours into a bloody pulp! You understand Catherine!" he warned her.

She cowered in fear under his gaze. "You're so scary, John!" she complained.

"You haven't seen me lose control yet, Catherine. So, don't even try, okay my love? I might have agreed to your demands but I have my own limits!" he added in a menacing voice.

He cupped her face and showered it with sweet little kisses to wipe her fear away.

Catherine's breath was caught in her throat. She would be very careful with her moves so as not to anger him because she was afraid to see his evil side.

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