John already brought three tickets for his flight this afternoon, it's more or less 2 hours ride by plane from the Ninoy Aquino International Airport to Zamboanga City, he will be accompanied by his two bodyguards Ramon and George.

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He already instructed Romeo to forward to him any important papers that need his signature.

He shifted his attention to Allan who was waiting for his instruction.

"Allan, you will be my eyes and ears while am away. I want you to report to me every little detail regarding Catherine's activities and those of that guy Jerome. Watch out if they will go somewhere if he will pick her up from the hotel after her work or visit her on the house, make sure you knew all their movements. I am sure you can detect their body language if Catherine will start holding hands with that guy, report to me right away! I don't want to be left in the dark. I don't like waking up one day and hear of the news that my woman was already stolen by another guy under my nose. Catherine is my life, Allan, so be vigilant! Remember that!"

"Copy Sir," replied Allan.

"You can go now," said John.

Allan exited his employer's office and entered the elevator that would bring him down into the ground floor to wait for further instruction.

While in his office John called Catherine.

"John...," she answered right away.

"My flight is this afternoon, Catherine. I won't be able to see you in a few days or weeks. Will you miss me?"

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"Yes of course! I'm going to miss you!" she replied.

"Good. Listen, I really hate that Jerome guy! Stay away from him as much as possible, okay?"

She did not reply for a few seconds.

"Hello, Catherine, why are you not replying?"

"John, just take care of yourself there okay? Don't worry much, besides I know how to handle Jerome. Remember wherever you are my heart always belongs to you. I love you so much!" she uttered those words sweetly just to enforce his trust in her.

John loves hearing from Catherine how much she loves him, it never fails to bombard him with happiness.

"I'll be counting on your love and loyalty to me, Catherine! Please don't disappoint me!" he said.

"Yes, John. I won't disappoint you," she replied.

"I love you so much, Catherine!" he uttered his undying love for her.

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"I love you more, John! Take care and enjoy your trip later!"

He ended their call.

John ordered foods from his favorite restaurant and shared the foods with his bodyguards during lunch time.

Two hours later, the two bodyguards loaded their traveling bags in the car, Allan goes with them so that he can bring back the car to Infinity Jade Tower after the three boarded their flight.

Thirty minutes later John and his entourage arrived in Ninoy Aquino International Airport. Allan drove the car back into the Infinity Jade Tower while the travelers were already boarding their flight.

The flight from Manila Airport to Zamboanga City took one hour and forty-five minutes. From the city's airport, the companies car was already waiting for them to drive them for another five hours and twenty minutes journey to Pagadian City the capital city of Zamboanga Del Sur. The coal mining site which was located in the municipality of Dolingag, will take another hour drive from the capital city of Pagadian.

John and his entourage arrived in the municipality of Dolingag at exactly 8:00 PM in the evening. There's a 3-story building in the coal mining site where some of the staff were being housed. John and his bodyguards were being treated to a sumptuous dinner of native dishes such as grilled tilapia, sizzling squid, buttered shellfish, pork sisig, and rice.

The trio got their stomach full after the delicious dinner that night. They decided to stroll around the place, they roamed around the vicinity of the building that was surrounded by trees which in turn produces a cool breeze around them. The night was filled with stars above and the moon was shining brightly in the heavens. It was such a pleasant calm night during their arrival in the sleepy town.

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The caretaker of the building took them to a nearby lake, twenty meters away from the coal mining headquarters.

The sight that greeted them was extraordinarily breathtaking, the sleepy lake was one kilometer wide, dotted across its bank were trees of all sizes. The full moon was casting an eerie glow from above that reflected back into the water like a mirror. Everywhere around them was serene and beautiful.

"Fantastic!" exclaimed John.

"Amazing!" added Ramon.

"Can we sleep around here?" asked George. "You know, bring camping gear, have a bonfire, drinking beer while listening to some country music, and just enjoying the magnificent beauty of nature during the night," he suggested.

John looked at George amused, he patted his shoulder and smiled. "Nice suggestion, George! We will do that one of these days!"

They stayed for another two hours sitting along the embankment, listening to the sounds of insects buzzing around their ears.

George was so enamored by the beauty of the lake he can't resist wanting a dip.

"Sir, can I take a dip in the lake? For just a few minutes?"

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John smiled at George. "Go ahead, but you don't bring extra clothes with you-?"

George grinned from ear to ear. "I will go skinny-dipping!" he said enthusiastically.

Ramon chuckled. "Go ahead, George!"

George asked Rogelio if the lake is safe to swim. "Rogelio, the lake doesn't have any piranha, right?"

The old man smiled at the younger man. "No. There is no piranha in this lake only giant crocodile," he produced a throaty laughed.

"Seriously?" asked George worriedly.

"I'm just joking! Go ahead take a dip! It's practically safe bathing in this lake. The coal miners love to swim in this lake after their work. It's pretty safe!" explained Rogelio.

Given with a go signal from the caretaker, George waste no time stripping all his clothes and go commando and jumped right into the sleepy lake creating a big splash of water around him. He was such a fast swimmer, swimming from point A to Z like a pro, having a good time.

John, Ramon, and the Caretaker enjoyed watching him from afar.

It was such an enjoyable tranquil night for the visitors. Mother nature welcomes them with open arms.

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