They had showered and dressed together and were now cuddling above the sofa.

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"Why don't we just live in together, Catherine?" he suggested. "You know, raise children and maybe someday your mother will be able to accept me when she sees her little grandchildren."

She pouted at his idea. "Too soon for that. I don't want children yet, I want to enjoy my time with you and am still young to be a mother. Maybe when am already 25 years old, that's the perfect time to have babies, besides I want to go back to school and finish a degree for myself first."

He was silent for a while. Every time they made love they hadn't use any contraceptive method, they just have sex all the way. How come that he already pumped too many of his seeds inside her, yet Catherine hadn't conceived yet? Maybe one of them is sterile?

"Catherine, have you by any means uses a method not to get pregnant?" he asked.

She frowned at her question. "What kind of question is that?"

"Why until now you haven't got pregnant yet? We made love so many times, you haven't conceived yet, why?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "I dunno why either. I haven't used anything. But I know of a white substance that once a woman ingests it after having sex with a guy she won't get pregnant. But am not using it when we are intimate with each other."

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He was still puzzled, they were both young so the chances of her getting pregnant should be high.

She looked at her in the eyes. "Why? Do you want babies now?"

"Yes. I want to see my babies with you as their mother." His eyes twinkled with excitement. He is of a marrying age already. He can't wait to have his own children with Catherine. With the wonderful thoughts of having children flooded his mind, he began attacking her with sweet kisses all over her face, her neck, and her lips.

"Let's make love in the bedroom now," he said in a thick voice. "I want to be inside you again to pump my seeds in your body so that we can produce babies," he grinned mischievously licking his lips.

Catherine rolled her eyes. "We just did it earlier. Give me a break!" She immediately jumped out of his reach and went inside the bedroom and locked the door from the inside preventing him from entering the room.

She lay down in the bed.

A few minutes later she was already sound asleep. She didn't know that the door slowly opened, John entered the room and was grinning while watching her sleeping form. He decided not to wake her up, he just slid beside her spooning her, then sleep beside her, totally contented having her by his side. "I love you so much, Catherine," he murmured in her ears. He never gets tired telling her that he loves her.

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By the time Catherine woken up, she was already imprisoned in John's loving arms. How did he get inside? Well, it doesn't matter, she can't escape from him.

She stirred and looked intently into his face that was full of scars. She took the initiative to shower kisses on his scar.

His eyes flew open and stared directly into her expressive eyes. "You're awake!"

"Yes, I am. When is the last time I told you I love you, John?" he asked all of a sudden.

"Can't remember, Catherine. You seldom tell me that you love me. What I hear most often is your loud moan every time I pleasure you," he smirked naughtily at her.

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She giggled then bit her lower lip. "I love you so much, John!" she whispered in his ears.

"I love you more Catherine!" he replied.

She shifted on top of him and positioned her lower body right into his hips. She gets rid of his shorts and also her own pants. Their lower bodies were now joined with just their underwear coverings.

She smiled at him and claimed his mouth for a lingering hot kiss that took their breath away. John starts unbuttoning her blouse, then unclasped her bra. Her breast sprung and John can't resist licking them, giving them equal sucking and kneading, these particular moves never fail to produce moan of pleasure for Catherine.


He continues sucking at her soft breast, then his other hand reached out to cupped her bottom, settling her center on his hardening arousal. Ahhhhh, he groaned...when his erection detected her moist core it hardens the more wanting to get out from the confinements of his briefs.

He changed position placing her body below him, his stiff rod clamoring for some live action. He wrapped her legs around his hips and began grinding on her core, slow at first then building momentum and speed up his thrust. He can no longer hold on, he gets rid of her panties and inserted his rod into her moist core, then he claimed her mouth for a kiss. The harder he plowed on her the louder her moaning becomes which spice up their lovemaking. With a few more hard thrust, he finally climaxes inside her, a few seconds later she followed suit.

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He kissed her back. "You satisfied?" he asked softly.

She smiled lovingly at him. "Yesss..."

He looked into her eyes.

"Catherine, I will be gone for a few days or weeks. I will go to Zamboanga Del Sur to check our mining business there. I hope that you will behave while I'm away," he said.

"Yes, of course, I will behave!" she said.

"Good!" he kissed her forehead. "I trust you completely. Do not make me worry while I'm away, okay?"

She nodded her head and snuggled deeper into his chest.

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