Jerome looked at Mark's face, he saw emptiness inside his friends' dark orbs, a deep longing as well.

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"Did you regretted it, Mark?" he asked.

Mark shut his eyes for a few seconds, then resumed talking...

"Honestly no! I have no regrets claiming the woman I love the wrong way. I know I might burn in hell after I died because of the grave mistake I made, but seeing my daughter's face that looks exactly like her, I know I will do it over and over again. The times I spent with Cynthia is priceless, I thought she would start loving me after I got her pregnant. It was all a lie on her part. She stayed with me for another year after she gives birth to our daughter, but when our daughter turns two years old, she just vanished one day and never returns to our side. The last thing I learned about her whereabouts is that she got married to the guy she was in a relationship with during the time I was obsessed with her. They broke up way back then they reconciled again, now they have one child together and are happily married."

Jerome shook his head feeling pity for his friend.

Mark stared at his friend's face deeply and took a powdery substance wrapped in transparent cellophane from his pants pocket. "What do you need this for?

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Jerome stared at the white substance that his friend was holding. "The same situation as yours, am falling madly in love with a woman who already engaged to another guy."

Mark blinked twice. "So, you are following my footsteps?"

"Maybe yes and maybe not. I haven't decided yet. I'm still thinking of the pros and cons, weighing the consequences of my actions later on. But I need that just in case I will change my mind. How many you got?"

"I have five more," he extracts more of those white substance from his pocket and dropped it in Jerome's palm.

"Wait. I will pay you," he said pulling out his wallet and about to pick some cash to pay his friend.

"No. No need bro. Just pay me in hell afterward," he grinned.

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"Can I see the photo of your daughter?" asked Jerome.

Mark swipe at his mobile device and several photos of the cherubic face of the little girl smiling like an angel appear in the screen. "My daughter is my world, bro! The only best thing that came out as a result of the evil thing that I did to Cynthia."

Jerome stared at the young girl's smiling photo while sitting in his father's lap. He was thinking how his and Catherine's daughter will look like? A smile was tugging at his lips. It would be nice if he and Catherine's can have at least one daughter. But it would be impossible to have a daughter with Catherine if he can't even hold her hand unless he will follow Mark's footsteps.

Mark deposited back his phone in his pants pocket.

"To be honest Jerome. My advice to you is to not follow my footsteps. Just find another woman to love she will come in due time. Don't steal another guy's woman if you don't want to suffer unbearable pain later on."

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"I will keep your advice in mind, bro, thanks for this!" Jerome put all the white powdery substance in his backpack.

"I will go now first. My daughter is waiting for me in the house. You will be okay in here, alone?"

Jerome nodded his head.

"Okay, got to go! Let's meet from time to time and catch up with each other's lives. And don't forget my advice to you, find another woman to love! Don't force yourself on someone. Okay?"

Jerome nodded again. "Bye bro!"

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Mark left the place...

Jerome was left alone drinking some light beer, pondering how to carry out his plan for Catherine.

First, he can carry out his plan easily because Catherine's mother was very supportive of this idea. The next thing to think about is how, when and where he will execute his plan? He will have to think things thoroughly, his plan must be smooth and flawless if he wants to succeed. As for what will happen after he will succeed? How will he deal with Catherine's reaction and fury? He doesn't want to think about it yet, he will deal with it after the first stage is already done.

Catherine might hate him after, but later on, out of shame, she will be willing to go in a relationship with him and then they will eventually get married and have their own children. Jerome was already focusing on the happy ever after and not thinking of the negative outcome.

He just needs to carry the deed and to hell with the consequences later.

Tomorrow he will visit Catherine in their home from there he will start planning when to execute his plan, just thinking about it filled Jerome's mind and body with exhilarating energy. Just the thought of owning Catherine, able to kiss and touch her body all night long without any objection from her is tantalizing to his mind.

Imagining the intimate activity he can do to her body while she was sleeping is making him excited, he suddenly felt aroused. He will take his time undressing her, then he will lick every inch of her skin from her toes all the way to her head. Then he will take his time sucking at her breast and nibbled at her kissable lips and later on enter her body over and over again, he won't stop until he will get tired and feel satisfied. He will keep repeating the same thing as many times as he can until she will get pregnant with their first child. Then they will get married and start a happy family of their own.

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