Jerome and his friend in college met at a bar nearby. They chose a quiet room to talk about such a sensitive topic.

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"Bro, wazzup?" Mark patted his friend's shoulder.

"I'm good bro. How's life nowadays?"

"Just fine bro. Navigating my life alone with my six years old daughter."

"Huh? Where is Cynthia? Did you break up with her? The last time I know you were living together and was about to get married that was last 3 years ago," said Jerome.

Mark's eyes were clouded with sorrow and sadness, remembering his turbulent relationship with Cynthia.

"You remembered how my relationship with Cynthia started, right?" he asked Jerome.

"Yes...," Jerome remembered so well that dark night many years ago when he becomes an accessory of a crime. He had forgotten about it until today.

He and Mark was a close friend in college. He got the brains and the looks, Mark only got the looks and money but not the brain. In short, he helped Mark passed all his college lessons. Until one day, he finds out that his friend was getting closer to a woman. That woman was Cynthia who got a boyfriend in another school.

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To make the story short, Mark was obsessed with Cynthia, courting her, showering her material things that money can buy. Unfortunately, the girl only considered Mark as a friend and she turned him down repeatedly, this does not sit well with Mark who is hell-bent in making Cynthia as his woman.

Mark was getting obsessive to the point of trailing Cynthia all the way to her boarding house every night, sending tons of messages on her mobile phones, sending flowers daily, appearing on her side wherever she goes. The girl got fed up and threatened to stop talking to him forever and switched school. Afraid that he will ultimately lose the girl he mellowed down with her obsessive actions.

Instead of fifty messages a day, he only sends one message daily. He stopped sending her flowers and gifting her material things, he no longer follows her around and ceased appearing in her boarding house every night wanting a glimpse of her.

Jerome was glad that Mark finally came to his senses and changed for the better. Mark starts shifting his attention back to his studies and resumed hanging out with Jerome more often.

Cynthia and Mark's friendships return to normal the way before he becomes obsessive with her.

Later Jerome found out that the calm was just an illusion, a cover-up for a sinister plot that Mark was cooking up in his mind for Cynthia.

On Marks 20th birthday, Mark invited Jerome, Cynthia and her best friend over for a quiet celebration in one of their family's beach cottage house in Batangas during the weekend. They arrived at the cottage Friday night and will head back to the city Sunday night, the cottage was situated in front of a fantastic white sandy beach. The four of them were having a good time swimming at the beach that night.

Unknown to Jerome, his friend had already hatched a plan in his mind on how to successfully win Cynthia over.

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Mark instructed Jerome to bring over Cynthia's friend inside the cottage and watch TV. He also gave him a white powdery substance to be mixed on Hazel's drink while her attention was on the TV, when he asked what's the purpose of the powder Mark told him that it was meant to put Hazel to sleep soundly.

Finding it odd, nonetheless, he obeyed his instruction. Mark and Cynthia were left alone in the beach talking and admiring the view of the tranquil sea. While Jerome and Hazel were now back in the living room of the cottage watching a sports show.

"You want some drinks, Hazel?" he asked her.

"Yes, please Jerome and thanks!" she brings her attention back to the show.

Jerome went inside the kitchen and picked up one bottle of soda drink, open it up and poured the powder inside the bottle, it mixed well with the contents of the bottle without changing its original color.

He returned in the living room and gave the bottle to Hazel. The unsuspecting woman starts drinking from the bottle and soon enough emptied its contents.

Jerome was observing Hazel from time to time.

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After a few minutes, Hazel stood up and walked towards the bedroom where the ladies were staying. "Jerome, am feeling sleepy. I call it a night. Tell Cynthia I sleep early because am feeling so sleepy..." she yawned. She entered the door and closed it behind him.

Fifteen minutes later, Jerome stood up and pushed the door a little, he saw Hazel sleeping soundly in the bed she shared with Cynthia, he closed the door and go back watching TV.

Ten minutes later...

Mark entered the cottage with the sleeping Cynthia in his arms. His friend got this wide insane smile on his face.

Jerome opened the door of the room where Hazel was sleeping. But he was puzzled when Mark brought the sleeping Cynthia into their room instead.

"Bro, what are you doing?" the suspicion was now growing in his mind.

"What do you think, bro?" Mark grinned from ear to ear. "Sorry bro, just sleep there on the sofa for the meantime until am done with my girl. Watch out for Hazel, she might wake up suddenly and you know what to do!"

Jerome was left alone in the living room mouth agape, shaking his head, totally shocked!

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Mark proceeds to enter his room and after laying down the sleeping woman in the bed he closed and locked the door behind him.

He walked slowly towards the bed and scanned Cynthia's sleeping form. He dreamed about this scene a thousand times in his fantasy, having her in his room to ogle as many times he wants and now it's finally happening!

Excited, he stripped all his clothes including his underwear. He climbed into the bed and began removing the sleeping woman's clothes piece by piece, he was already drooling seeing her nakedness.

He heard a frantic knock on the door.

"Bro, stop what you are doing!" it was Jerome's voice.

Mark ignored his friend. He lay down beside Cynthia and took pictures of them together naked. He then pressed the video recording and placed the phone in the bedside table in front of them.

He shifted on top of Cynthia and start doing the deed. He repeated the horrible deed all night long until he was finally sated violating her body over and over again. Done for the night, at 4:00 AM in the early morning, he donned all the discarded clothes back on Cynthia's body. He then carried her sleeping form into the ladies room and placed her beside the sleeping Hazel.

He saw Jerome fallen asleep on the sofa while the television was still playing some random show, he took the remote control and turn off the TV.

Mark went back to his room still wearing a satisfied grin on his face. Tomorrow he will repeat the same process again.

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