The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 92: 92

Driven with an insatiable curiosity to know more about the man with the mask who is his rival, Jerome visited Thelma early the next day. He foregone fetching Catherine in the hotel just to have a long talk with her mother.

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Jerome sat down on the chair facing the older woman ready for a long talk.

"Auntie, where did Catherine and this guy meet?"

"They meet in the village, in our hometown. She was selling vegetable in the market then that guy saw her and taken a liking on her."


"He invited my daughter to their house where he was staying and then when they were alone, he raped my daughter in his room for two nights straight and didn't let her go home!" Thelma got misty-eyed just thinking about it. She decided to omit some of the truth from Jerome.

Jerome's eyes widened in shocked!

"What the hell?" he exclaimed.

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"Yes. That guy become her boyfriend, my daughter fall in love with her rapist! I felt it's wrong to fall in love with your rapist. I told my daughter about it many times but she won't listen to me. She still prefers to marry that guy even without my consent! I want that guy rotting in jail for the crime he committed to my daughter but my daughter refused to listen to my reasoning. She was madly in love with her rapist!"

Jerome was dumbfounded. So, Catherine was a **** victim, worst she was willing to marry her rapist. He took a deep breath trying to understand her point of view. Maybe she was just trying to salvage her ruined reputation. Poor Catherine!

Thelma was now afraid that Jerome might change his mind and no longer pursue her daughter.

Jerome saw the fear and worry in the older woman's eyes. "Don't worry Auntie, I still love your daughter after knowing everything about her today. I am still willing to marry her."

Thelma sighed in relief after hearing Jerome's assurance.

"That is why I want you to be my son in law rather than that rapist guy!" she said.

Jerome was contemplating on how to use this revelation to get Catherine to marry him.

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"The problem Auntie, your daughter don't want to go on a date with me. Besides, she and his boyfriend were still together and the way I see it their relationship is going strong. I simply don't have a place in your daughter's heart," he exhaled deeply.

Thelma was also thinking of the same thing. She wants Catherine and John to break up for good. This needs meticulous planning.

Jerome was also thinking of the same on how to win Catherine's affection.

"By the way Auntie, I want to ask why her boyfriend wears a mask?" asked Jerome.

"Because he has lots of scars on his face. He got into an incident seven years ago. He has an ugly face that is why he had to wear a mask all the time," explained Thelma.

"I see...," he said. Now he finally understood what was the mask is for. Now he was more convinced that Catherine really loves her rapist because even if he is ugly as hell she still wants to marry him. "I think she really loves him, Auntie. In spite of his ugly appearance she was still willing to marry him. That means I don't stand a chance in her heart," he uttered the words sadly.

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Thelma can't accept the hint of resignation in his voice.

Then a bright idea appeared in her mind. She whispered something in Jerome's ear.

Jerome's eyes almost popped out from their socket. "No. I won't do that to your daughter Auntie! It's almost like ****!" he was totally blown away by the older woman's suggestion.

"No. Am not saying you will r-ape my daughter! What am trying to say is that try to make her sleep in her room, getting her drunk or whatever, then get inside there and when she sees the two of you get naked together after she wakes up she might think that she had given her body to you and out of shame she will marry you."

Jerome was totally horrified of the older woman's suggestion. She was desperate to even think about it to the point of leading her own daughter to slaughter. But he also understood her intention just that her method is a bit unethical!

Maybe there is another way how to make Catherine fall in love with him. He will just have to think of a better plan.

They were so engrossed in their conversation they didn't notice that the darkness of the night had already descended upon them and Catherine might be already on her way home.

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Thelma looked at Jerome's face, she can see that he was not impressed with her idea. "Just forget about it Jerome, let's just pretend I never said all those things."

He looked at Thelma and nodded his head. "Yes, Auntie. Let's forget everything that we have discussed today."

Catherine suddenly entered the door.

"Hi, Mother...Hi Jerome!" she greeted them and went straight to her room to change her clothes. She didn't notice the guilt and shame on their downcast faces.

When she exited her room Jerome was already long gone. She finds it strange that he goes home early without even talking to her. He wouldn't pass the opportunity to talk and get close to her.


That night inside Jerome's bedroom...

He was tossing and turning in his bed. Thelma's suggestion kept replaying in his mind. He knew how date **** drug works, it's a substance that is odorless and colorless and can be mixed into a drink undetected, he knew about it during his college days. He can contact his old schoolmate in college and ask for it and how to use it safely. He picked up his phone and called his friend with a determined look in his eyes.

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